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Is Hoid stuck on Roshar


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Ok so I have seen 2 different quotes one that says Hoid is stuck on roshar and another that says he's not.


It's possible to travel to other worlds while you're bonded to a spren just like it's possible to worldhop while you're a Cognitive Shadow like the Heralds and it's not super-hard to do but it requires some knowledge (WoB contains a Mistborn spoiler). Hoid may or may not have already known the trick going in but if he didn't then he's probably going to either figure it out quickly or track down someone on Roshar who could tell him how it works. He already knows one person he could go to who's figured it out (assuming he's aware they're on Roshar at least) and it probably wouldn't be too hard for him to get ahold of Khriss (by way of Nazh, who's been hanging around the same parts of Roshar) if he needed to since she's almost certain to be able to tell him how to do it, at least from a theoretical perspective.

And then


Questioner (paraphrased)

Now that Hoid has bonded a spren, is he locked on Roshar?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

Yes, that is a problem. Something will happen that is relevant. RAFO.

So I'm confused. Also why would you be stuck on Roshar while bonded to a spren. They're part of the cognitive realm right?


We did see Kelsier travel in the Cognitive realm in Secret History

, or was that only because he was a Cognitive shadow.  Feel free to RIP me apart on this I've read all the books except White Sands but in still trying to catch up on all things cosmere 


Edited by Hoidwillsaveus
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A spren is a Cognitive Shadows of sorts and therefore stuck to its respective part of Shadesmar. So it's not the Knight but the spren that's the reason for that. In the first WOB, Brandon merely clarifies that there is indeed a way around that - one that the Heralds for instance, as Cognitive Shadows travelling between Roshar and Braize, have figured out. Although we don't know whether or not Hoid knows how it works by the time of Oathbringer, it's safe to say he's figured it out by Mistborn Era 2, which is set after SA's front five and shows Hoid casually making cameos as usual. That said, it's still completely unclear how it works, or what would happen to a Cognitive Shadow if they tried to leave their planet, for that matter.

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He definitely is stuck on Roshar, for now, but there is a way to work around that and he will find it. (Elegy covered it really well). 

Yes, spren are part of the CR but distance is relevant there. 

2 hours ago, Hoidwillsaveus said:

We did see Kelsier travel in the Cognitive realm in Secret History

But he still was bound to Scadrial and as he reached the space between worlds it was difficult for him to move forward. He noticed that at some point it would get too hard and would force him to stop. 


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3 hours ago, Elegy said:

 That said, it's still completely unclear how it works, or what would happen to a Cognitive Shadow if they tried to leave their planet, for that matter.

We have seen that, spoiler:




OTOH, I remember a WoB that Heralds are bound to the Greater Roshar system and none of them ever left it. So, it may or may not be technically possible for them.

There is also this WoB, however:





Alex Hetu

If you went to Shadesmar on Scadrial would there be spren there?

Brandon Sanderson

"Spren" is a term for things on Roshar. So yes, there are a few, but they're from Roshar originally.

General Twitter 2015 (Dec. 11, 2015)


So, some people clearly discovered how to export spren to other planets in the past.

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4 hours ago, Elegy said:

Brandon merely clarifies that there is indeed a way around that - one that the Heralds for instance, as Cognitive Shadows travelling between Roshar and Braize, have figured out.

The Heralds are still bound to the Rosharan system. 

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5 hours ago, Hoidwillsaveus said:

Ok so I have seen 2 different quotes one that says Hoid is stuck on roshar and another that says he's not.

And then

So I'm confused. Also why would you be stuck on Roshar while bonded to a spren. They're part of the cognitive realm right?

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We did see Kelsier travel in the Cognitive realm in Secret History

, or was that only because he was a Cognitive shadow.  Feel free to RIP me apart on this I've read all the books except White Sands but in still trying to catch up on all things cosmere 

I don't think there's a conflict.  The first quote says that Hoid is likely to figure it out quickly, and the second that he hasn't figured it out currently.  Also, I'm not sure who you're quoting in the first one, but the second one is a WoB directly from Brandon, so it's best to defer to those.  


P.s. You should indicate what book the spoiler is for when you mark them.  Otherwise nobody will know whether or not it's safe for them to open it.  

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8 hours ago, Elegy said:

A spren is a Cognitive Shadows of sorts and therefore stuck to its respective part of Shadesmar. So it's not the Knight but the spren that's the reason for that. In the first WOB, Brandon merely clarifies that there is indeed a way around that - one that the Heralds for instance, as Cognitive Shadows travelling between Roshar and Braize, have figured out.

They haven't actually, or they wouldn't continue to be bound to the greater Rosharan System. It's that star system that they're tied to, not Roshar specifically. The Mistborn spoiler example given previously involves a system where there isn't anywhere else within that system that has a Cognitive presence, so there's really nowhere else to go once you hit the edge of Scadrial that doesn't count as leaving the system. By contrast, Roshar's got two other 'zones' in the CR that one can travel to without having to actually leave the system as a whole.

But yeah, in the wake of Oathbringer Hoid is temporarily stuck in the Rosharan System because of his spren but we know he won't stay bound for very long.

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You're all right, of course. I mentioned the Heralds in allusion to the quote in the original post:


It's possible to travel to other worlds while you're bonded to a spren just like it's possible to worldhop while you're a Cognitive Shadow like the Heralds

Wasn't the best idea though, obviously.

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