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Hello all you wonderful people!

I don't know you at all as I just found out about this site, but I look forward to judging you all over the coming weeks. I was having a discussion about an unknown Ideal in Stormlight Archives and, lo and behold, a quick google search unVeils this treasure trove of a site that I was probably vaguely aware of. Having then had a EUREKA moment, I felt compelled to make a post. 

I'm an avid reader and I think I've read of Mr. Sanderson's work, outside of Alcatraz. 

Here's to a lovely future!

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Though Lopen is certainly up there (and I mention this for no reason at all), he isn't the top of that mighty heap. He is one of two characters (Rosharans) whose dialogue I enjoy reading outloud.  Jasnah is up there too, as the blood of the skeptic runs(albeit coldly) through my veins. I have high hopes for the Herald Taln (or whatever variation) as he is hands down the most badass character in the series (Stormlight is my favorite and default series to be discussing) for his incredible feat in not breaking under torture for thousands of years and upon finally breaking and finding himself back on Roshar is THRILLED TO FIND OUT HOW LONG HE WAS TORTURED FOR, just for how much time he bought people.  But it is Dalinar who I most connect with, as we share similar emotional makeups. There's few characters I don't enjoy in some way though.

As for book, I'd say it's a forthcoming Stormlight Archives Omnibus.

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