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Can Bronze be used to locate other types of investiture?



In WoR, Hoid is seen by Shallan slipping a packet of powder into his drink, probably metal shavings. Then he talks to her later and realizes she is a Radiant immediately.  Could he have used bronze to realize she was a radiant?  How else would he have known?

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3 answers to this question

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Yes. Bronze detects all forms of kinetic investiture.



Can you detect Feruchemy with bronze Allomancy?

Brandon Sanderson

It is actually possible but it's very difficult. There's a tweak that you need to do to make it work and I haven't talked about that yet. They do not know how to do it… on Scadrial. But you can theoretically detect all kinds of active Investiture. Investiture that's being used. Kinetic Investiture would be the way to call it.


"all kinds" 

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@jk82672 In addition to what @Calderis said (nice WoB by the way-hadn't seen that one before), Hoid could possibly have known that Shallan was a Radiant through whatever weird way he knows where he needs to be. I think it's much more likely that he was using allomancy, but I can't remember if Shallan was actively using Investiture during that scene.

Also, welcome to the Shard! If you want, you could go over to the introduce yourself section of the forum and, well, introduce yourself!

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