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Alvyer nervously knocked on the door. The idea of a "boarding house", while it sounded more like a place where one learned to be a pirate, he knew to be a place to find shelter and food and, hopefully, time alone to plan and research. He steeled himself to face humans again, and hoped that the disaster he had gone through wouldn't happen again. He carried his socks and shoes in his hand as his feet were still slightly damp from his dip in the harbor. That had served to calm his mind well.

No one had responded yet. He knocked again. He was anxious to get off the street.

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  • 1 year later...

Darien walked up to the boarding house. Darien knocked on the door. Elek whispered, "someone is following us."

He said, "what do they look like?"

"Tall, arrogant, maybe a little angry. they have the look of someone who is used to ordering people around."

Darien nodded and said under his breath, "are they anyone we know?"

"They look vaguely like one of the patients at the hospital in the waiting room."

But just then someone answered the door.


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Darien smiled, "well mr Daelith, I am looking for a certain Arien Spear, he was at the Eindlung hospital a few years back. I'm a friend of his, he had a head injury that may have caused amnesia. he look like this." Darien took the picture out of the file and showed it to Mr Daelith, it showed a greasy looking man with several tattoos. "have you seen him?"


Edited by Thaidakar the Ghostblood
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"Yes, I believe that he came here a couple days ago seeking lodging for a couple of days. I can call him and see if he is in, if you would like." He paused briefly, "That said, I would prefer any talking to be done outside. Violence is strictly prohibited on the premise, and those who violate the rules don't find themselves in a position to violate them a second time." With that said, he went up to fetch the Mr. Spear.


Thaidakar, if you want him to be in his room, you can RP the manager coming back down the steps with him, if not you can RP him coming down and saying that he's not in his room.

@Thaidakar the Ghostblood

Edited by MacThorstenson
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mkay, I will do a scene or two here and then I will go to a different location thread to do something else.

Darien sat down in a chair, Elek said, "we need to make sure we do this as discreetly as possible. remember the person out front who is following us."

Mr Daelith walked down the stairs with Arien. Arien looked nervous, his gaunt features were only slightly reminiscent of his former look. Arien widened his eyes as he saw Darien, "Dar? is that you!"

Darien smiled, "yes Arien, it's me."

Elek said warily, "now carefully prod him to come outside."

"Why don't we go outside and talk." said Darien, "get some fresh air, maybe take a walk."

Arien nodded, "we have so much to catch up on!"

Darien smiled, it was a shame, he liked Arien. Darien opened the door and Arien went out first. 


consider the below the next post

Outside the person Elek had said was following them leaned against the window of the boarding house. 

Arien ignored the person and walked forward, "so what've you been up to Dar?"

Darien sighed, "well Ar, I've been trying to find you Ar! I heard you had been at the Eindlung hospital, so I came immediately, then they tipped me off that you were here and I came!"

Arien smiled, "nice, I have a new friend Dar. he's right there!" he gestured to the side, nothing was there. "say hi to Daggon!"

Elek said, "completely nuts."

"hi Daggon!" said Darien absently. Arien was insane. after they had walked down a side path, Darien put his hand over Arien's shoulder, and whispered in Arien's ear, "I'm sorry to do this friend, but I have to."

Arien looked frightened, Darien plunged the spike into Arien's back and Arien gasped in pain, "what? Da-ari-i-en, I thou-ou-ought you-"

Darien frowned as he pulled the spike out of Arien's back. He grabbed a jar at his belt full of red liquid and put the spike in there. Darien sighed as he left Arien to die on the side of the path. 

Elek said, "we had to do this Darien, we had to."

Darien grimaced, "I know Elek, I know."

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm just now trying all this out, so please let me know if I do something against the rules or that's not fair or something. This is my first RP.

Ari Peras strolled along the dusty street, examining his surroundings. The stones beneath his feet were worn, scuffed from the thousands of boots that had traveled these roads. Most of the buildings were weathered, wood and stone cracked and dirty. Glancing down, he examined the paper he'd grabbed from a notice board. "Mac's Boarding House" it stated in large, bold letters. Supposedly it was a good place for someone new to town to spend a few nights.

Ari spotted the correct building, and stepped up to the door. He raised his fist and rapped his knuckles on the wood.


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A well appointed man answered the door of the towering brownstone. "Please come in," he started, "My name is Mr. Daelith, current Manager of the boarding house, how can I help you today?" He stepped aside revealing a spacious sitting area with a hearth and bar. No one else was present in the front room, save a barkeep polishing glasses.



Will do, but nothing to worry about you are doing fine. 


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Ari stepped through the door. "Thank, Mr. Daelith." he said, "I'm looking for room and board, but I'm short on currency. You seem like a well-informed fellow, how could I earn my keep or do you know of any jobs in the area that pay well?"



What's the currency?


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3 hours ago, HippoPhileus said:

Ari stepped through the door. "Thank, Mr. Daelith." he said, "I'm looking for room and board, but I'm short on currency. You seem like a well-informed fellow, how could I earn my keep or do you know of any jobs in the area that pay well?"



