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That was troubling, "I dunno, I'd rather not wait around to get attacked again, either they did mean you or someone else and this is a huge coincidence," she said, though why would Damaya mention the house she grew up in? Was there something she wasn't telling Araha? "Though, um, I don't see why going to the house you grew up at would help us find answers though," she chuckled, phrasing her curiousity in a casual way, as she opened the door from the room, waiting on Damaya.


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"The man..."

She stopped, breathed deeply and then continued.

"The man in the vision I showed you. The last name the sorcerrer mentioned was his last name."

She left the room and they went into the dining hall to eat breakfast. Damaya kept quiet, until they both had some food on their plates and sat down.

"We could always ask him. But I'm not sure if that's wise. I think he would be powerfull, if the sorcerrer calls him enemy."


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Araha's eyes widened at Damaya's answer. "Sparks." Was the only word she said. They walked to the dining hall in silence, that all but confirmed that Damaya was indeed being targeted, by who specifically, and for what purpose, she didn't know for sure.

When they arrived, Damaya continued:

"We could always ask him. But I'm not sure if that's wise. I think he would be powerful, if the sorcerer calls him enemy."

"They might not even be enemies, the sorcerer might have even worked for that man, since he mentioned something about a 'master,' we have no idea." Maybe they should look for answers from the man himself, it was a lead, and Damaya was a target, she'd be in constant danger, until this was dealt with, but it was probably a bad idea to just barge in there and demand answers, especially if the man actually knew what was going on and was actively planning against them.

They'd need an army, or at least something that can help them fight back. She had an idea as she ate, what about the strange man that helped yesterday? Deras? He was immensely strong and quick, and he seemed to have a shardblade? She needed to speak to him.


Deras was getting bored patrolling and waiting for a few hours with nothing really happening. He finally heard some talking around, which meant some tenants were awake and he could stop his 'guard duty,' He followed the sound and found himself by the dining room, likely people trying to get breakfast. He opened the door and saw two familiar faces at the table.


Araha looked to the door as it opened, and in came Deras. Speak of the devil, just the man she needed to speak to! Though Damaya may not be as open now that there was someone else here.

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"You could be right. I don't know. I don't really want to go back there."

Damaya looked up at the stranger entering the room, happy that this line of conversation was over. And that his arrival gave her a good excuse to Stop talking about the man.

"I'll go and look for Mr Amber, ask him if he has time for both of us."



Damaya knocked at the kitchen door and then ist herself in.

"Good morning."

She greeted Mr Amber and smiled. She thought about what she wanted to say and ordered her thought.

"Several things actually.

Yesterday you called someone to repair the floor - could you call her again to repair the hallway and the ceiling? There are lots of holes because of the bombs."

She smiled and unsere smile, then hastily continued:

"And Araha and I would like to train. If you have a few moments for us? I promise I will keep myself thogether better."

Again that pleading tone in her voice.

"And I gave my room to the girl that fell asleep in the hallway. And if it's possible I'd like to work some more for some food and a place to sleep for tonight. And the training of course. Maybe after the training, if that's all right for you?"

She fell silent, waiting nervously for his answers.


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long post with lots of dialogue!

"Alright, stay safe." Araha called out after Damaya as she left, she then turned to Deras. "G'morning." She smiled at him, then gestured to an empty seat.

As Deras nodded and made his way over, Ran flitted by Araha's ear: "I don't like him," she whispered.

"Why not?" Araha whispered back, "let's talk about this later actually." Deciding that it would be weird if she just kept whispering constantly. Ran tapped Araha's cheek twice, a gesture they came up with like a nod, then flitted off.

"By the way, there's some food over there," she gestured to a table, "feel free to get some."

"Thank you," Deras replied, "but not eat, not need." He said as he sat down opposite her.

Ah yeah, Lifeless. Araha thought. "I wanted to thank you again, and had some questions I wanted to ask, if tha's alright?"

He replied with a nod.

"So you're Lifeless, right?"

"Suppose." He shrugged.

"but you're self aware... err... sapient, I think it's called?"

"I am." He replied with a nod.

"How does that work?"

