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Psychology Study about Fan Personality Quizzes


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Hello everyone!

My name is Steven Proudfoot and I'm currently running a social psychology research survey project on the topic of fan personality quizzes. So I have a survey that's roughly 20 minutes long that asks about a few things surrounding how and why people take fan personality quizzes (i.e. “which harry potter house are you?” or “which disney princess are you?” or similar quizzes) and I'm trying to recruit people to take it at the moment. As every fandom has it's own culture and those frequently tend to vary by website, I'm trying to recruit in a way that will create a sample that represents a wide variety of fandoms, fan sites, and fan types rather than just fans from twitter, facebook, tumblr, and the few subreddits that are open to recruitment. I think that fantasy/novel fandoms like this are important to have representation in any fandom study's sample. I was hoping you all could help me out in that way by taking my survey. 

I've attached my letter of solicitation that I have to use to recruit. If anyone is worried about the legality of my survey, please message me and I will be happy to send my IRB (institutional review board) approval for this. Also, I'd like to note that I asked for permission to post this, so please don't interpret this as spam.

Please consider taking this if you've taken a fan personality quiz before. 


Hi, I’m hoping you all can help us out with a psychology study we are conducting. We are doing an anonymous survey (20 min or less) about taking fan personality quizzes (e.g., personality test to see which character or group one is similar to).

Participants over the age of 18 are eligible to win a $50 Amazon gift card (chances of winning are 1 in 100, draw entries will be confidential and not associated with survey responses).

You can take the survey online at:


The survey will be open until October 14, 2018.

Thank you!

Steven Proudfoot, Undergraduate Student, Wayne State University, [email protected]

Dr. Stephen Reysen, Department of Psychology & Special Education, Texas A&M University-Commerce, [email protected]

Edited by StevenProudfoot
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