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Sanderson Pickup Lines

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I was incredibly bored one day, and I just decided to make a bunch of these...

Warning: cringey-ness below. Awful puns and terrible references follow this message. Viewer discretion is advised.




You’re a potato in a minefield. (Someone actually used this on me. My heart melted a little bit...)

If you were an Epic, your name would be Beautiful.

It’s no Calamity that we met.



Even if we never met and had only written letters to each other, I would still choose to enter an arranged marriage with you.



On a scale of how much I love you from 1-10, one being Bluefingers and ten being Nightblood, you’re a solid 8.

(Sorry to anyone who might like Bluefingers, but I really didn’t...)

Stormlight Archive:


Are you a Stick, or are you just on fire?

I want to be with you almost as much as I want Kaladin to be happy.

It wouldn’t take 10 heartbeats for me to find you in a crowd.



You may not be able to fly, but I can make an exception.

It wouldn’t be like dividing by zero if we were a couple.




If we weren’t together, it would be a tragedy.

I would draw a nine point defense if it meant protecting you.

Emperor’s Soul:


I don’t need Forgery to make my life amazing, because you’re in it.

Mistborn— Secret History:


If you were God, I wouldn’t slap you across the face.

I want to be “that nobleman of yours.”



You make book covers? Can you make one called Trials of Monument? (Someone asked that to a friend of mine while I was in the room, then raised their eyebrows at me afterwards. I died a little on the inside...)

You may not be Kelsier, but I can settle for you.

*give someone a handkerchief*

Perfect State:


I would give you a better first date than that...

General Sanderson:


I love you almost as much as I love Sanderson books.

I might actually re-enter society and put down my Sanderson book because of you.


Again, I was incredibly bored.

Feel free to use them if you need... ;)

Anyone have any others?

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@King Cole... that was incredible. 


I love you as much as Wayne loves his hat.

When you're gone, I miss you almost as much as Hoid misses his instant noodles.

I'd become a Worldhopper and travel across the Cosmere to search for you.

Are you a Radiant? Because it's almost like you're glowing— you make my world a little bit brighter.

You're so amazing, I would almost rather date you over a book character.

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I love you as much as I do the 17th Shard. So much that I check on you when I could be doing something with my life...

Are you a spren? Cause I wanna bond with you.

Are you a lurcher? Cause I feel you pulling on me.

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2 minutes ago, Ashspren said:

When someone tells me not to do something, I always end up doing it... I’m so trying that one.

Lool please report back if you do! 

If you get a positive response I'll personally hail you the leige of all charisma B)

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32 minutes ago, Apollyon said:

You use these on her? Or you used these so now you have her?

All of the above. Although I have made probably 50+ pickup lines besides these cause she loves hearing them

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1 hour ago, King Cole said:

All of the above. Although I have made probably 50+ pickup lines besides these cause she loves hearing them

Someone has actually used one or two of the pickup lines from my first post on me. And, they compared me to some of my favorite Sanderson characters, and made some references to some of the greatest scenes between couples in the books. I’m going to see what happens when they hear the chull dung pickup line... 

Needless to say, they are awesome. It’s great when you’re with someone who’s also a Sanderfan ^_^

Edited by Ashspren
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8 hours ago, Apollyon said:

And then there’s me, hoping to convince at least one person to read more than Mistborn Era 1... 

It hurts to not have someone to discuss Cosmere with. :P

Hey, that’s what the Shard is for, right?

The person who used the pickup lines to me introduced me to Sanderson. They wanted me to read Mistborn, but I still hadn’t gotten it within two weeks. They surprised me with the Final Empire, and told me to start reading at that moment. :lol:

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Sorry for the double post... but I told them the chull dung pickup line...


Me: (insert chull dung pickup line)

Them: ...

Me: Oh, come on! You were supposed to have a reaction for me to post on the Shard!

Them: But that was just terrible... like, no...

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4 hours ago, Ashspren said:

Sorry for the double post... but I told them the chull dung pickup line...


Me: (insert chull dung pickup line)

Them: ...

Me: Oh, come on! You were supposed to have a reaction for me to post on the Shard!

Them: But that was just terrible... like, no...

I feel ... dismayed.

Was worth a shot I guess lol.

Here’s some other ones I thought off though my competence in this particular area is evidently lacking :lol::

You must be a chasmfiend, because you’re such a gemheart!

If we were on a bridge run, I’d take the place infront of you. 

Not even the Lord Ruler’s magic can dampen my love for you! 

Your exuberance would even make the Shin grass dance in delight!

Please excuse the corn, I’ve admitted my incompetence so I can’t be held accountable lol

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1 hour ago, Barbarian AL said:

You must be a chasmfiend, because you’re such a gemheart!


This reminds me of one I forgot.

You must be a chasmfiend because all I want is your heart

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