A moment or two went by where it was just silence.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to ask a personal question!" Araha quickly added.

"Not worry," Deras himself smiled, "not personal, just not know exactly why. Am confused most times."

Huh. Araha thought to herself as she chuckled, A Lifeless that was aware enough to joke? This man was just getting more and more interesting.


They continued on for a while, Araha asking him a few more questions about himself, she learned a bit about him, since he seemed to be willing to share pretty much everything about himself that he could remember. He was surprisingly good company for someone who spoke in such a strange way.

"You not scared of me?" Deras asked, which surprised Araha as she was usually the one who kept asking questions, "have strange spikes on body and not alive?"

"Oh, yeah, those hemalurgic spikes. Maybe if we'd met under other circumstances I might've been wary of you, but you helped us out yesterday, so I trust you."

He nodded, "Understood. Thank you."

Araha smiled back, "but do you know what those do?" continuing her line of questions.

"Do?" He asked looking confused.

"Like specifically what abilities do those spikes give you?"

Deras nodded in understanding. "Unsure."

"Hmm..." she had an idea, "may I look at your spikes up close? Maybe we could understand those better?"

Deras nodded and took off his very tattered and torn cloak. She took a good look at him. His body was muscular, but not unproportionally so. The better word was chiseled, like one of those Returned she'd read about. There were several spikes, sure, but nothing really marred his face, which was surprisingly young now that she really looked. She guessed when he was alive, she'd be around Damaya's age, give or take a year.

He was also... slightly... handsome?

Araha blushed as she realized how much of a bad idea this was. Looking at a man's bare torso even though she was just trying to look for the spikes, would be easily misunderstood, and just the act in itself was a bit embarrassing to her.

"Araha?" The man called to her, "you're well? Face very red."

"UHH... I, uhh..." she stuttered. "I'm fine! Yeah, fine!" She got up a bit too quickly and walked over to Deras. Just count the spikes, just count the spikes. She quickly did so and saw eleven spikes

She sat back on her seat, face still warm. "We should get you some clothes..." she muttered quietly. To save herself from this hell of embarrassment, she found a different topic, the one thing that always interested her: Investiture. "So I counted eleven spikes on you. I'd guess some of them were for that enhanced strength of yours, maybe four or six since you're really strong. Besides that, have you noticed other things too? Things that a regular man can't do?" She wasn't sure if he knew what a regular man could and couldn't do, but it was worth a shot to ask.

Deras sat for a while, "Regeneration," he said, "can heal from injuries, can demonstrate if want."

"Oh, no, no thanks! But that might be one of your spikes too, Lifeless usually need to be manually fixed to keep them functional," Araha said, "do you need something specific to regenerate? Metal? Some light that you breathe in?"


"I see." That was interesting, she chalked it up to one of those Epic powers that she still didn't know much about. "Anything else?"

"Can find people with mind."

"That sounds like a cognitive scan like some of those exotic predators, from... I forget the name. Can you also shield minds from scanning?"

"N..." Deras began then cut himself off. "Unsure. Untested." He said.

"We should test that out if we have someone who can detect cognitive things, it'll be useful to have." That was

Deras nodded. "Lastly have fast mind and keen sense."

Araha nodded, "Those sound like Tin and Copper hemalurgy." So that just left one or two spikes unchecked. Earlier, she had asked about his past, but he doesn't seem to remember much, she wondered who the attributes these spikes stole from belonged to, but she knew that that wasn't Deras' fault, but rather his creator's. Araha finished her meal. "Oh, one more question," she begun, "you have a shardblade, right?"

"Strange sword?" Deras asked.

"Yes, the one that you can summon, that's called a shardblade." He was an interesting man, he seemed to remember basic things, like how to communicate and such, but couldn't remember certain Investiture terminology, which was understandable, but he didn't even know what shardblades were, which are widespread and very recognizable, these were questions for another time though. "Since you can summon a blade, do you also have shardplate?" He likely didn't since he would've used that in combat.

"Not know, but assume none." He shook his head.

"Master Soren told me about several places in the Alleyverse," she said, smiling, "one of them is a place that makes very intricate and advanced things, just in general. I have to go right now, but later today, what do you say we meet again and discuss more about these." Her smile grew into a grin as her excitement at the idea she just grew.

