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Do we have definite confirmation that the three gods of Roshar are Odium, Honor, and Cultivation? The reason I ask is that Odium seems to pop,around the cosmere without calling any one area home. The other reason is a spoiler having to do with bond smiths, so I am not posting it here.

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Odium was never confirmed as a God, so far as I recall.

It's been a while since I last read the introduction to Way of Kings, but I believe Odium is the one the Radiants left behind, driven mad in Damnation as his soul was tortured enough for all of them.


Ok, so maybe the spoiler tag wasn't necessary, but I'd prefer to be careful about such things :)

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Woah, Bort, that's... way out there. No, sorry, you are misremembering things pretty hardcore - Odium is a Shard of Adonalsium (which is as close as beings get to being gods in the cosmere). The Radiant - Herald, actually - left behind was Taln (or Talenel'Elin, or Talenelat, whichever form of his name you prefer). 


Sounds like you need a nice juicy reread :)

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Thanks Argent. That actually clears up quite a bit for me, and gets some of the old cogs firing! :)


You are right, I could do with a reread. It's been a while since I last read WoK, and my first read through of WoR was so fast I have no doubt I missed a lot of little points. That's why I'm reading it through again, but slowly this time. I'll probably go back to WoK then, to see what extra I pick up on after having read WoR.


It does seem strange though, that there would be three Gods named Honor, Cultivation, and Odium. Honor and Cultivation kind of implies that Odium isn't his real name, if he really is a God. They are ideals. Honor and Cultivation are two things that Humans look to for a good life. Odium should be named something along the lines of Desolation, acting as the opposite of Cultivation.

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Rayse is the name of the person who took the shard Odium.  Odium is actually an idea along the same lines as Honor or Cultivation.  Odium is defined (by google) as "general or widespread hatred or disgust directed toward someone as a result of their actions."

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I really don't think that Odium was one of the three gods. I just do not see anyone worshiping hatred. I also don't think that he is the broken one. if he is, what about him is broken? the only shard/god that I know would be broken would be Cultivation and she would be broken emotionally because of the loss of Honor, who she seems to care for. I would really like WoB or even WoP before I accept that Odium was one of the three and/or is the broken one.

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Rayse is the name of the person who took the shard Odium.  Odium is actually an idea along the same lines as Honor or Cultivation.  Odium is defined (by google) as "general or widespread hatred or disgust directed toward someone as a result of their actions."


Ah, Cultivation bless Google then. It seems that Odium may well have a right to stand alongside Cultivation and Honor as Gods then. Thank you for clarifying this Rlain.



I really don't think that Odium was one of the three gods. I just do not see anyone worshiping hatred. I also don't think that he is the broken one. if he is, what about him is broken? the only shard/god that I know would be broken would be Cultivation and she would be broken emotionally because of the loss of Honor, who she seems to care for. I would really like WoB or even WoP before I accept that Odium was one of the three and/or is the broken one.


Knowing the definition of Odium (the word, not the God) now, I think Odium has a place as one of the Gods.


If I remember correctly, the Broken One was Taln (or Talenel'Elin - see Argent's post above) since he was the last Herald left after the others abandoned their posts and their Shards. It was up to him to bear the burden of all of the Heralds, and I think it was their leaving that gave Odium the chance he needed to weaken then break Taln, and from there to destroy Honor.


I actually thought that Odium and Taln may have been the same being, with Taln being driven crazy by having to bear the weight of all Damnation instead of it being split between himself and his brothers. Turns out this is very likely wrong.

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I really don't think that Odium was one of the three gods. I just do not see anyone worshiping hatred. I also don't think that he is the broken one. if he is, what about him is broken? the only shard/god that I know would be broken would be Cultivation and she would be broken emotionally because of the loss of Honor, who she seems to care for. I would really like WoB or even WoP before I accept that Odium was one of the three and/or is the broken one.


"Gods" in the cosmere are not really dependent on worship - you get yourself a Shard of Adonalsium, you have the power of a god at your disposal. Whether sapient species acknowledge you is a matter of personality.


Regarding the Broken One, it's unlikely that it's Taln (though he certainly must be pretty broken). Considering the context of this phrase ("Three of sixteen ruled, now the Broken One reigns"), it's probably a reference to one of the Shards - whom we know to be sixteen. We know that Shards Honor, Cultivation, and Odium have been active on Roshar, so it's likely that they are the three the Death Rattle calls for. And while the "Broken One" could refer to any one of them (Honor because he is Splintered, Cultivation because she is pretty broken up by the loss of her lover, and Odium because he is just psychotic), Odium is the one that makes most sense to me. Plus, neither Honor nor Cultivation seem to be doing anything serious ruling nowadays. Plus, Odium ruling is pretty ominous.

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Ok, so forgetting Taln as the Broken One, three of sixteen ruled. Honor is dead, Cultivation pretty muich gone, and a slightly insane Odium is left. Out of the three of them, Odium does seem to be the one in charge, so broken, as in mad, maybe?


This is the Seventeenth Shard, so I'm guessing the rest of the 16 Shards are the Gods in the rest of the planets in the Cosmere. Is Hoid one of the 16? If not, I'll bet he is the 17th Shard.

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Ok, so forgetting Taln as the Broken One, three of sixteen ruled. Honor is dead, Cultivation pretty muich gone, and a slightly insane Odium is left. Out of the three of them, Odium does seem to be the one in charge, so broken, as in mad, maybe?


This is the Seventeenth Shard, so I'm guessing the rest of the 16 Shards are the Gods in the rest of the planets in the Cosmere. Is Hoid one of the 16? If not, I'll bet he is the 17th Shard.


You might be better off digging through the Coppermind wiki and the interview database / signings reports in order to catch up on all the cosmere lore we now assume everyone knows about. 

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“Three of sixteen ruled, but now the Broken One reigns.”


This is a death rattle correct? If so, then is it maybe transcribed incorrectly?  Perhaps what the dying man said was "the Broken One rains."  As in, little slivers of honor are inside the highstorms?


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You know, since having a poke around these forums, I think you might be right. One of my next questions was going to be if there was a wiki-type site containing this kind of info. I should have guessed it would have something to do with Copperminds :)


Sorry for the utter noob-ness displayed in this thread (and no doubt others) :)

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This is a death rattle correct? If so, then is it maybe transcribed incorrectly?  Perhaps what the dying man said was "the Broken One rains."  As in, little slivers of honor are inside the highstorms?



This way madness lies. Keep this kind of logic long enough and you start justifying your theories with "well, maybe Brandon made a typo." If there was an overwhelming support, or even a precedence that Death Rattles are sometimes written down incorrectly, then maybe. But not in this case.

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Hey guys, long time lurker, just wanted to chime in. Spoiler alert for WOR, WOK, and Mistborn, just in case you have to preface it here.

I thought Odium was definitely the "Broken One," since the Stormfather once stated, "Odium Reigns." So, Broken One=Odium. As for being broken, maybe it has something to due with Odium being trapped/contained on the Roshar system (as alluded to in the letter through WOR)? If Odium wasn't "broken," he would presumably be able to go to different locations, as he has done in the past. So maybe Odium's goal in the series is to become "unbroken," similar to Ruin wanting to be free in Mistborn?

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