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Was there more than one Oathpact?


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So we assume Tanavast formed the Oathpact with Rayse involving the heralds to limit the desolations.

The spren started the Nahel Bond with men to mimic what Tanavast did for the heralds with the honorblades.

What if the Heralds, by breaking their oaths, damaged the original oathpact.

What if the Radiants or the spren made a new oathpact with Odium that the current "living" spren knew nothing about.

What if the Recreance, breaking the Nahel Bond, was part of this new pact.

They lock up Urithiru, foresake their oaths, and walk away.

Maybe the resurgence of the Nahel Bond is weakening or breaking this new pact.

What do you think?

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Q:  Was Odium able to splinter Honor because the Heralds abandoned the Oathpact?
A:  Good question. Um, their abandonment of the Oathpact is related...but mostly tangentially.  If I was pinned down on that, I would say no.
Q:  Is there any of the Oathpact still functioning because of Taln's continued participation.
A:  Yes, indeed.


Q:  How many parties were there to the original Oathpact?
A:  The Heralds and Honor. They thought that by walking away from their oaths, that it would break the Oathpact. They're going to find out that it's not quite as broken as they had previously thought (meaning the Heralds).


Q:  So, by the nine leaving, did that actually break the Oathpact for them? Did it change the cycle of Desolations?
A:  They have not completely broken the Oathpact, despite what they may think.


I think the reason Nale things that Surgebinders cause Desolations, and the reason the original KR broke their oaths are going to end up being the same reason.  Possibly involving spren-ish motivations.

Edited by RShara
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I thought they broke their Oaths because they couldn't handle it anymore without Honor around. They talk about how now humanity has the radiants so they'll be fine which doesn't seem to suggest that they broke it due to sprenish motivations surely otherwise they would have also stopped the radiants? So hard to really theorize anything when we either have little information or the information we do have is corrupted/misunderstood. 

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I thought they broke their Oaths because they couldn't handle it anymore without Honor around. They talk about how now humanity has the radiants so they'll be fine which doesn't seem to suggest that they broke it due to sprenish motivations surely otherwise they would have also stopped the radiants? So hard to really theorize anything when we either have little information or the information we do have is corrupted/misunderstood. 


Honor was still alive when the Heralds abandonded the Oathpact.

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