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Word Around Town Is...

Kuri Shardweaver

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Bizarre Bazaar

It's that time of year again, when the self-proclaimed Wondrous Wagons begin their journey across Alteiryn to alleviate the good people of the lands of their spare Pulsers....err...to entertain the masses, that is!! Touting itself as the greatest moving collection of the mysterious and unusual, the Bazaar is Alteiryn's best-loved scam, patrons gladly parting with a Pulsemark or two just to see what sort of ridiculous ruse they are attempting to pull this year.

Promising bizarre beasts and astonishing artifacts, it usually amounts to little more than mundane animals with horns glued in strange places and cheap parlor tricks, but rumor has it that this year they are showcasing something truly extraordinary..

The Wailing Phantom of Mawsback

"Couldn't move away fast enough for the wife.." The woodsman said, drink in slightly trembling hand. "Had it up to here with the place, she said. Mawsback definitely saw better years." Taking a long moment to peer into the bottom of the pint, he licked his lips before continuing.

"We could deal with the wolves growing in number. Set a few traps, they'll move on. Smart things, them. Had a bad year of gardens before, too. Sometimes ya get bad seeds, and the Beryls can't be helping everyone. It happens. But we'd had enough of that damnation spook..

As long as there have been people felling timber in the Mawsback Woods, there have been tales of the Phantom. By day it hides amongst the trees, silent and still as the grave. You'd never know it was there until you turn around and there it stands, taller than an Ohn and twice as wide. It wears the hides of all manner of beasts, draped from head to toe, a deep hood black as death staring right through to your soul. And then it reaches for ya, a low, wailing groan chilling you to the bone. You can run, but it follows ya, footsteps like falling timber as it wails."

The woodsman shuddered involuntarily, finishing his brew in a quick gulp. His audience was all too keen to hear the rest of the tale and swiftly provided another.

"It don't come into the village, not while the sun's up. But at night you can hear it in the streets, rattling the shutters with its steps, wakin' the babes with its moaning. Some think it's the Serpent's work, a giant sent to bring folk to their final rest, willing or not. My ol' man thought it was just a fool Hornless Ohn, far and away from its tribe, but even an Ohn bleeds when ya cut it.." A shattered axe was set on the table, eliciting a gasp from the crowd. "And me? I think...it ain't my problem no more."


I suppose the best way to sum up this thread is that it's basically going to be a short synopsis of the equivalent of 'sidequests' for the EC. Any individual blurb I post here is essentially something the characters can choose to investigate as they see fit. Obviously I will add more over time, and in true sidequest fashion participating in one may 'unlock' additional links in a chain. Keep in mind none of these are mandatory nor will they conflict with the primary goal of locating the Conflux or even with the Tolveran Incident, but rather they will exist as 'filler' threads between any major story points.

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  • 2 months later...

It was a rhetorical question XD.

Anyways, I think I am going to start with the wagons..."soon".

Life kinda ambushed me for the past two days. I had several events that greatly consumed my time for the past day. I have a speech tomorrow, a play in the afternoon, followed by ACTs the next day, then a couple hours of rigorous exercise in the form of paintball.

And to top it all off I am, apparently, the school go-to guy when the tech department is not available immediately for fixing computer problems.

Edited by Emeralis00
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It was a rhetorical question XD.

Anyways, I think I am going to start with the wagons..."soon".

Life kinda ambushed me for the past two days. I had several events that greatly consumed my time for the past day. I have a speech tomorrow, a play in the afternoon, followed by ACTs the next day, then a couple hours of rigorous exercise in the form of paintball.

And to top it all off I am, apparently, the school go-to guy when the tech department is not available immediately for fixing computer problems.

Life happens, that's the beauty of forum roleplay, not everyone has to be on at the same time!

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