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I've always thought that feruchemy would be the best just for everyday stuff. I mean you can control your body temperature so you don't have to wear clothes according to the weather, you can heal so you don't have to worry about getting hurt, Fortune makes you a gambling king, and mental speed is just awesome. 

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Welcome to the Shard @rantharslayer. Here are some questions to consider

  • Which of Brandon's cosmere magic systems would you want to be able to use? I'd love being a feruchemist for some of the reasons @Gray to has stated above.
  • What kind of abilities do you think the fifth oath would bring? Many here speculate the fourth oath gives shardplate.
  • What are your top 3 favourite cosmere moments? For me it's :Sazed at the end of HoA, Kaladin in the arena and Dalinar at the end of OB.
  • What are some tinfoil hat theories you have that you are passionate about? I have a few about the Ghostbloods.
  • Who is your favourite cosmere character and why is is Taln?
  • How did you feel about the pacing and structure of OB? I felt it had some issues compared to WoR but in the context of a 10 book series and 5 book arc it could look much better in hindsight, kinda like how Empire in Star Wars was received after Return of the Jedi.
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Sorry for taking so long to respond. Thank you @Archer, @Gray to, @The Harlem Worldhoppers, and @Barbarian AL

For Archer's question, I would like to say that all magic forms in the cosmere are extremely versatile and therefor any one of them is limited only to the user's imagination and skill. I do like Gray to's answer of Feruchemy, however, I am going to try to answer this based on evidence and what I remember from the book. From what I can tell, the magics that have been used outside of combat by characters are Surgebinding, the AonDor (and similar), Allomancy, and Feruchemy. Of these, I have to say that the AonDor from Elantris is probably the best answer, for it has the least amount of restrictions on it than any other magic. Surgebinding is limited to two combined, very specific powers and while, those can be used outside of combat (lightweaving, etc) they are far more restricted. Allomancy's abd Feruchemy's problems are the same, though you can see more examples of their usefulness in the books. These mainly appear in the Wax and Wayne series related to Ranette and various other instances of Allomancers selling their abilities (soothing salons, etc). So, yeah, I would say AonDor.

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For you @The Harlem Worldhoppers

1) I love surgebinding and allomancy, but since you can have a larger variety of powers in allomancy, I would choose that. (unless you could have ALL of the surgebinding powers sorta like a mistborn)

2)The 5th? That's a hard one that I haven't really thought about, though the 4th is most definitely shardplate. Though I don't have a real answer to this, I think a fun speculation would be acquiring one or more extra surgebinding abilities.

3) Okay so one is sort of weird, but I really liked in the Wax and Wayne series how High Imperial speech is literally Spook's street dialect. Two is probably how Adolin's sword is starting to come back to life (something I totally called back in WoR because spren are made by human personification and Adolin treats his sword like a person). Three is literally all of the discussion of philosophy and religion in any of Brandon's books (these are not really in order)

4) Theories? I don't know, I just really want the people of Yolen and the other Cosmere aware people to have a battle against all of the main characters of the other books led by Hoid (Hoid/surgebinders/allomancers/etc against the Yolen people). Another theory is that someone will try to recombine all 16 shards back into God.

5) My favorite Cosmere character is probably Shallan. I'm not yet completely sure why yet though.

6) I loved Oathbringer, everything about it, I thought the pacing of all of the Stormlight books were very good. The worst book pacing wise in the cosmere that I have read is definitely Elantris.

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1 hour ago, Nohadon said:

Who do you think would win in a fight? The Sovereign + Marsh vs TLR (The Lord Ruler)?


Definitely TLR. He's just way too good at using allomancy and feruchemy together and compounding.

As for my tin foil hat theory, I loled that one theory someone mentioned that Dalinar is Connecting to Honor, Cultivation, and Odium, and that Unity is the combination of pieces of those 3 shards combined into one shard. And I think it would be cool if that was his 5th oath. "I will unite the gods" or something

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7 minutes ago, Gray to said:

As for my tin foil hat theory, I loled that one theory someone mentioned that Dalinar is Connecting to Honor, Cultivation, and Odium, and that Unity is the combination of pieces of those 3 shards combined into one shard. And I think it would be cool if that was his 5th oath. "I will unite the gods" or something

As for my tinfoil hat theory, it's gotta be that hoid is trying to reform adonalsium

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2 hours ago, Nohadon said:

welcome to the shard! Check out the social groups and clans area if you're interested in that type of stuff!

Who do you think would win in a fight? The Sovereign + Marsh vs TLR (The Lord Ruler)?


For the sake of fairness I am not considering TLR's ignorance of era 2 metals.

I feel like The Sovereign and Marsh take this one. TLR has a ridiculous amount of power but he has never had to fight someone remotely on the same power level as himself. He has probably never had to push himself in a fight to win while Kelsier and Marsh have experience fighting more powerful foes and using their abilities in inventive ways. 

I think the winner of this fight is determined by who can remove the hemallurgic spikes in their opponent. With a strong enough push any hemallurgic spikes can be removed from the body and both Kelsier and TLR are strong enough to accomplish this. Marsh tips the scales towards team Super Spike Brothers


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