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Night's cloak & heart of a beetle


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If this is discussed elsewhere, just point me in the right direction, but I was wondering about what Syl said to Kaladin in Way of Kings.  In chapter 2, "She bent down, looking at his hand from different angles, like a child expecting to find a hidden piece of candy. “What is it?” Her voice was like a whisper. “You can show me. I won’t tell anyone. Is it a treasure? Have you cut off a piece of the night’s cloak and tucked it away? Is it the heart of a beetle, so tiny yet powerful?”


Any theroies on what these two expressions mean?  I saw one person say the heart of a beetle might be like a tiny gemheart, but would that really be powerful?  And what does the night's cloak mean?  I haven't heard a single theory.  Maybe someone could bring it up at a BS Q&A...

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"Piece of the night's cloak" could be a metaphor, an expression to say "a piece of darkness." "Heart of a beetle" sounds much more literal to me - I had been assuming, perhaps wrongly so, that small animals have powerful hearts. In retrospect, it makes more sense for a large animal to have an overdeveloped cardiac muscle, but I keep thinking about how many species of insects can lift several times their body weight. So there, strength.

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It could simply be Syl waxing poetic.  Personally, I'm going to be on the lookout for these references in future Cosmere books.  If BS ever comes to Virginia Beach, I might ask him about it too.  Regardless, if anybody else has any theories, please post them.

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I always thought it referred to a gemheart for the beetle and I never gave much thought to night's cloak. As it is not capitalized I do not think it refers to the Nightwatcher, There is very little to go on and my guess is poetic for both. I'll show the only none mundane reference to night I found but I don't think they apply.



Venli hummed Irritation. “In the old day, all forms came from the gods. We have found that nimbleform does not harm us. Why would stormform?”

“It is different,” Eshonai said. “Sing the song; hum it to yourself. ‘Its coming brings the gods their night.’ The ancient powers are dangerous.” WoR I-4
Stormform is said to cause
A tempest of winds and showers,
Beware its powers, beware its powers.
Though its coming brings the gods their night,
It obliges a bloodred spren.
Beware its end, beware its end.
—From the Listener Song of Winds, 4th stanza WoR ch22
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Great quote... It really makes me think "what is the gods night?"  I doubt Mr Sanderson puts too much in his books that don't mean anything, so I tend to over-analyze every syllable.  I've read both SA books that are released so far, and now I'm slowing reading them again and making notes and really analyzing each chapter. (Is that a sign of a problem? :unsure:)

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  • 6 months later...

I've been thinking about this, and what if a tiny beetle gemheart is incredibly powerful, but no one knows it yet - except Syl.


You know how in the movie Monsters, Inc. laughter is way more powerful than screams, but no one knew about it.  What if tiny gemhearts are the same.  After all, why would anyone go to the trouble of harvesting a gemheart from a beetle when they think it's not very powerful?  Then, one day for reasons unknown, someone tries to use a beetle gemheart and it turns out to be 10x more powerful than a greatshell gemheart.


This is obviously wild speculation, but it'd be pretty cool if it turned out to be true.


still no idea what night's cloak means yet...

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I've been thinking about this, and what if a tiny beetle gemheart is incredibly powerful, but no one knows it yet - except Syl.


You know how in the movie Monsters, Inc. laughter is way more powerful than screams, but no one knew about it.  What if tiny gemhearts are the same.  After all, why would anyone go to the trouble of harvesting a gemheart from a beetle when they think it's not very powerful?  Then, one day for reasons unknown, someone tries to use a beetle gemheart and it turns out to be 10x more powerful than a greatshell gemheart.


This is obviously wild speculation, but it'd be pretty cool if it turned out to be true.


still no idea what night's cloak means yet...


Well think about it. What are gemhearts? Sources of investiture.

And we have a WoB that gemhearts structure and composition are just as important as there size for determining their power. Depending on the Beetle they might just end up being pretty powerful compaired to a normal gem.

That said the great shells already remind me of Massive bugs so I don't think they will be stronger than those.......

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Random thought that just occurred to me- and which I have no idea how to research. So... I thought I'd leave it here, then watch you guys poke holes in the theory with a stick.


Could the gemhearts of smaller creatures be influenced by how often they beat? Smaller animals (I think) have hearts that beat more often per minute than larger ones do... if that's the case- and the beetle heart isn't just poetic licence (which I think it is, but I digress)- might smaller creatures gemhearts have developed in a way that lets them hold stormlight for longer?

Edited by Quiver
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So, perhaps the beetle gemheart has superior structure and composition than chasmfiend gemhearts.  I like the idea that they maybe can't hold as much stormlight, but they can hold it for a longer time.  They might end up being the only source of stormlight at the end of a weeping.

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Realize that we yet have no reason to assume that "gemhearts" have anything to do with the cardiological organ which pumps blood through the human system. It's theoretically possible, but not necessarily presumptive.


I was under the impression that the Greatshells used storm light to support their massive bodies and the spren they are in symbiosis with. Making their gemheart a very important organ for them. 

Also now that I think about it the gemheart could be touching there Moving blood.............

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Since, according to Adolin, they are connected by "sinews and veins", they almost certainly touch moving blood.


It's widely assumed that it must have something to do with their size, and we know their size is connected to their spren. The question, of course, is how are these things all connected to each other?

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