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Era 3 Mistborn serial killer?

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I'm wondering how a mistborn would be born in the future given that allomantic abilities become diluted over time. If the serial killer used hemallurgy to achieve this then they would be open to Harmony's influence and I can't imagine Harmony allowing someone to use hemmalurgy for evil intentions.

Is this mistborn the product of The Set's plans? Is it kelsier as some have theorised? Leave your thoughts below 

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"Mistborn serial killer" definitely implies natural birth cause Sanderson could've used "allomancer serial killer" instead. I mean Sazed made full feruchemist/mistborn from being born harder but he still made spook a mistborn when there were already none left so he could have some absurb plan for it in the future we know the future sight shards have and how subtle they could be.

I don't think he's Kelsier but Kelsier is pretty important era 3 apparently.

I thought Sazed already made it clear on era 2 that he doesn't necessarily think that bad things happening are unacceptable and he could just obliterate someone in the face of Scadrial if he wants but he never did and never will even before his intent started manifesting. Remember he's still half-Ruin, not just full preservation no matter how benevolent he will view some horribly destructive events he will see as necessary for mankind. 

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It would be an interesting turn of events if the mistborn serial killer were Kelsier. I've read your theory @Toaster Retribution And I think there is a solid argument for it being Kelsier. Brandon was writing Secret History from as early as 2006 so he has clearly felt for a long time that Kelsier's story is not yet finished. 

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29 minutes ago, The Harlem Worldhoppers said:

It would be an interesting turn of events if the mistborn serial killer were Kelsier. I've read your theory @Toaster Retribution And I think there is a solid argument for it being Kelsier. Brandon was writing Secret History from as early as 2006 so he has clearly felt for a long time that Kelsier's story is not yet finished. 

Yeah, he has been plannong stuff for Kelsier for a long time. There would be a certain irony in it too, since Kelsier was the ultimate hero in the first trilogy, and then becomes the villain. 

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Brandon has said Kelsier will play a small role in The Lost Metal so that will hopefully shine a light on his motivations. He is clearly not afraid to get his hands dirty to accomplish his goals. Serial killers follow a pattern in their targets so era 1 Kelsier could be said to be a serial killer targeting nobility, though he lumped in skaa who served the nobility. What if he is targeting allomancers and/or feruchemists to either harvest their abilities or remove their abilities from the gene pool?

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When Kelsier told Vin she had a lot to learn about friendship it set events in motion that drastically altered Vin. When Vin meets Kelsier in the cognitive realm she tells Kelsier that he has a lot to learn about love. If done well this interaction should drastically alter Kelsier in a similar way. That and Kelsier was permanently altered by holding preservation.

I find it very unlikely Kelsier would be the serial killer. I do think we are meant to believe that it could be him.

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5 hours ago, Toaster Retribution said:

Yeah, he has been plannong stuff for Kelsier for a long time. There would be a certain irony in it too, since Kelsier was the ultimate hero in the first trilogy, and then becomes the villain. 

He has also said (paraphrasing) that in other stories Kelsier would be a villain, it would be just like Brandon to tease in open sight like that....I don't think it will happen but would be kind of funny.


edit: stupid predictive text!

Edited by Jeffo
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I don't believe that it will be Kel. 

Not because I think Kel is dead set to be a good guy... But because Kel at this point has the knowledge and abilities to essentially be another Lord Ruler. 

He made the Bands. "serial killer" is just a little bit low on the things he could achieve. 

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Actually it could be someone who is a misting, most likely a coinshot, who has knowledge of hemalurgy. The idea is that this person would hemalurgicly steal someone elses power with a steel spike and then burn that spike in order to become a mistborn. Burning a hemalurgic spike splices the two spiritwebs. So it would probably make you a misting or ferring of what ever power was stored in the spike, but also mentally unstable.

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32 minutes ago, Krios said:

Actually it could be someone who is a misting, most likely a coinshot, who has knowledge of hemalurgy. The idea is that this person would hemalurgicly steal someone elses power with a steel spike and then burn that spike in order to become a mistborn. Burning a hemalurgic spike splices the two spiritwebs. So it would probably make you a misting or ferring of what ever power was stored in the spike, but also mentally unstable.

There are conflicting WoBs on this. We don't know for certain what burning a spike that's in you would do... Other than be horrendously painful. 

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14 hours ago, Yata said:

Putting aside the conflictual WoB.

That method (if works) would turn you into a quad Misting at best...well a quad Misting - quad Ferring. Not into a Mistborn

Actually you are right, I somehow got it in my head, that you could become a Mistborn this way. But you could still become a person with 8 powers, which are compoundable. I wonder, if it would work to have a bronze spike, which is charged with allomantic bronze, and break that in two pieces, so you can implant one and then burn the other half to get the ability to burn bronze. Then burn the other half of the spike in a second step. If it does you could become a mistborn and by consequence a fullborn that way.

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On 1/6/2018 at 8:22 PM, MountainKing said:

Wait why would you become a quad misting quad feeding?

Assuming Krios' method works (and it's a great assumption).

A Coinshoot would be able to tu burn Steel Spikes to permanently obtain the powers in them.

In Steel Spikes you could place powers from the Allomantic Physical Quadrant, so A-Iron, A-Tin and A-Pewter.

So you will turn into a Quand Misting, but as you now you are a Pewterarm too.

At this point you could burn also Pewter Spikes, that steal Feruchemical physical quadrant and therefore F-Steel, F-Iron, F-Tin and F-Pewter.

Burning those will gave you Feruchemical Powers into that quadrant and together with the already obtained...you are now a Quad Misting and Quad Ferring.

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