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Welcome to the Cosmere State of the Union


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As you can tell by my name, I am the President of the United States.....well okay maybe that was a lie to help Pattern be happy. Let me start over, hello I am Potus! I began reading Sanderson books probably around late 2016 starting with The Way of Kings. Since then I have read all Cosmere related works. I am very interested in lore and world-building so I was super ecstatic when I realized that there was a whole universe with loads of history in it. My favorite Cosmere works are Emperor's Soul and Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell. I am really looking forward to this community and all future discussions!

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Welcome at @Potus to Brandon's own private perpendicularity. we look forward to having your knowledge added to our vast shard pool. Enjoy everything that the shard has to offer save cookies if they are offered as they may in fact be spiked. Welcome again and have an upvote.

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Hello! Welcome! Would you like a Certified Hemalurgy-Free fortune cookie? Compliments of TUBA. Be wary, there are some people who do have hemalurgic cookies. Also, look out for Breath stealers

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Edited by Inklingspren
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