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Is Hoid really a time traveller?

Fanghur Rahl

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I’m just curious, is there any actual evidence in support of the idea that Hoid is able to travel through time as opposed to merely being immortal? I’ve heard several times that Hoid is speculated to be a time traveler, and the fact that his character has evolved into something clearly at least superficially based on the Doctor or another Time Lord would seem to give it plausibility, but is there any actual canonical evidence for or against the idea?

Off the top of my head the only thing that might possibly be construed as evidence for it is that in Words of Radiance when Hoid is posing as the coachman, when Shallan recognizes him and thanks and hugs him for his helping her a couple years previously, he seems entirely baffled as to who she is. Almost like he hadn’t yet done it from his timeline.
Obviously there are many other interpretations of this, but regardless, is the whole ‘Hoid is a Time Lord’ thing purely a matter of speculation at this point, or has Brandon actually hinted that it might have some validity to it beyond him being based at least superficially on the Doctor?
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Can Hoid jump through time? If so, can Shards jump through time?

Brandon Sanderson

Hoid, so far, has only moved forward in time. He has not 'lived' all of those years, but has used some time dilation techniques. That said, he is far older (both in relative and real time) than a normal person can live.



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As Extesian pointed Hoid is not a time travel, at least not in the traditional sense.

Maybe he uses the same method most of the worldhoppers use to stay around for so long, probably skipping whole timeframe of time.

For sure he could do that now using Allomancy and a bunch of Cadmius

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What @Extesian said. 

Further, while I found several WOB's that are more ambiguous, this one at least indicates he's keeping full Back-To-The-Future Time travel out of the cosmere entirely






Is the chronology through the whole cosmere fairly linear, or are there some Interstellar-relativity timey-wimey stuff at play?

Brandon Sanderson

Relativity is in play for sure, but I am not allowing time travel into the past in the cosmere. So while you might find places that move at slower/faster speeds, and while foreseeing future timelines is in play for sure, nobody will not be pulling serious time travel shenanigans.



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9 hours ago, Fanghur Rahl said:

Off the top of my head the only thing that might possibly be construed as evidence for it is that in Words of Radiance when Hoid is posing as the coachman, when Shallan recognizes him and thanks and hugs him for his helping her a couple years previously, he seems entirely baffled as to who she is. Almost like he hadn’t yet done it from his timeline.

I’m pretty sure Hoid is just baffled because nobody has hugged him in a while. He’s surprised that somebody actually likes him. In the words of Adolin, hugging Hoid, “It’s just not done”



When was the last time Hoid got a hug, before Words of Radiance?

Brandon Sanderson

Ooh argh *Brandon hacks and splutters* a HUG? I don't know? People don't commonly hug him, no. They commonly slap him, or curse at him, so it had probably been a long time since he'd gotten a hug.


Edited by Kal-Eldin
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