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Alleyverse Space Travel Corporation


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Zaphoid Beeblerock, after many years of travel, had finally arrived to the place he would come to call home. 

A small, dirty shack in the middle of Alleycity. There was mold on the walls, the floor was wet and Zaphoid thought he saw an insect crawling into a crack in the wall. 

Home sweet home. 

The salesman who had sold him the house had assured that there was a basement for extra space, but Zaphoid couldn't find the entrance to it. The previous owner had probably hidden it for some reason. 

With a sigh, Zaphoid started burning steel. 

Steel lines were pointing in every directions. Zaphoid ignored all of them, except for one that was pointing in the floor. He followed it and found a trapdoor that was sealed with a thick padlock hidden in the floor. 

Zaphoid sighed again, and flared his steel. 6 more steel lines sprouted from the one pointing towards the padlock, and he pushed on the line he knew was the right one. 

The lock's innards clicked, and Zaphoid pulled open the trapdoor, finding a ladder. He extinguished his steel and followed the ladder downwards. 

At the bottom, he found a large room in a much better shape that the shack upstairs, with walls out of concrete and Aon-powered ligt strips in the ceiling. A large worktable stood against the wall, furnished with a stock of drawing utensils and rulers. 

This room was why Zaphoid had spent all the money he had made for the past 2 years to buy the house. 

Zaphoid grinned. Home sweet home. 

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Meanwhile, in a dark (alley) laboratory’s cellar, a locked filing cabinet sat quietly, staring across the room at where the stairs used to be. A sign hung on it, warning people to ‘Beware of the ╔╦╦═╬╦═’. Inside of the cabinet was a single piece of paper that Will Be Explained Later.


I don’t know where to drop in a character, so I’ll just make unimposing statements until I figure that out. Is this a knock on the door thing?

Outside of a door, one that may or may not be relevant to the plot, an old man paced nervously. 

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Zaphoid came back to the Cave, as he liked to call it,  the next day, arms loaded with drawing supplies, scientific papers and instruments. He sat at his worktable and started looking through the first paper for a tip on combustion reactions and Allomancy. 

One of my first observations was that the thrust produced by Allomancy was not nearly powerful enough to lift even a small baox of metal. It could be due to the total mass of the testing craft, or to the small replication of Allomancy of the primer cube used. Perhaps if we made the reactor bigger... 

A few hours later, Zaphoid had an idea forming up inside his brain, and he started sketching out his first Allomantic Engine Prototype. He would have to compensate the weight of the final craft while making the calculations for thrust capacity. He wouldn't want to have his revolutionnary craft hover only a few centimeters over the ground before crashing down before the eyes of a thousand onlookers. 

A week later, Zaphoid was fully satisfied with his plans for the first working Allomantic engine in the world. He would need to hire people to help him build the prototype, buy metals and generally, explosives. 

On the central marketplace of Alleycity, he put up a sign on which was inscribed:



Requirements: have at least one Allomantic or Feruchemical power. 

Payment: 5 crysts per working hour, but it will pay off when you will fly off in space with me. 

Address: 42 Vogon Street, Alleycity. 

Come plentiful! 



This is where you can bring in your characters


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Hi. I'm Mace. I can store stuff. 

Was it too casual? Maybe this was a formal occasion. Mace mentally revised his script in his head. 

Hello. My name is Mace Klasten. I am here to inquire about the job opening that was advertised in this here advertisement.

But then he'd know one of the posters was ripped down. He might be made about that. Mace scratched off the last bit, and prepared a different message.

Hello, sir. I am Mace. You have job. I want job. Well, actually I just want-

As he approached his destination, he continued to edit his pitch. It had to be direct, but also subtle, unimposing, but it had to make an impression. When he got to the door, he noted a woman approaching from the opposite direction. Hoping to avoid confrontation, he hurriedly slipped inside the doorway of 42 Vogon Street.

Edited by Archer
Accidentally posted too early before
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Tena was shopping for explosives (seriously, why weren't there any explosives in a marketplace?) when she saw the wanted notice. She strolled past a vendor selling Allomantic vials, stealing three or four vials while the guy behind the counter stared at her chest, then continued towards the address. Once she got there, she pounded on the door and immediately opened the lock with Steelpushing, shoving into the room and calling out, "So is there anyone here? I'll take the job." 

