Hello all. I came across Sandersons works a few months ago and have been working my way through them, and encouraging friends to do the same, and I've finally decided to ask some questions of the brains trust that is this forum. Apologies for character names that I've forgotten and other such things.
First, When talking to a friend, who is multi lingual, and talking her into reading the Cosmere she came across the German audio books for Mistborn. This made me wonder what they did for the translations, since German will allow you to create new compound words. Did they put words like "allomantic" straight into the book, or did they work out the compound word translation?
Second, How does the magic work on Sel? I only have a fairly basic understanding of the rules of magic in the Cosmere, but what I know is that there are three types of magic on each world. Scadrial has allomancy, ferrochemical abilities and hemalurgy. Sel, though, has drawing the symbols that the Elantrians use (can't remember what they were called, Ahn Do?) the chanting and bone spikes that the priests use and the martial art that the nobleman used at the end of Elantris. But, Sel also has the forging and bloodsealing from The Emperor's Soul, which brings it up to 5 magic types, unless I'm misunderstanding something which I probably am.
Third, is more of a theory. Adonolsium is killed and the shards of his body are split between the sixteen individuals who killed him. We don't know much about that whole situation, but my thought is that those that did the killing had been living with Adonolsium as their god for awhile and where opportunistic when they killed him and divided his power. Since then, they've all struggled to emulate Adonolsium, in their own ways, and one of the ways has been through magic. None of the sixteen understood how Adonolsium performed his magic/miracles and they had all, pre murder, developed their own theories as to how it worked. That's why different worlds have different ways of doing the same things, they didn't understand how Adonolsium could fly so on Scadrial they push against metal and on Roshar they use surgebindings. They had seen Adonolsium grant power to ordinary people and, perhaps, some of the eventual murders had speculated about how he had done so and come up with the theory that he had inserted some type of spike that grants a measure of power, and so on Scadrial that turns into hemalurgy and on Sel the cultish priesthood uses it to create monstrous super soldiers. So, my theory is that the 16 original shards were attempting to emulate Adonolsium with their magic systems and created their own systems based on the speculations of their pre shard personas and channeled by the laws of a universe that they hadn't fully understood when they gained their powers.
Finally, to lighten the mood. Would Shallan consider a lace glove to be scandalous lingerie?
Hello all. I came across Sandersons works a few months ago and have been working my way through them, and encouraging friends to do the same, and I've finally decided to ask some questions of the brains trust that is this forum. Apologies for character names that I've forgotten and other such things.
First, When talking to a friend, who is multi lingual, and talking her into reading the Cosmere she came across the German audio books for Mistborn. This made me wonder what they did for the translations, since German will allow you to create new compound words. Did they put words like "allomantic" straight into the book, or did they work out the compound word translation?
Second, How does the magic work on Sel? I only have a fairly basic understanding of the rules of magic in the Cosmere, but what I know is that there are three types of magic on each world. Scadrial has allomancy, ferrochemical abilities and hemalurgy. Sel, though, has drawing the symbols that the Elantrians use (can't remember what they were called, Ahn Do?) the chanting and bone spikes that the priests use and the martial art that the nobleman used at the end of Elantris. But, Sel also has the forging and bloodsealing from The Emperor's Soul, which brings it up to 5 magic types, unless I'm misunderstanding something which I probably am.
Third, is more of a theory. Adonolsium is killed and the shards of his body are split between the sixteen individuals who killed him. We don't know much about that whole situation, but my thought is that those that did the killing had been living with Adonolsium as their god for awhile and where opportunistic when they killed him and divided his power. Since then, they've all struggled to emulate Adonolsium, in their own ways, and one of the ways has been through magic. None of the sixteen understood how Adonolsium performed his magic/miracles and they had all, pre murder, developed their own theories as to how it worked. That's why different worlds have different ways of doing the same things, they didn't understand how Adonolsium could fly so on Scadrial they push against metal and on Roshar they use surgebindings. They had seen Adonolsium grant power to ordinary people and, perhaps, some of the eventual murders had speculated about how he had done so and come up with the theory that he had inserted some type of spike that grants a measure of power, and so on Scadrial that turns into hemalurgy and on Sel the cultish priesthood uses it to create monstrous super soldiers. So, my theory is that the 16 original shards were attempting to emulate Adonolsium with their magic systems and created their own systems based on the speculations of their pre shard personas and channeled by the laws of a universe that they hadn't fully understood when they gained their powers.
Finally, to lighten the mood. Would Shallan consider a lace glove to be scandalous lingerie?
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