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Sugarhouse signing- Saturday, Mar. 29th


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From Brandon's website:




The official Words of Radiance book tour is over (see yesterday’s post for a list of bookstores with signed books), but I’m doing an extra signing this Saturday in Salt Lake City at the Barnes & Noble in Sugarhouse starting at 3:00 p.m. This signing will go pretty much like the signings on the tour, but I hope it won’t last five hours. Anyway, I’ll sign any book I wrote that you bring, but it’s nice to support the store hosting me by buying something while you’re there. I will also do a reading and public Q&A (don’t worry, no spoilers for Words of Radiance will be allowed!). See the event listing for full details.


For any 17th-Sharders planning on going to this: Is anyone planning on recording it? If not, I could probably do so. 

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If you're going, would you mind asking a couple of questions for me? I'm in Canada and don't have the opportunity to ask for myself...


1. Is entering a Shardpool of a Splintered Shard different from entering the Shardpool of a non-Splintered Shard?


2. Can Shardpools function in the same way as an Oathgate, transporting someone where they wish to go?


3. Are Shardpools a gateway between the Cognitive Realm and the Physical Realm?




Ima go ahead and say thanks on the off chance you might happen to actually ask one of these :)

Edited by b4dave
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If you're still accepting additions to your questions list, Hero, perhaps you won't mind adding these: 1) Are Parshendi born already bonded to a spren, or are they born "slaveform"? On a related note, 2) if a pregnant Parshendi performed the bonding ritual, will the spren bond to her, or to her unborn child?

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is ihcor alchool magic or just good presevrative?


Probably the latter. Modern embalming for research purposes involves injecting the bloodstream with an embalming solution of formaldehyde, phenol, and ethanol, plus some other things. It's forcefully circulated around the bloodstream, until it infuses the body tissue. You can keep a cadaver like that in the fridge for a long time. Even just dropping a cadaver in a vat of alcohol makes em' last several months in fantastic condition. Notably, embalming fluids turn a cadaver's flesh grey. Added to the restoration powers of breath, and we can assume that the ichor alcohol is pretty much just a formaldehyde solution of some sort.

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Probably the latter. Modern embalming for research purposes involves injecting the bloodstream with an embalming solution of formaldehyde, phenol, and ethanol, plus some other things. It's forcefully circulated around the bloodstream, until it infuses the body tissue. You can keep a cadaver like that in the fridge for a long time. Even just dropping a cadaver in a vat of alcohol makes em' last several months in fantastic condition. Notably, embalming fluids turn a cadaver's flesh grey. Added to the restoration powers of breath, and we can assume that the ichor alcohol is pretty much just a formaldehyde solution of some sort.

but what abuort new Yesteel dsiocervy

''“I know. He’s the one who originally figured out how to make ichor-alcohol. I hear rumors that he’s got a new form of it. More potent.”'' and he is will make clod MORE hismelf so he knows how to make lifeless better NOT just less rotting that does not sound like formaldehide

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Just got back, asked a few questions. Please note that these are super paraphrased, but I did see someone's IPhone on the table, so we hopefully have a transcript!


Q: Have we seen another Lightweaver?

A: The power? Yes. The Order? No.


Q: Would any of the Orders be okay with one being an assassin?

A: Yes

(Please note that a family member decided to drop in at this point, so I may have heard wrong. Woops.)


Q: Is Liss a Surgebinder?


(Omagawsh it's an actual card this is so cool)


Q: Can you Compound to the point where you become a Savant?

A: No, being a Savant is when you burn so much it alters your spirit, Compounding is similar but different.

(He might have heard the question wrong here, I don't know. I should have asked it differently. But, there goes my theory  :P)


Q: Who's your favorite character to write?

A: Mat Cauthon, especially later on when I really got his character down.


Q: Will we ever see more of Stick?

A: *Laughs* Everyone loves Stick. But no, there aren't any plans to have more Stick.


So that was cool! It's a real shame though that my copy of WoK is currently on loan   <_< .

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Awesome, thanks for posting that Nicrosil! It's too bad I didn't get a chance to meet you and say hi there. That was my phone on the table, and yes I'm planning on posting that here. Anyone know how to do that? (I recorded it with the built in voice memo app on my iPhone)

Edited by Herowannabe
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Get a computer, download Audacity, and play the voice memo back through the iPhone into an Audacity recording. Export as mp3 and post. This is certainly the best way to do this and will not result in more work than it should or a loss in quality. I know this because I neither possess an iPhone nor have any idea of the actual way to do it. Yes, this idea isn't overcomplicated at all.