She saw Mace and maybe her heart did a little leap in her chest, then she calmed herself and only gave him a chest-constricting hug. She backed off with a grin on her face. "You're real! Yay! You're not dead." That last sentence reassured the slight hysteria she said those words with. 

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Mace stepped forward. "Sir, Mace please job I want?"

GAAAAAAAAH, he screamed internally. What are you doing?!

"You nice work fairy chemist!" He continued, stretching out his arm for the woman to shake, but he accidentally knocked over a small table. It crashed to the ground.

"I'll just go..." Mace muttered, embarrassed. He awkwardly tried to pick up the table, but it snapped in his fingers. Then he was struck by a sudden realization. "Wait, are you are not new boss?"

YESSSS. SECOND CHANCE, YOU FOOL. As his brain did backflips, he swept the remains into the corner and tried to act casual. He gave the woman a nod, and a look that he hoped meant 'I am confident and competent and if this is a competitive hiring process, you won't last three seconds'.

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"Oh, come on," Tena said with a downcast expression. "I'm a member of TUBA. You gave orders to me during the Seven Day War. I also saw you during the Ghostblood Ball. And, no, I'm not the boss of this place. I want a job too." Gorram you, Mace, she thought, why are so handsome and tall? 

Quit it! another part of her commanded, and Tena closed her eyes for a moment in concentration. I am forty-five grizzing years old, why can't I just act chill for once? Aloud, she accidentally said, "Calm, he's not as pretty as he looks, not as pretty..." She trailed off when she noticed that Mace was still there, and she was now trying to keep from teleporting back to her house right then.


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Shifting SHadows walked down the street, wolves trailing behind him. He slammed open the door, noting the two inside. "Hello humans. I am Shifting Shadows." His yellow eyes gleamed, and he smiled, his teeth flashing. "I store investiture. I am also Lightweaver." He grinned, a wolfish grin. "I am here for work." The aviar on his shoulder cawed loudly.

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"Tena?" Mace exclaimed. "Excuse my excursive thoughts. I'll extend an exhaustive explanation later," he said, expressively exhibiting exceptional exuberance. Since their last extracurricular excursion, the desire to experiment with an expropriated item of hers had excited him, but that was extraneous. Since stealing tends to exacerbate situations, Mace exaggeratedly smiled and exculpated his conscience of the experience, externalizing no signs of extreme or extraditable behaviour. 

Expelling his exuberance, he expertly expanded his attention to the newcomer's entrance. As Tena expounded her theory, Mace extracted himself from the conversation to explore and exam the extra room, expecting to expose the boss therein. 

"Yooo hooo!" he called extravagantly.

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“Holy grizzing Es, Batman,” Tena said, almost to herself. “How do even use that many? I’m extravagantly, extrapolatedly— I wonder if that’s an actual word— surprised.”


As a side note, my sister just pulled out one of my teeth.

Tena trotted after Mace and asked, “Are you avoiding me?”

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Ooh, this will be fun. Lusk is the type of person who thinks he's above and superior to everyone. But he also had childhood dreams of going to space, so he's quelling his embarrassment. And, he's insecure about everything :P 

Lusk didn't walk to Volgon Street, no, he strolled, a grand stroll, with lots of authority packed in it. He went in a ebony black suit with a tie to astound, coupled with polished black Oxfords.

He knocked on the house advertised in the ad, and saw some other people doing things outside. Ugh. Lusk had to do important things. He wondered how well the owner would take to his power. Well, they had said any allomantic or feruchemic power, and while Lusk's was particularly useless, he couldn't say it wasn't a power.

Lusk was an Atium Ferring.

