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Does Shallan remind Hoid of someone?



I'm in the middle of a reread of Words of Radiance, and I'm kind of wondering what is going on here.

"It turned out that he had finished that meeting only to start another. A man she did not know sat next to Father with a cup of chilled water in one hand. Tall, slendder, and blue-eyed, he had a deep black hair without a hint of impurity and wore clothing of the same shade. He glanced at Shallan as she stepped into the box. The man started, dropping his cup to the table. He caught it with a swift lunge, keeping it from tipping over, then turned to stare at her with a slack jaw. It was gone in a second, replaced with an expression of practiced indifference."

Does she remind him of someone? Or can he somehow sense her bond with Pattern? I thought that maybe Shallan reminded him of an old love or something, since Brandon has said that Hoid has had several. I feel like he's been kind of different around Shallan than he's been around everyone else. They seem really close and he seems to actually care about her. Especially when you look at Oathbringer and the scenes they have together there. Hoid respects Dalinar, doesn't seem to be very tight with Jasnah, seems to like Kaladin alright, but he seems to really really like Shallan. Can someone explain this? All I could come up with is maybe he's just surprised that someone so young could have already bonded.

Edited by KalaDANG
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Well, there is that little conversation between Frost and Hoid. It is possible that this connects to that and that Shallan either reminds Hoid of his former lover or possibly child. The lightweaving and compulsive lying may have something to do with it. In conclusion, yes, that is a definite possibility. 

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