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[OB] Children


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Rereading Oathbringer again it really stood out to me how many new children are introduced  to the story.

Oroden, Gavinor, Rock's children Gift, Chord, Rock Jr., Star, Kuma'tiki and Song, Sah's daughter Vai... Even Mr. T's grandchildren are mentioned. 

There's Lift and Yanagawn as well, who aren't new but still get a good bit of development. 

With the back 5 books set at a time where most of these characters are at least approaching adulthood, can we speculate what will become of them? 

Obviously some will be more important than others, some might not be relevant at all, but I can't help feeling Brandon has introduced as many kids as he has specifically so they can play a larger role in the second arc. 

Lift, Oroden and Gavinor are the ones I feel like will have the greatest impact on the narrative, but I think Yanagawn is well on his way to becoming a more prominent character as well. He's had a lot of screen time and even a point of view chapter in OB. I think he has a lot of potential. 

I'd also love to see Vai and other singer children featured more. They are growing up in a very different world than their parents knew. I think it would be great to see how they get along growing up during a Desolation. Ditto with the missing listener children, lots of good stuff there. 

Is there anybody I missed? Gavinor and Oroden will probably be especially important in the back 5, but I couldn't say how specifically. I realize this is all very far in the future still, but I think the seeds are there, and speculation is what we do best. So how does everybody else feel about all the children? 

Edited by Ciridae
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I expect Oroden and Gavinor in particular to play a real role, as they'll be more or less adults (some 16-20 years old) by the second half of the series, and Oroden is the brother of one of the main characters while Gavinor is the heir to Alethkar.

One of Rock's children, maybe two, will play a real role as well, but they're probably also partially flavour to deepen his story.

I think Sah's daughter is purely there for Kaladin's arc, showing how 'human' the singers are.

Lift will be a main character in the back five, and I expect Yanagawn to remain as Prime, so he'll probably get more important as the series go on.

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9 hours ago, Leyrann said:

I think Sah's daughter is purely there for Kaladin's arc, showing how 'human' the singers are.

I got the impression that Sah's daughter was dead, based on the treatment of that group of Parshmen by the Fused.

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1 hour ago, Govir said:

I got the impression that Sah's daughter was dead, based on the treatment of that group of Parshmen by the Fused.

Hmm I don't know... Sah's group wasn't executed, they were treated poorly and sent to the front lines... The kids really can't be held responsible for bringing a spy to Revolar (not that the adults can either really). The Fused whole deal is to win this Desolation and give Roshar to the new singers and then go to sleep or pass beyond or whatever. Those kids are the first to grow up in a world of free singers. Plus killing random kids won't get them their armies' trust or loyalty. 

I don't know, I think we might see Vai again, but maybe when we do, her head is full of Fused propaganda. 

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Sah slammed his bundle to the ground. “Yes, I care,” Sah snapped. “You think I haven’t been asking the same questions? Storms! They took my daughter, Khen! They ripped her away from me and sent me off to die.”


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