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Odium's Path from the Shattering to Roshar



After the shattering, Odium splintered and killed the holders of (at least) three shards before arriving on Roshar. In the various timelines for the Cosmere I have seen constructed, Odium is always said to have splintered Devotion and Dominion on Sel first, and then mortally wounded Ambition in the Threnodite system before Ambition was fully splintered, almost certainly by Odium, elsewhere (see, e.g. here, for example). Is there any WOB or anything that substantiates this order, because, based on the system overviews in AU, I presumed Odium went after and splintered Ambition before he went to Sel.

Concerning Ambition, the Thredodite System overview says:


. . . Long ago, soon after the shattering, Odium clashed with (and mortally wounded) the Shard Ambition here. Ambition would later be splintered, though that final act took place in a different location. . . .

Concerning Devotion and Dominion, the Selish System overview says:


 . . . at some point in the distant past, both Devotion and Dominion were destroyed. . .

The Selish System article, also suggests that there was a fairly substantial period of time that Devotion and Dominion were on Sel before being destroyed, at least in human terms. There is no such suggestion in in the Threnodite Sytem article, though the coppermind article on Ambition makes it sound as though this was the case, or at least that there had been significant enough investiture once on Threnody to suggest it, all albeit without citations backing it up.

It sounds to me, all told, that Odium went after Ambition first, soon after the shattering, and then went to Sel after Devotion and Dominion had been there for a fairly significant amount of time, at least from a human perspective. I think this is reinforced by the fact that Odium didn't defeat and Splinter Ambition outright, and that she was able to run away first after being mortally wounded. This suggests to me that Odium was still just figuring out how to splinter and not just kill the holders of other shards. I think Mistborn Secret history also suggested that splintering other shards was something shards had to learn, and that Ruin hadn't learned it, which was what allowed Kelsier, then Vin, then Sazed to take up preservation.

Is there a reason to believe Odium went to Sel before going after Ambition, rather than after? If so, can you please share it? Thanks

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He wanted to hit ambition first, but was unable to find her until after he hit D&D



Some of the few Shards Rayse Splintered included Ambition, I believe, Dominion, and Devotion.

Brandon Sanderson



And those were all way back, in the history. So, we know that the Shards' personalities overrides the Vessel's personality over time?

Brandon Sanderson

Strongly influence, and depending on the individual, override.


Okay. So did Rayse choose those Shards because--

Brandon Sanderson

He went after Ambition first, but didn't find Ambition until after going after Devotion and Dominion. But Ambition was number one on his hit list.


Was it because of the Shard or because of the Vessel? Like did he hate the person?

Brandon Sanderson

In this case it was the Shard, primarily, that drove him--


Oh, he was maybe afraid the Shard would grow too powerful and take over--

Brandon Sanderson

He was afraid that this Shard that would rival him. And so he's like "This one is number one on the hit list. We're taking down Ambition." But then he got trapped in the Rosharan system.



Edited by Calderis
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12 minutes ago, Wandering Investor said:

@CalderisI thought he fought and injured Ambition before she fled the Threnody system, killed D&D, then found and finished off Ambition?

That's not the way that I understand it. 

The confrontation between them was after the events of Sel. The main battle was there in the Threnody system, though according to the AU essay the kill blow and actual death occurred "elsewhere." 

The AU essays are canon, so they Trump the WoB... But they are also confusing on this matter. 

They say that the conflict with ambition occurred "soon after the shattering." but as to the Selish shards their death occurred "in the distant past" an is a matter of "human prehistory." 

Which is first is debatable honestly. All I can be sure on is the order in which the Shards died. 

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