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Hey everyone, big reader, love Brandon Sanderson, love to discuss great fantsy. Was big into discussing Wheel of Time before the end, and Brandon hits all those nerves but better. As a getting to know you, what is everybody's favorite and least favorite character?


Mine favorite is Kelsier, Least is Shallan, 

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@xinarin Welcome to the Shard! Have a free upvote and a spiked delicious cookie!



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I think my favorite character would have to be either Venli or Adolin. Maybe Vin, too. My least favorite character is Zane, hands down.

How many Cosmere books have you read? If you could have any of the magic systems, which one would you want?

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I can dig venli, she is so hit and so miss at the same time. what is your favorite thing about her? Also I am in fact, not an edgelord, so I don't like Zane either. 


The only publications I haven't read, are jak and white sand 2. As for what i would want, Hemolurgy, or allomancy.

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Hey weeelcome 


what is everybody's favorite and least favorite character?

Favorite: (wow this is hard) I suppose Kaladin. And Rand as my favorite from WoT(since you mentioned WoT)

Least: Zane and Gwayne disrespectively(that was not hard).

1 hour ago, Arlin said:

Hemalurgy or Allomancy huh, you could get one of those things if you ate the cookie...

Well you can also get both xD

Edited by goody153
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For WoT, Matt and Tuon!!! 


As for why i choose both powers, hemalurgy is number one, I personally feel it is the strongest power, due to the nature of how it seems to work, but if not that i Would take allomancy because i enjoy the expression of the power. 

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Hello xinarin! Have a few upvotes as a welcoming gift. Anyways! I am looking for breaths to reach a higher heightening. Would you be able to repeat back to me "My life to yours, my breath become yours." It would mean a lot to me, and I would be willing to compensate you!

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10 hours ago, Cadmium Compounder said:

Hello xinarin! Have a few upvotes as a welcoming gift. Anyways! I am looking for breaths to reach a higher heightening. Would you be able to repeat back to me "My life to yours, my breath become yours." It would mean a lot to me, and I would be willing to compensate you!

I have a feeling I would be better served trading my breath at a later date, although I'm not closed off to the idea, after all it isn't necessary in what i would hope to become :)

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