Currency is called crysts. They are just inexpensive Crystal coins.

"Hmm," He started, eyeing up his visitor, "A lack of funds shouldn't be an issue, we offer discounted rates until people are able to find employment or get on their feet again. But in terms of what you could do to get there, I might not be as much help. We can always use help around here, our cleaning staff in particular is one man down. Besides that, I know the major guilds are always hiring. TUBA, the Ghostbloods, the Liebrary, the scholars guild, and the Canton of Combat come to mind. Those are probably the best options. Besides that, I suppose working the streets and following after help wanted signs is probably your next best bet."

He paused, then gestured through a set of double doors at the back of the room, "If you'll follow me back to my office, we can sort out room and board." He started making his way toward the back of the room.

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2 minutes ago, HippoPhileus said:

"Thank you for the suggestions, I'll look into them," Ari said as he followed Daelith through the doors.

After winding his way through a dining area, he entered an a non-descript office. There were filing cabinets on either side and a large wooden desk in the middle. He motioned for his guest to take a seat, "While I gather all the paperwork, why don't you tell me about yourself. Whats your name, where are you from, why you made your way over to the Alleycity, that sort of stuff."

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On 3/26/2022 at 8:35 PM, MacThorstenson said:

After winding his way through a dining area, he entered an a non-descript office. There were filing cabinets on either side and a large wooden desk in the middle. He motioned for his guest to take a seat, "While I gather all the paperwork, why don't you tell me about yourself. Whats your name, where are you from, why you made your way over to the Alleycity, that sort of stuff."

Sitting, Ari began, "My name is Ari Peras and I'm from Threnody. I've been traveling the Alleyverse for some time now, about 17 years. I study investiture, but I'm here for work, a change of scenery, and to consult other researchers. Sao is my... Sao? Where is he? If he gets into any more trouble I'll-"

Ari was cut off by a seon whizzing into the room.

"Ari! Ari! You'll never guess what I've found! You know the other day when we were discussing static and kinetic investiture? Well I've just found a man who has this very interesting theory. He says that-" the seon paused, taking notice of Daelith for the first time, "Hello! My name is Sao! What's yours?"

Daelith studied the seon. At it's center he could see the aon, a complex design of crisscrossing arcs.


The aon Sao:



Sao means intelligence, or learning.


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On 3/27/2022 at 5:13 PM, HippoPhileus said:

Sitting, Ari began, "My name is Ari Peras and I'm from Threnody. I've been traveling the Alleyverse for some time now, about 17 years. I study investiture, but I'm here for work, a change of scenery, and to consult other researchers. Sao is my... Sao? Where is he? If he gets into any more trouble I'll-"

Ari was cut off by a seon whizzing into the room.

"Ari! Ari! You'll never guess what I've found! You know the other day when we were discussing static and kinetic investiture? Well I've just found a man who has this very interesting theory. He says that-" the seon paused, taking notice of Daelith for the first time, "Hello! My name is Sao! What's yours?"

Daelith studied the seon. At it's center he could see the aon, a complex design of crisscrossing arcs.


Daelith glanced the seon, at the center there was glowing version of the Aon Sao. 

"Well met Sao," He said with a little bow, "My name is Mr. Daelith, proprietor of this fine establishment," 

Turning back to Ari with a stack of papers in hand, "Well, being an investiture researcher I might suggest you check out the Scholars guild, they are the most reputable collection of scholars currently active. They can always use some help, but you showed up at a good time. The alleyverse has been going through an unprecedented era of peace these last several years, and so scholarship is progressing at a fascinating rate. 

With regards to our business, here is the lease. Its fairly standard, it offers a delayed payment for the first month, as well as a reduced rate until you can get on your feet, as well as information about renters insurance that you may need to know. If you would like I can wait here while you take a look at it and get it all filed right now, or you can take a while to read it. If/when you decide to sign, just leave it on this desk and your room will be ready by tonight."


My gosh I am so sorry about forgetting this, this ones completely on my dude.


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  • 2 weeks later...

As dark clouds loomed, a man in a dark blue cloak walked up to the door, face covered by a scarf against the wind. He made it to the doorway just after the sky let loose, pouring down an excessive amount. He seemed to hesitate for a moment, then felt a ripple pass through the energy he could always sense. He drew his cloak closer, then knocked, a gleam reflecting off his golden irises.



Edited by EmulatonStromenkiin
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The door opened, revealing the face of a young Herdazian woman with dark tan skin and brown ringlets. Her eyes were a pleasant toffee color, and bright with a smile. A smile that faltered as she caught sight of the downpour outside.

”Taln’s teeth, it sure is coming down out there isn’t it? Reminds me of home! Well, don’t stand out there gawping, gancho, come in!”

She bustled into the main room and quickly slid behind the bar, tugging absently at the glove on her left hand.

