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Hi. I'm new, both to this forum and to forums in general. I started as a WoT fan I've read the entire series three times, and some of the books more than that (way too much free time I know, though I read WoT the first time when I was in middle school). I went out and bought Mistborn as soon as I heard Brandon Sanderson would be taking over for RJ. Now I've read all of Sanderson's books at least twice, and since reading Way of Kings, I've decided that Brandon Sanderson is now officially my favorite fantasy author. I'm interested in writing, I've dabbled a bit with writing stories of my own, but I think my real dream job would involve getting paid to read books. Other interests include physics, people, singing, and gardening.

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Your dream job would involve getting paid to read books?

Is there a job such as that?

Because, if there is, I'm in! ;)

Well, nice to meet you! So the forums' population is growing, hmm? That's nice :) What kind of stories do you write?

I've never heard anyone say that one of his interests is 'people'. What do you mean? Meeting people? Oh, I like physics, too. I'm a huge fan of Feynman.

Well, and I'm just speaking nonsense. AGAIN. See you!

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Your dream job would involve getting paid to read books?

Is there a job such as that?

Because, if there is, I'm in! ;)

Well, nice to meet you! So the forums' population is growing, hmm? That's nice :) What kind of stories do you write?

I've never heard anyone say that one of his interests is 'people'. What do you mean? Meeting people? Oh, I like physics, too. I'm a huge fan of Feynman.

Well, and I'm just speaking nonsense. AGAIN. See you!

I don't think such a job does exist, although I'm thinking about trying to get into being an Editor. So far my stories are incomplete ones. I haven't been writing for very long yet. People as in, human nature, psychology, figuring out what makes people tick. Also making new friends.

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I don't think such a job does exist, although I'm thinking about trying to get into being an Editor. So far my stories are incomplete ones. I haven't been writing for very long yet. People as in, human nature, psychology, figuring out what makes people tick. Also making new friends.

Well, a job as a book proof reader (editor), reviewer, or audio book voice talent would be people getting paid to read books, though not really paid for the actual ACT of reading the book (except of course audio book voice talent, but that's paid to read it out loud) :P

Also: Welcome to 17th shard!

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Another physics person? Today is awesome!

I'm Eric, the forum administrator and the theory guy. I'm also an aspiring writer and a weird math/physics guy. I think we're kindred spirits already. Except for the singing part--I don't do that. (Well, that's a lie. I do sing to some of the best Ayumi Hamasaki songs)

I'm glad you could be here! Welcome, welcome. If you have any site questions or issues, let me know.

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