Edited by I think I am here.
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Fae walked through the marketplace. She watched the vendors, sellers, walkers, and buyers with curiosity. None of them seemed to pay her more than a moments notice. A glance to see if she was a threat, a look to see if she seemed interested in buying something, or the occasional nod of acknowledgement. No one seemed disgusted by her, or threatened by her presence. She realized she was attuning the Rhythm of Satisfaction. Has it really been so long since I felt welcome somewhere that I am happy merely at not being rejected? It had been years since she had been home, among her people, and in that time humanity had proven itself to be cruel and uninviting. Though this place seemed different. As if any were welcome here. She continued to walk, browsing the stalls, not looking for anything in particular, but looking at everything. She was currently in Feruchemyform, and had access to Copper. So while nothing overly interesting was going on, she was logging all the events that were occurring around her, for later analysis, assuming she still had access to this form when she had the time to do so. It does become tedious, this constant switching of forms. Why did the Nightwatcher have to pick this as my bane, why couldn't she have simply gotten rid of my taste buds like that man I met in Jah Keved? That would make life so much simpler. 

Walking along, she came across a billboard, and began reading it, storing all the information on it for safe keeping. She came across one particularly interesting flyer. Well, I do have access to one Allomantic or Feruchemical power. As long as I'm lucky at least. Which would be easy if it ends up being Chromium. And I could really use the money, I have to buy food somehow. Fae accessed her metalmind, and determining which direction Vogon street was from the map there, headed off. Once she was halfway there, she realized with surprise that she hadn't paid close enough attention to the flyer. Tapping into her metalmind again, she studied the flyer more thoroughly. Fly in SPACE? That's it! This is my way back to Roshar! I can finally go home!

Beginning to run, Fae realized she had attuned the Rhythm of Excitement, but upon further reflection, decided to attune Joy instead. It was extremely lonely here for Fae, as very few Listeners had ended up where she had, and the few she met were in Slaveform, and therefore could not hear the Rhythms, just like the humans. Turning a corner, Fae saw the building the flyer had mentioned. She stored the image into her metalmind. Would this be it? Would this building, and more importantly the person inside it, be her salvation? Would they lead her home at last? She approached the door, and noticed a very oddly dressed man standing there. Have more people responded to the ad? What if I don't get the job? I need this! I need to go home! Subconsciously she attuned the Rhythm of Longing, but it kept being replaced by the Rhythm of Anxiety, and back again.

She was about to speak when she noticed this, and with some difficulty attuned the Rhythm or resolve, which made it much easier to think clearly. "Hello. Are you Zaphoid Beeblerock? Or are you here to apply for the job as well?" she asked the man standing there. @I think I am here.


Yay space travel! Also curious as how to this will all work out. Teamwork and such.


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Tena shook her head in bemusement at Mace. That man is hopeless. Maybe. Well, I guess I hope not. She turned to the door to see a Listener wearing some odd form. “Hey,” she said, then recalled what the femalen had said. “None of us here are the boss we’re looking for. We’re just waiting for him to show up. Eventually he’ll appear and we’ll all be able to put our Metalurgy to work.”

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Zaphoid was sleeping in the Cva ewhen he heard a table crash to the floor. Startled, he listened for more noise. Crud, it sounds like a lot of people. A little preparation wouldn't hurt... 



Zaphoid slammed the trapdoor Allomantically, starting the wole room filled with people. "Who are you, and what the heck are you doing in my house?", inquired Zaphoid as he drew a dagger out of his sleeve. 

A tall stranger stood up and said, "We here for job. You give job?" 

Zaphoid lowered his weapon, and a grin slowly spread accros his face. 

"Just wasn't expecting so many of you folks. Might as well come down for the job briefing", he said as he turned around and went down the ladder. 


Sorry for minor godmodding @Archer, just couldn't wait another day for replies


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After being greeted by the woman standing in the room, Fae entered the building and looked around. It was surprisingly small, maybe even a little run down. What is going on? I know 5 crysts isn't a lot but paying this many people that much isn't cheap. Plus the whole endeavor is probably going to cost a lot of money. What is someone that rich doing living here? 

The people gathered here were an odd group, not just the one standing outside. There was a broken table on the ground, possibly indicting a struggle had taken place, and maybe the room's occupants were not to be trusted. She kept a close eye on them, when suddenly a trap door sprung open loudly, and a man jumped out. Fae, who had been on high alert, visibly jumped when this happened, and subconsciously attuned the Rhythm of the Terrors. After a moment she calmed herself as the man explained what was going on, and climbed down into the hole. 

