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Jasnah in Tukar

Gray to

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In the WoK, in the chapter where Dalinar prepares to talk to Jasnah through spanreed, he wonders to himself if Jasnah was still in Tukar.

What was Jasnah doing in Tukar? Did she know that the God-Priest Tezim was actually Ishar? Is she secretly working with him? 

Probably not. It's probably just a reference thrown in to help with world building. But it would be cool if something did happen there

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Presumably she was there as part of her ongoing research into the Voidbringers and hoped there were records in the city that could help her. We know the Tukari are fighting the Emuli over a city that's claimed to be one of the Dawncities so it's not unreasonable to think that there might be useful information there. Also, it's non-Vorin so the chances of finding information that wasn't destroyed or censored by the Hierocracy is a lot higher.

As for Jasnah knowing about Tezim being Ishar? No, I really don't think so. Consider how Dalinar reacted when the Stormfather casually dropped that bombshell on him. Jasnah knows how important this information is and would volunteer that sort of thing if she knew. Say, during the point where she proposes going on a Herald Muder Hunt.

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To paraphrase Sigmund Freud, sometimes a vacation is just a vacation. :)

Nah, I'm sure she was there as part of her Voidbringer research. I do wonder what special tidbits (or false trails) may have awaited her there, given that its ruler is a mad Ishar.


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