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Based on Ba Ado Mishram providing the Singers with forms in place of Odium for a while and the way Yelig-nar works, I'd say you could probably bond one of the "higher" Unmade, the ones that can think - Sja-anat, Yelig-nar, Ba Ado Mishram, or Dai-gonarthis (probably that last one, we don't know for sure, but it is likely able to thing), though it probably wouldn't be as simple as a straight bond with a spren. 

You'd end up Odium's Bondsmith coming out the other side almost for sure if you managed it. Blessed peace's Voidsmith moniker is pretty accurate and sounds better than mine.

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I'm on vacation so I can't give you a page reference, but one of the in-universe Words of Radiance passages describes attempts to expand the order of Bondsmiths beyond three as "seditious". I'm pretty sure this is exactly what the author of in-universe WoR was referring to

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28 minutes ago, Kon-Tiki said:

I'm on vacation so I can't give you a page reference, but one of the in-universe Words of Radiance passages describes attempts to expand the order of Bondsmiths beyond three as "seditious". I'm pretty sure this is exactly what the author of in-universe WoR was referring to

I've said this multiple times in the past. I fully believe that the Unmade are of the right "level" of Spren to make a bondsmith and are the reason expansion of the order was seen as seditious. 

But bonding an Unmade is definitely possible. 



Can the Unmade be bonded?

Brandon Sanderson

Wow, plausible... Yes, or possible, I should say.


Additionally, we saw Re-Shephir attempt to supplant Shallan's bond with pattern. 

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Storm it Cal, I read the OP and thought about posting that exact WoB... 

Anyway, yeah it works, and you are probably made into a Renarin-esque Bondsmith. As for what they would look like, I have no clue. I also imagine that the effects it would be different depending on which Unmade you bonded.

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He was close to Thrill that is all.

But he eventually would do that. I would be sad if he fell, but !!!Oh My!!! he would be the most awesome villian ever.


EDIT: Anakin Skywalker would be naught in comparation...

Sauron, Dark One, Raise, Ati, Sidious, Thanos, Dormammu, Loki even Melkor would be nothing.

(No streng compar. just coolness)

Edited by NoiseSpren
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On 12/28/2018 at 11:43 AM, ArborealEtymologist said:

Do we think Dalinar did this in his early life?  Or was on the path to it perhaps?

Personally, I do think he was close to that with Nergaoul, but not necessarily in the Nahel bond sense.  There are a couple oddities with Dalinar and Nergaoul that don't align with some of what we've seen in bonds with spren, and Brandon has flat out said that Dalinar has a personal connection with Nergaoul which was "very important" in capturing Nergaoul.

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