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Possible Location of Urithiru and Oathgates?


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I've only been lurking here for a few days, reading the map Easter Egg thread, among a few others, so I apologize if this has been discussed already.  I was messing around with the map myself and decided to translate the compass rose on the colored map to a location that had its tines intersect with the location of two known Oathgates.  It was the irregular spacing of the tines that caught my eye.


Anyway, the intersecting point of these tines on the compass rose, when placed in a way that include both Kholinar and the Shattered Plains, is right in the area that the scholars believe Urithiru is.  This location also captures several other fairly important points of interest:  Kharbranth, The Purelake, the heart of Shinovar, etc.


Granted, there are sixteen lines coming off of the compass rose, but a number of those go southward, and some others don't go through any real points of interest, so some can be ignored.






Also, I posted this on the reddit SA sub, so if you've seen it already, yes, I am the same person that posted it there.

Edited by wickedpissah
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This is very interesting. One thing is that it doesn't intersect the capital of Babatharnam (this may not be a problem) and that Urithiru is in the mountains. Also, the center of your compass rose is not in the mountains, and you have predicted there is no Oathgate in Azir which seems a bit odd.


From the epigraphs of WoK, we know that Veden City had an Oathgate ("I was due for dinner in Veden City, but I had to drop by Kholinar" to paraphrase), so you might want to find a way to align things that way.


Given that Roshar is spherical, I'm also not quite sure if this method works on a flat map. I don't think the map of Roshar quite translates perfectly to the planet, though i may be wrong. Peter posted a map that was properly fitted at one point I think.

Edited by Moogle
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This is very interesting. One thing is that it doesn't intersect the capital of Babatharnam (this may not be a problem) and that Urithiru is in the mountains. The center of your compass rose is not in the mountains.


Also, from the epigraphs of WoK, we know that Veden City had an Oathgate ("I was due for dinner in Veden City, but I had to drop by Kholinar" to paraphrase), so you might want to find a way to align things that way.


Given that Roshar is spherical, I'm also not quite sure if this method works on a flat map. I don't think the map of Roshar quite translates perfectly to the planet, though i may be wrong. Peter posted a map that was properly fitted at one point I think.


You're right on your points of course.  First, it's really crude, as I did this quick and dirty in PowerPoint while I was at work.  The point about the curvature of the planet is, of course, valid as well.  Now, there's still a decent amount of degrees of freedom we can work with since the location of the Oathgate in the Shattered Plains is not precise on the map.  I'll continue to play with it and see what I can do.


I agree the mountains issue is a problem, but figured posting what I had now was better than beating my head against a wall on my own.



Oh, nice!  That's an awesome discovery.  Mind if I add it to the other thread?


Yeah, absolutely.  Since I'm new here, just do me a favor and link to where you posted it?

Edited by wickedpissah
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I agree the mountains issue is a problem, but figured posting what I had now was better than beating my head against a wall on my own.


It's a creative idea. I wouldn't be surprised if it works with a little bit of tweaking. Roshar is based on a Julia set, so perhaps we could use that as a way to predict Oathgates too, or maybe the Julia set used for Roshar's shape is set up such that there's an obvious way to do five lines for ten Oathgates.

Edited by Moogle
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While cool, the main issue I have is that wouldn't the oathgates make the most sense in the capitals of the Silver Kingdoms?  Granted we don't know where the capitals were but according to your map neither Aimia, Rishir, nor Makabakam have an oathgate, while Valhav has three and Thalath two.

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Well, this one is in the mountains, and goes through Kholinar, Vedenar, Kharbranth, Azimir, and Rall Elorim (sorta).  It doesn't go through the Shattered Plains, though, so it's probably a red herring.post-9100-0-37254600-1398315224_thumb.jp

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