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(OB) that thing in epilogue


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Pattern isn't even named pattern. It's a nickname given by Shallan that he agreed to for the sake of convenience because his name is some kind numeric string or mathematical equation that is completely impractical for human speech. 

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Yeah, she calls her spren Pattern and he's okay with it because his real name isn't practical for normal use. It might even be an equation describing the crazy fractal pattern that he appears as, or his head appears as when in the Cognitive Realm. For example, take a look at some of the the equations involved in the Julia Set, which is where Brandon got the physical layout for Roshar's main landmass. Now imagine trying to say one of those every time you want to talk to your spren. Yeah,you'd pick a nickname as well.

Compare with Lopen, who has also bonded an honorspren named Rua by the end of the book. Same type of spren as Kaladin but a different individual.

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Right, Brandonw as capitalizing it for emphasis. That it's a Pattern is significant, not that it's named Pattern. Cryptic names aren't words, they're a string of numbers and/or mathematical equations.

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