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WoR Lightweaver ability?


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I am not sure if this has come up somewhere before but I couldn't find it and thought I would post it.

So currently doing a re read of WoR and just noticed something for the first time even though this is like the 6th time through.

It is where Shallan does the scetch of Gaz as well as all the other random Flora and fauna in the lait a day or so out of the war camps. During this scene she spaces off and just lets her hands draw and mind wander. After doing this she looks at the drawings and sees the one of people coming ashore and thinks one is Yalb, I always get distracted here thinking I wish this was true as she makes a similar comment. Then she turns the page and sees a picture of a lady leaning over another lady with a chisel aimed at the face of the bottom lady and then recognizes the bottom one as stiff maybe stone....

So we all know that Ash (Shallash the herald) goes around defacing art of herself and that second picture is clearly a scene of that, does that imply that the other picture/vision is real as well?

Do Lightweavers have remote viewing ability that can see current or more likely events from a recent past?

Kalladin does a remote viewing thing on the highstorm winds in his dream in tWoK could it be something similar with light photons for Shallan?

What do you think?

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6 minutes ago, Xanthys said:

So we all know that Ash (Shallash the herald) goes around defacing art of herself and that second picture is clearly a scene of that, does that imply that the other picture/vision is real as well?

I would think so. Shallan and her drawings have had weird abilities before. Like in WoK when she was drawing the cryptics following her... when they were in the CR and she was not.  

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Yes this has been brought up before, but it's usually glossed over or completely forgotten.

This is why, personally, I think Illumination has an inbuilt "farseeing" ability that was much more the Truthwatcher focus than it is with Lightweavers. 

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9 hours ago, Calderis said:

Yes this has been brought up before, but it's usually glossed over or completely forgotten.

This is why, personally, I think Illumination has an inbuilt "farseeing" ability that was much more the Truthwatcher focus than it is with Lightweavers. 

I tend to agree with @Calderis here. To build on this, I suspect that the Illumination surge is actually giving Shallan a brief glimpse into the Spiritual Realm here. With mastery of the Illumination surge, she may be able to do it at will. It should also be noted that assuming that she in fact is glimpsing the Spiritual realm, these things she is "seeing" and drawing are likely happening simultaneously. In the Spiritual realm all locations are one so it stands to reason she is seeing things happening in other places.

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Aggreed, and a further bit to add is that I think this ability is likely the reason Lightweavers were historically said to "provided spiritual sustenance even for the other orders."  This was a defining trait of Tien, and is evident in the way Shallan's drawing of a person has a tendency to help them better understand and/or redefine their own personal self-image. I'd been attributing it more to an alternate use of Soulcasting, both in the trans-realmic quality and in the way Soulcasting is all about convincing something, or in this case someone, to redefine their own self-definition.  But @Calderis point about Lightweaving and Truthwatchers makes a lot of sense, especially in light of how the "inverted" Illumination Surge in Voidbinding seems to have been redirected to look into the Future. 

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I am not so sure about real time corralation of the visions/picture because at this point it has been days more likely weeks since the ship turned to water and I don't see the crew surviving in the ocean for that long of a period before washing ashore....

4 hours ago, Quantus said:

But @Calderis point about Lightweaving and Truthwatchers makes a lot of sense, especially in light of how the "inverted" Illumination Surge in Voidbinding seems to have been redirected to look into the Future. 

@Quantus If in fact it is tied to the spiritual realm and you expand the everywhere connection to everywhen as well then them seeing into the past makes sense adding to the inverting of the surge from Glys and Renarin seeing the future in the everywhen. I'm not sure where I read or heard but I could swear it has been brought up that looking into the future is done via spiritual realm or fortune...

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1 hour ago, Xanthys said:


@Quantus If in fact it is tied to the spiritual realm and you expand the everywhere connection to everywhen as well then them seeing into the past makes sense adding to the inverting of the surge from Glys and Renarin seeing the future in the everywhen. I'm not sure where I read or heard but I could swear it has been brought up that looking into the future is done via spiritual realm or fortune...

You are definitely right about that (Atium is a fortune effect per WOB) and in general the Spiritual Realm seems to be the key to anything approaching precognition or Time-Travel-esk insight (though real Time Travel is not going to appear in the Cosmere).  I suspect/assume the fact that it's a voidbinding effect on Roshar has a lot to do with why they consider any predictive activities to be taboo to the point they even are wary of meteorology.

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