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More a good idea that seemed worse and worse the longer I thought about it, at which point I'd already typed it.

Seriously, though, the way they screw up the files in those things, that might be the only way you can do it. I don't know. Stop typing, Swim. You're making a fool of yourself. Gah.

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BTW, the two biggest things I learned from this signing, while we wait for me to post the file and somebody to transcribe it:


Someone asked about what it means to be Koloss-blooded. Pretty interesting stuff. When Koloss mate their offspring is "Koloss blooded." When the child comes of age they can choose to accept the spikes and become a full Koloss, or to leave the tribe and make their own way. Also, regular humans can, if they wish, go to a tribe and prove themselves and earn their spikes, becoming a Koloss.


Second, when he was signing my books he noticed my name, which is Bowen, and said something along the lines of "You know, I had a character from one of my earlier unpublished books (White Sands) named 'Bowen.'" He went on to talk about the character a little, who was an archer. And he said that he really shouldn't have a character who was a bowman named Bowen, so when he went back through the book to alter the linguisitcs of the world, he changed the name to Baon (don't know if I'm spelling that right). Then, and this is the big part, he confirmed that this character was in fact "Blunt" in the Way of Kings purelake interlude!!!

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That is some pretty cool new info. I'd thought that the Koloss had been made entirely un-Hemalurgic, but it seems that that is not the case. And with the spikes almost certainly being passed down over the generations, they should eventually lose most of their power. Since they're clearly functional without, I wonder what they need the spikes for?

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So Koloss-blooded is a Koloss who's moved away from the tribe, not a weird Koloss/Human hybrid. Huh.


The questions on Parshendi babies got me thinking something weird. What if the Parshendi are born from eggs? An Eshonai interlude says that mateform Parshendi lock themselves in a room for a few weeks before coming out and going on as usual. This could be an... extended honeymoon, but what if those few weeks are all it takes to lay and hatch a child? It would clear up any pregnant Parshendi shenanigans, and would make sense if the Parshendi naturally evolved from the local fauna. 


Also, congrats to Herowannabe for being a not-really-kinda Brandon character!

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The questions on Parshendi babies got me thinking something weird. What if the Parshendi are born from eggs? An Eshonai interlude says that mateform Parshendi lock themselves in a room for a few weeks before coming out and going on as usual. This could be an... extended honeymoon, but what if those few weeks are all it takes to lay and hatch a child? It would clear up any pregnant Parshendi shenanigans, and would make sense if the Parshendi naturally evolved from the local fauna. 


Also, congrats to Herowannabe for being a not-really-kinda Brandon character!

From the Chicago signing I think



Q:  The Parshmen / Parshendi / Listeners, do they give birth like humans do? Living little Parshendi?

A:   Yeah, they give lifebirth.


Also, my given name was Vinh ;)


If you want to pm me I can send you my email address, and you can email me the sound file.  I'm sure I can find some way to upload it ;)

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Hi, technical things regarding iPhone voice memo.


If you've made a voice memo with your iPhone, simply sync your phone with iTunes. There should now be a playlist in your iTunes containing the voice memo in mp3 format. If not, then with your phone connected, and iTunes running, under the Music tab of your iPhone, check "Include Voice Memos" and then hit "Apply".  Your synced voice memos will appear in a Voice Memos playlist, which iTunes creates if it doesn't already exist. If you're having trouble figuring out how to get the mp3, right click the file in iTunes and there should be an option to show the file.


Once you've got the mp3, upload it. Dropbox is great, if you've got a dropbox. If not, I recommend http://dropcanvas.com/, which is a nice  temporary easy to use service and it doesn't require an account. Those are the easiest ways I know to upload a music file without much fuss. Drag the file onto the page, and paste the link in your address bar here when it's uploaded.

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Haha! Finally, confirmation about Baon!


Thanks, man. 

Is Baon the proper spelling then?


EDIT: And thanks Tempus, uploading it to dropcanvas now...


EDIT2: Uploaded. Here it is: http://dropcanvas.com/#0Oz94r48z44N8D

I will probably go in and transcribe the parts where I was personally involved, which was near the beginning and near the end, just because I can offer input and clarifications. If anybody else wanted to transcribe the rest of it, that would be great.

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