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Lightweavers are microwaves???


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Under the description of the Illumination surge, it says it is the surge of "light, sound, and various wave forms." Going by this description, can we conclude that Lightweavers can manipulate microwaves? And therefore are just walking microwaves with the power to heat things up?

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Lightweavers are radios, aren't they? Lightwaves are radio waves? Light and..they're the same thing, aren't they?

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

They can do sound too, yeah. So you're saying lightweaving with illusion... can it?


Can transmit radio waves? As in, communicate over long distances, it's one of the most important things in battles, right? In war.

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

[At the same time]Yeah I actually...right right right, yep, yep, yep.

I had someone in one of my very early books irradiate someone with Lightweaving, I think.


Oh that's right you've got multiple kinds of Lightweaving.

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]



I found this WOB, though I'm not sure if he is talking about the SA version of lightweaving.  

Edited by Nothing-Ridiculous
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I think Intent is going to play a big part in abilities.  I mean, I don't think Shallan could start shooting out gamma rays or radiowaves, as she doesn't have a clue what they are or what they are capable of.

Radiation, understood as heat waves, I'd say is an iffy maybe.  This sounds more like a Dustbringer ability, however.  I think if Lightweavers did utilize heat it would be more to create mirage effects, which they could already do by directly manipulating the light waves.

Edited by Zellyia
I like your title though :)
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Do Lightweavers actually create light though? Or do they just manipulate it. Because if it’s the latter then they’d probably have a hard time doing anything with spectrums of light other than visible, ultraviolet and infrared, just because that makes up the overwhelming majority of solar radiation if I remember correctly. They certainly wouldn’t be shooting X-rays or gammas around.

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