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[OB] Crazy theory from a man with too much time

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Okay,this is more of a "Would this even work theory?" then a "Can I predict Lord Branderson's plans?" theory.

If Sja-anat managed to defect to Team Radiant,would she be able to make her own children?

Hear me out. We all know that spren are simply sentient Investiture,as Investiture is oft to become when left alone or shaped by a Splinter's power,as seen with the Stormfather.

We also know that Team Radiant are able to capture the Unmade and will probably try to do this because Odium is a terrible father and his kids deserve better. There is also the theory of the Radiants taking the gem holding Nergaoul,or the Thrill,and cleansing him/using him in a fabrial.

While they probably will not need to capture Sja-Anat as she is willing,would it be possible to make a fabrial allowing her to shape Investiture into not a corrupted spren,but a new kind of spren entirely?

You would need a hideous amount of Stormlight,I would think,probably needing to use most of the gems in Urithiru along with shoving it into a highstorm. But it might work.

So what do you think? Am I a genius or should I be dragged off to Bedlam?

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Thing is the Radiants have expressed no interest in obtaining Sja-Anat as a Team Radiant. The clandestine organization the ghostbloods want her. If Renarin is any indication corrupted spren still work. In fact Renarin spren grants abilities normally reserved for Odium without having side effects of making him inherently evil. So perhaps a new spren is not the accurate assessment. She creates corrupted spren with unpredictable abilities! 

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2 hours ago, Calderis said:

All I think she would need to do is find the places where spren are "born" and shape one of her own. 

As far as... "manufacturing" one I don't think so

Well I mean she is a big Splinter and while I can't see her making a high spren either through "manufacturing" or somehow getting into their maternity ward,I think low spren just pop into existence so they'd be pretty easy to make.

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I think what's interesting to note is that the the art of Sja-Anat in OB calls her both a creator and a corrupter. I think it's likely she could create her own spren, but who knows if that page is accurate?

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