The intimidating individual who seemed more animal than person went first, calling out for the humans to follow. Fae attuned the Rhythm of Annoyance as she walked forward. She wasn't about to let them start excluding her already. "See you on the bottom." she said, deftly climbing down the ladder, heading toward the next step of an unknown future.

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Lusk shouldn't have been here. He needed guards. Bodyguards. Such was only fitting for a man of the Ghostblood Council. He was ruthless. He was deceptive. He shouldn't have been here, following a stray advertisement of a man who he had no guarantee would actually do what he promised. Yet, the childhood part of Lusk disagreed. He'd always wanted to go to space. And he was. Even if he had to hang around some questionable people to do it.

Lusk turned to talk to the Listener woman who'd talked to him when they'd been greeted to this 'Zaphoid's' home. Basic, but there was a ladder down. Lusk watched with inquisitive eyes as one by one people went down the ladder, before following himself, hoping his suit wouldn't ruin. "Not that I expect any of you to know." He said in his arrogant tone. "But would anyone know the time? I am on a schedule."

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Zaphoid cleared his throat and started talking. 

"As I said before, I wasn't expecting this many people to come. You can imagine that I wouldn't have enough money to pay all of you, so I'll have to whittle your numbers down. You'll either write all your Investiture forms, all of them, on these pieces of paper, or you can work for me, but I will have to pay you less. Those who will accept to announce their powers to me will be paid the full 5 crysts meintioned. If there's still to many of you for me to pay, you will have to take part in a... test. Or you could just work for me for free. I'd appreciate that. ", he said pointing to a stack of papers. 

He was going to start handing them out when he remembered the last detail. 

"Oh, and you can also leave now if you want to. I won't hold you back." 


Zaphoid paused, and then annouced, "There you go! Those sheets are also contracts, so when you sign them, you will officially be working for me. Pens are in the little blue box behind me." 


Sheet contents :


Name: __________

Gender: M/F/Other


Investiture forms: ____________

Work with Mr Beeblerock may cause injury or death. Proceed at your own risk. 





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Tena signed the paper Zaphoid gave her without thinking about it. She wrote down Edgedancer, F-A-Steel, 1st Heightening Awakener on the paper, then left 'Address' blank; her house didn't have one. She passed the paper back to Zaphoid with a grin, saying to herself, "I don't do jobs unless there's a chance of death." 

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Sorry for not posting here recently. The godmod was acceptable. 

Mace took one of the pieces of paper and began to inspect it for the Dark Alley disclaimer. Satisfied it wasn't present, he filled it in. His handwriting was subpar, but it got the point across. 

Name: Mace Klasten

Gender: M

Address: Klasten Ranch, The Roughs, Scadrial

Investiture forms: 

I have more forms to fill out? Mace thought confusedly. He tried to peek at Tena's page to copy her answer, but she handed it in too quickly. Eventually, he decided to put down, 'A-yes, F-yes, nifty orange rock on my hand'. He signed his name below it. 

"I'm actually semi-retired," Mace told the man as he handed in his contract. "But I still want to be paid to avoid legal complications if there's an accident. I'll work for cheap though. Just give me a chryst a year asterisk and I'll be happy."

Mace quickly muttered under his breath about the company paying travel expenses, then smiled and changed the topic. "Time for you to get a new watch!" he loudly proclaimed to the aloof guy.  

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"That's probably true," Tena said as she looked over at the noble guy. "Also, I'm well used to robbing and torturing men like you, so I'd stay away if I was you." That was also true. Tena had spent many years robbing lighteyes and had occasionally had to torture them to find out where their strongboxes were, but nobody here had to know that specific information. I doubt any of them would speak to me again, she thought with amusement, then looked nervously over at Mace and decided that that probably wasn't what she wanted.


Also, Archer, Mace is literally forty-seven. Why would he be retired?


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Because over the course of my RPing him, he aged. He tired easier, complained about weariness, and his actions weighed on him more, leading him to rethink and regret some of his hastier decisions. He needed a break from all that to figure out who he'd become, and whether he was okay with that. Retiring to live a secluded life near his extended family seemed like a good way to do that. 

Mace hummed quietly to himself. 

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