"Might enjoy," Deras smiled back and nodded.

"Great! I'll see you later in the afternoon!" She said as she walked outside, still excited at this idea, but for now, she went to find the kitchen where Damaya likely went.

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Ioc walked over to the fallen sorcerer. It laughed, noting the sorcerer's extensive wounds, and set to healing him. 

Ioc didn't know why it was helping the sorcerer, but Ioc never did like unfair fights. Two on one was bad. Ioc had to level the playing field.

The healing done, Ioc looked around it's surroundings. it hadn't specifically chosen a place to go. They just went. It seemed Ioc was somewhere at Sel.

Where, that settled it. Ioc would wait for the sorcerer to wake up, then they would decide on a future plan together.

@Grey Knight

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1 hour ago, Gancho Libre said:

Ioc walked over to the fallen sorcerer. It laughed, noting the sorcerer's extensive wounds, and set to healing him. 

Ioc didn't know why it was helping the sorcerer, but Ioc never did like unfair fights. Two on one was bad. Ioc had to level the playing field.

The healing done, Ioc looked around it's surroundings. it hadn't specifically chosen a place to go. They just went. It seemed Ioc was somewhere at Sel.

Where, that settled it. Ioc would wait for the sorcerer to wake up, then they would decide on a future plan together.


Tell you what, you just go ahead and bring the sorcerer along with you, and I'll respond to whatever craziness happens :lol:




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2 hours ago, Gancho Libre said:

Ioc walked over to the fallen sorcerer. It laughed, noting the sorcerer's extensive wounds, and set to healing him. 

Ioc didn't know why it was helping the sorcerer, but Ioc never did like unfair fights. Two on one was bad. Ioc had to level the playing field.

The healing done, Ioc looked around it's surroundings. it hadn't specifically chosen a place to go. They just went. It seemed Ioc was somewhere at Sel.

Where, that settled it. Ioc would wait for the sorcerer to wake up, then they would decide on a future plan together.

@Grey Knight


This is beautiful.:D


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7 hours ago, Sorana said:

Several things actually.

Yesterday you called someone to repair the floor - could you call her again to repair the hallway and the ceiling? There are lots of holes because of the bombs."

She smiled and unsere smile, then hastily continued:

"And Araha and I would like to train. If you have a few moments for us? I promise I will keep myself thogether better."

Again that pleading tone in her voice.

"And I gave my room to the girl that fell asleep in the hallway. And if it's possible I'd like to work some more for some food and a place to sleep for tonight. And the training of course. Maybe after the training, if that's all right for you?"

Mr Amber glanced up from his work. “Yes, of course I can help train both of you. I also have noticed the damages to the Waystop, a Soulcaster is on their way. As for work, I’ll think of something that you could do later.” He turned around and walked into his office. “Help yourself to some chocolate. I will grab some supplies.” Walking back out with a briefcase, he handed Damaya a key. “Here is a new room key for you.”

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Araha entered the kitchen to see that Damaya was indeed there, and so was Mr. Amber. She put a hand on Damaya's back, patting once before retracting. "G'morning, Mr. Amber," she greeted, "I had an idea on what to do with our cognitive realm security problem, I'll just need a spanreed and your permission to post a notice on AlleyCity's notice board." She told him.

"By the way," she said, turning to Damaya beside her, "there's apparently a bathhouse here right? What do you say we check that out to de-stress after this? I've heard hot springs can be really relaxing, but haven't tried those m'self." She concluded with a smile.

@Life&Death @Sorana

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2 hours ago, Life&Death said:

Mr Amber glanced up from his work. “Yes, of course I can help train both of you. I also have noticed the damages to the Waystop, a Soulcaster is on their way. As for work, I’ll think of something that you could do later.” He turned around and walked into his office. “Help yourself to some chocolate. I will grab some supplies.” Walking back out with a briefcase, he handed Damaya a key. “Here is a new room key for you.”

"Thank you."

Damaya smiled at him gratefully.

"I'll just wait here until you're finished."

