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Pathian Earrings


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With the release of the inquisitor instruction kit (the Hemalurgic Table of Metals), I've noticed something odd about the Pathian earring that we see Wax with in Shadows of Self.

I can't remember exactly where it's stated but the "normal" metal for these earrings is duralumin because of its association with Connection, which makes sense considering its meant for conversing with Harmony, but this means that for some reason there were inquisitors with duralumin spikes for connection/identity that were used to create Harmony's hemalurgic communication earrings.

My first thought was that this was the linchpin spike to Connect the other spikes better with the inquisitors spirit web (but we know this is steel so it can't be). Why do you guys think these duralumin spikes were created in the first place, now that we know they either grant extra Connection or Identity?

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Remember that Ruin doesn't actually need more than the usual amount for inquisitors to control Marsh(which is the strong willed ones). He basically completely controlled Marsh when he wasn't even released yet(Well of Ascension)

He just happened to break control when Kelsier as Preservation slammed into Ruin before Vin took place of Preservation. So there was a shard intervention why Marsh broke out of his control.

Ruin has better control simply with more spikes involved.

Edited by goody153
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