”Drink? I’d guess you’ve had enough of water. We’ve got nearly everything, though I’ll warn you, if you order Horneater white I’ll pour it for you, and make you drink it, too. Stuff’s damnation expensive to import, for what’s little more than paint thinner.”

She smiled again, leaning on the bar. “Name’s Tashi. Welcome to Mac’s Boarding House.”


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The stranger walked in, dripping on the floor. after a moment, he removed his hood and pulled down the scarf from his face. he walked up to the bar and sat down.

"Hello, Tashi," he said in a low voice, which was raspy from disuse. He had a strange accent, one that made his language oddly stilted. "I'll take water, nothing with alcohol. It has ... unfortunate effects near me, especially that which is meant for drinking. If possible, I would like to rent a room. in the meanwhile, do you have anything to eat?" he looked at her hopefully, dark hair unruly and unkempt.

"I'm also looking for information, or people who can help me discover exactly what is going on here."



{not for rp: can't figure out how to mention multiple at once, tried to get @Rushu42 and @mathiau.


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Tashi nodded, filling a cup with water as well as setting a pot on the stove to boil. No harm, she thought. A pot of tea was always a good idea, especially for a fellow who looked as pensive as this one.

”We’ve got stew in the pot, or I could make you a sandwich. I’m sure there’s some kind of cheese around here somewhere…” she ducked into the kitchen, poking through the shelves, before giving up and returning to the bar. 

“As for a room, would you be looking for a few nights or longer? Mr. Daelith handles the leases but if you’re only staying for a bit, it’s…” Tashi counted in her head, “one firemark a night, and that gets you two meals and a bath. If you’ve got different money there’s a chart somewhere around here.” 

Tashi tapped her flinty nails against the bar top and considered the man’s last question.

”As to information, well, that depends on the kind you’re lookin for. A girl hears all sorts of things behind a bar, if you get my meaning, though nothin’ gets ya nothin’ eh, gancho?”

Tashi took a single clearchip out of her pocket and rolled it around on the bar. “And if there’s a question I can’t answer, well, I’m sure I can point you in the right direction.”


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"Stew would be fine, it certainly smells good. I'll be needing a room for a few nights at least, I'm looking for a more permanent place to stay after ... recent events." the stranger paused for a moment, a distant look in his strange eyes. He shook his head and refocused on Tashi.

"As for the money, I don't know if you can convert mine, It's not from here." He reached into his cloak and pulled out four odd coins, ones not made of normal alloys.

"This is most of what I've got, Redӕls, Fents, Norts, and Denps. Haven't found anyone who can convert them, but I have a few Crysts, not sure how much they're worth." He paused again.

"I realize I have not told you my name, as politeness dictates. I am called Balance. As for the information, something here is ... off. The energy feels warped, and I keep seeing discrepancies that no one else seems to notice. I was told to ask after the Scholars guild." He looked at Tashi, his eyes having wandered during his speech.


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Sam glanced around the front of the building and found the sign. “Mac’s Boarding House” he muttered to himself. He glanced down at the paper with an address and a short note scrawled on it. “I guess this is the right place.” 
He crumpled the paper and stuffed it into the pocket of his forest green suit pants. He then dodged around a few rain drops and opened the door. He stepped through the doorway and his eyes darted around the room. He closed the door behind him, and relaxed. The room instantly snapped to life, and he heard a loud boom right behind him. 
“Sorry!” He said wincing. “Well, you’ve had worse entrances.” he thought to himself, as he checked to see if the door was broken.

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Tashi counted out the man’s strange money and shrugged. “Looks alright to me, Balance.” She stepped into the kitchen and ladled up a bowl of stew, setting it before him with a smile.

”As for the Scholar’s Guild, well, you might have a bit of a rough time there. Whole place was demolished, some sort of animal attack as far as I’ve heard it. Some of them got sent to the hospital, the rest…” She trailed off, as of to say “who knows?” 

“Flick my sparks, but you’re not wrong about strange things going on around here. Makes a girl glad to have her Gold where she can see it.” Tashi tapped the little gold hoop set through her left nostril with a wink. 

Just then, the door opened and slammed shut with enough force to rattle the windows. Tashi reached below the bar where Mr. Daelith kept the old ironwood truncheon, then relaxed as she saw the sheepish look on the newcomer’s face. 

“Oi!” Tashi called, one hand on her hip. “No Steelrunning inside. Makes the insurance premiums cost more than a damn Ryshadium. Now what’ll it be?”

@EmulatonStromenkiin @Emery the Windrunner

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21 minutes ago, ZincAboutIt said:


“Oi!” Tashi called, one hand on her hip. “No Steelrunning inside. Makes the insurance premiums cost more than a damn Ryshadium. Now what’ll it be?”

“Sorry, I was trying to not get wet in the rain.” He said wincing.

He hangs his hat and cloak on the hat rack by the door, and walks over to the bar leaning slightly on his cane.

“Do you have any soda?” He asks sitting down on a stool.


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