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What happens to burned metals?


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Are they consumed, somehow absorbed by the body like nutrients would be, or is something leeched out of the metals, some property that fuels allomancy, and the flakes are passed like waste through the body's natural processes? (And if the latter, would that mean that those flakes could never again be used for allomantic/feruchemical/hemalurgic purposes?)

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This was asked in the latest Q&A by Brandon, they are essentially atomized, leaving no trace of themselves after being used to link the user to Preservation('s power)

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This particular Q&A may not have been added to it yet anyways, as the interview was very recent. Here's the thread for it: Linky. And here's the exact quote:

Josh: When non-god metals are burned Allomantically, what happens to the metals? Are they crushed into tiny specks? Do they disappear?

The metals become a key conduit through which the power is delivered. So they are actually sort of vaporized, and the atomic code is a key by which the power is drawn in.

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