She walked over to the table and chose the smallest piece of chocolate she could find. Good Chocolate was rare, even for the woman she had grown up with. Choosing some huge part would have felt wrong,  it was kind enough, that he simply gave something away. And it was like heaven on earth. Sweet and bitter, melting in exactly the right way. Perfect.

Behind her Araha started talking to Mr Amber, but she didn't listen, instead she took another bite of chocolate. It was only when Araha looked at her expectantly that she realized she had been talking to her. Something about a Bath?


She answered with a smile, hoping it wasn't to far off from what was expected.

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30 minutes ago, Cyanic said:


Damaya was definitely not listening to what Araha just said. "Damayaaa..." she put her hands on her hips, "you weren't listening were you?" she chuckled.


Damaya admitted grinning sheepishly at her friend.

"Mr Amber allowed me to eat some chocolate. And it's sooooooooooo good."

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"Wow, that sounds like it's good." Araha walked up to Where Damaya was at and snuck a bite of a chocolate while Mr. Amber wasn't looking. She liked doing small rebellious things. It tasted as good as Damaya described, she didn't have much processed treats as a child, most sweets she had were fruits and variants thereof, they were good, but they could get boring after a while. "Anyway, I was asking you if y'wanted to check the bathhouse after this, hot springs are supposedly good for relaxing." Araha asked now that she had Damaya's attention.


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"Thank you." Araha smiled as she took the spanreed and place it on a flat surface. "It's not an immediate one, but it'll help probably." Master Soren had taught her how to use one of these, mostly just to contact the Skybreakers and to access the general notice board, she attuned the gem on to the general position and began writing a message, hopefully it she didn't make a mistake since she couldn't really travel all the way to the city to check the board.

The message wrote:

[Help needed: Experienced Elsecaller or Lightweaver to come to the Waystop located in the Horneater Peaks on Roshar. Low-risk. Payment will be discussed on-location.]

"There we go." She handed the spanreed back to Mr. Amber.


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Damaya only nodded towards Araha, as she didn't want to disturb her friend's conversation.

She then leaned against a wall close to the door and waited for Araha and Mr Amber to finish their business. Hopefully they could then start the training. Her resolve to face her illusions weakened with every passing minute, although she made sure to display a brave face.

"I'm ready."

She told them, to make sure they weren't waiting for each other.


Ready to Start.

(It's raining, I have internet, and a full powerbank. And I'm bored. Tents don't offer much to do when the weather is bad. We even started a Pen and paper game to pass the time...)



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"Same here." Araha said with a look of confidence as she stepped up beside her friend, putting a hand on her shoulder. She must be nervous for Investiture training because of the thing with Illumination. Hopefully, just Araha's presence could help Damaya out.

@Sorana @Life&Death

will have to depart soon so posts may be slow from me.

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“Alright, then let’s go to the training grounds and we can begin.” Mr Amber grabbed his briefcase and the tray of chocolate and walked outside.

@Sorana @Cyanic


I am now in a class where I can’t use my phone, so I’ll respond more in about 1.5 hours.


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14 minutes ago, Life&Death said:

“Alright, then let’s go to the training grounds and we can begin.” Mr Amber grabbed his briefcase and the tray of chocolate and walked outside.

@Sorana @Cyanic


Damaya followed him nervously outside and then waited for whatever he had planed.

"My illusions are tied to memories at the moment. I can't do anything else. But maybe that's because I'm no artist. I never tried to soulcast. I don't know more than the basics about stormlight."

That sounded like she was thumb so she added:

"But I can calculate, and sew and do embroidery. My cooking is allright and I learned how to look after a household. I know some basic physics and a lot more about taxes and Shipping. Philosophy, what you need to know to make polite conversation."

She fell silent when she realized that she was talking to cover her nervousness. That had been irrelevant.  He knew what to do.

"Yeah, sorry. I'm nervous."


@Life&Death Take your time. I'll be asleep by then.

@Grey Knight The Dark eye. A bit similar to d n' d and I know most stuff by head, so we could make the characters without a rule book. I usually don't like to GM it, because it has tons of rules and a huge, complex setting (I prefer more "room" for my own ideas) but right now it's perfect.


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