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Ghostbloods basement artifacts


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Which of the artifacts that the ghostbloods have in the basement in WoR can we Identify. Here is my list so far.

Pale sand: Sandmastery


Golden Hair: Royal Locks

Tree Branch with writing on it: ?

Silver Knife: Keliser's from Mistborn Secret History or from Threnody

Odd Flower: dye flower from Warbreaker

Pink Crystal: ?

Any thoughts.

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I've seen suggestions on other threads that the hairpins are actually hemalurgic spikes - not my idea but I quite like that one and it makes sense.

Is the tree branch definitely confirmed as Yolen? Just, I remember a thread when WoR first came out, suggesting it was the bone of a Dakhor monk (but that was years ago and it may have been superseded by a WoB).

And the dye flower is called Tears of Edgli, I believe.

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I think that the crystal is likely something from either First of the Sun, White Sand, or an Atium Crystal. The Hair pins as Hemalurgic spikes makes sense, especially if they are Kandra spikes because we know that the blessing spikes are small and thin.

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3 hours ago, ljósmóður said:

Is the tree branch definitely confirmed as Yolen? Just, I remember a thread when WoR first came out, suggesting it was the bone of a Dakhor monk (but that was years ago and it may have been superseded by a WoB).

Directly Superseded.


[Mraize's] cosmere treasure room had a white tree branch-like thing, is that the bones from Sel?

Brandon Sanderson
It is not from Sel, it's from Yolen.

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15 minutes ago, Gasper said:

What is the pink crystal? That is what I really want to know.

It’s an Aether. 



Mraize's Basement Emporium. Is that more like a trophy room or a "In case of emergencies" room?

Multiple people[PENDING REVIEW]

Or a bank vault?

Or a weapon's vault?

Or both?

Brandon Sanderson[PENDING REVIEW]

So, yes. 

*multiple people talking*

I mean, he can't use the Aether, right? He can't use the Aether, he doesn't have an Aether. But the sand, the sand does stuff. So a handful of sand is a really useful amount of sand to have if you're not a sandmaster. Because sand reacts to investiture. So if you let it fade and you take it somewhere, as soon as investiture goes kinetic, it'll turn white again. So you'll be able to use it to tell who's using inve..it works just like a Seeker, like bronze pulses.

So having white sand, having sand around is really good. If you can keep the little beasties that are growing on the sand around, they will react to basically the investiture equivalent of radiation. So that's handy.



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1 hour ago, Gasper said:

What exactly is an Aether?

Back in the day, there was a story called Aether of Night....


Brandon Sanderson
Potential Cosmere Stories List

Here are things that at one point I've had in the works, and probably someday plan to do, in the 'osmere:

  • Dragonsteel/Liar of Partinel. (Hoid's origin story, to be written sometime after Stormlight is done.)
  • Untitled Silverlight novella. (What it says on the tin.)
  • Aether of Night. (Still in the cosmere, and you can see the odd remnant of an Aether popping up here and there. Bound to be drastically different from the unpublished novel. Basically, the only thing from it that is canon is the magic system.)
  • Silence Divine. (Disease magic novella set on Ashyn.)

Aether of Night, aethers also show up in Liar of Partinel. Was that cannibalized...

Brandon Sanderson
That was a cannibalization, it's an attempt at repurposing and I didn't like it so it probably won't go forward that way but it was an attempt because it worked so well to mash Allomancy and Feruchemy into the same system and I didn't like how it went but...

As for Aether's themselves... the WoB repository is pretty empty, so you'd have to ask somebody who's read the sample text, which is not me

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