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Greetings from India


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Hey all,

So, I can't say I've been lurking here for very long. Admittedly, I only recently discovered the existence of this forum. Before this, I thought i was alone in my exultation of Brandon Sanderson. Boy was I glad when I found that there were others.

My older brother introduced me to the works of Brandon and the first piece of literature I read was Legion. It was short, and the premise seemed interesting to me. Before this, my favourite author, arguably still, was Isaac Asimov. But halfway into Legion, I was hooked. I needed more. What followed was a flurry of reading and borrowing books from my brother. Warbreaker came next and then Elantris.

The first proper series I read was Mistborn Era 1. By the time I had gotten to reading Mistborn, I was reading a book a week! With my schedule of work and post production, thats is a lot!

Anyways, when I finished Era 1, I was extremely excited to start Era 2, but somehow, the tone and mood of Era 2 felt very different to me. I wanted more of sword wielding, melee combat with superpowers!

That is when I discovered The Stormlight Archive!!
Initially, I read through the first 100-150 pages just out of excitement. But thats when I noticed. Nothing is really happening here.....
A bunch of characters were introduced, a new world with spren and moving plant life was  introduced, but not much else.

But by the time I finished the next 100 pages or so, the story REALLY started moving, and once it did..... I could not for the life of me, out down the books. As i kept reading giant book after book of Stormlight, I grew more and more fascinated. The world was so expansive, rich and diverse! The magic systems so complex and yet so simple at the same time!

I started thinking up theories of my own, imagining possibilities, dreaming of modern day applications of the surges. But I still thought I was alone in my madness. Until I found Shardcast!
which then led me here! 

An entire community of people who love the works of Brandon Sanderson and love to discuss and theorise!!

Well, suffice to say, I intend to spend quite some time wondering around here and contribute where-ever I feel I can. And I hope this community will accept the contributions of a simple fan, living in a far away country.

TL;DR - Fan of Brandon from India. Read most of his books. Loves concocting and discussing fan theories.

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12 hours ago, daschaich said:

Welcome to the Shard!  We're glad to have you.  I'm curious: What sort of post-production are you involved in?

Hey daschaich! Nice to make your acquaintance :)

To answer your question, I work in audio production for things like short films, Netflix comedy specials, and YouTube videos etc. Also do live/studio recording and mixing mastering of music. But I do this for fun. My day job is waaaaay different

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11 hours ago, ILuvHats said:

Hi, and welcome!  You seem really excited about the books :lol:.  Which ones your favorite so far?

I am!! :) My favourites (Hard to choose 1) has to be Oathbringer for sheer scale of storytelling and Mistborn Era 1

What about you?


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10 hours ago, Rebecca said:

Welcome to the Shard gancho! We’re glad to have you. Who’s your favorite of Brandon Sanderson’s characters?

HA HA! You just used the lingo of one of my favourite characters, gancho!
Besides him, Dalinar! That dude is one tough cookie!

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3 hours ago, Sorana said:

Hello and welcome to the shard!

You found exactly the right place!

If you could choose one of Brandon's types of magic for youself, which one would you choose?

Hey Sorana!  Thank you for the welcome! :) 
If i had to choose 1, as opposed to just investing myself with ALL of the surges (That would be SICK!), I'd have to say, I'd like to be a Mistborn!
What would you choose?

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3 hours ago, Order said:

Hey Sorana!  Thank you for the welcome! :) 
If i had to choose 1, as opposed to just investing myself with ALL of the surges (That would be SICK!), I'd have to say, I'd like to be a Mistborn!
What would you choose?

Since we're living on earth and there is no stormlight here , I'd go with allomancy aswell. Although for me being able to speed up time around myself would be enough ;) then I could read without anybody interfering.

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On 20/09/2018 at 8:21 PM, Reckless Reader said:

Hi and welcome!

Just to let you know, it's kind of a convention around here to not have multiple posts in a row by the same person. If you think of something you want to add, you can click "Edit" and change your post.

Anyway, we're glad to have you! Happy reading!

Sorry about that.... New here. Will be more careful going forward


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