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On the Nature of Shardblades - Non-Roshar Native

Haradion Drogon

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Hmm... Spoiler Heavy here.

Did Nightblood's creation involve Divine Breaths?

Could a Seon/Skaze be crafted into a Shardblade?

The Reason I speculate this, is that Shardblades are made from Spren - which we know to be splinters of Honour/Cultivation. Since Nightblood is referred to as a Shardblade, but has no connection to Honour, I speculate that it has a splinter of Endowment within it (A Divine Breath) - and is therefore a "Shardblade" as it hold the splinter of a Shard.

A Seon-Blade would confirm this theory. Asking if it was Awakened with A Divine Breath, might be a way to slip past the RAFO's...

Anyone have any thoughts?

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So are all Breath's Splinters of Endowment?

I have a threory that the Mists, Stormlight, and Breaths, are all the same thing - but dependant on the Shard. Not splinters though. We have confirmation that the Mists are not splinters - and I don't believe Regular breaths are splinters either...

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But they all come from endowment, I'm assuming the breaths are extra investiture on top of the investiture required to create sentience. Otherwise drabs would effectively be mistwraiths, requiring at least 1 Breath to make them sentient again, instead of a spike. If that's the case then, if you get enough regular breaths they sort of... make?... a divine breath?

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Well this is assuming that the investiture of Breath is what makes a person sentient. This seems to be more related to the Spiritual Realm, while I'd be more inclined to believe that sentience has more to do with the Cognitive Realm [iE- Shadesmar]. Shallan's experience in Shadesmar would seem to indicate that everything has some sort of sentience, a spren if you will, but it requires incredible amounts of Focus and Investiture to make it conscious or present if it was not originally an organic object.


When given the opportunity to express their inner sentience [spren], Awakening on Nalthis has shown that an object has a tendency towards imitating life upon Awakening. Thus, any Type III entity attempts to become anthropomorphic if it doesn't somehow resemble a living shape already. This also explains why spren have a humanoid form. My understanding is that a Divine Breath is essentially one enormously powerful Breath equivalent to 2,000 regular Breaths and is therefore a more perfect expressions of Endowment.

Edited by TheArcanist
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I like this idea.  It makes me wonder if you could makes a 'shardblade' out of Lerasium or Atium.  I'm really interested to see how Nightblood functions compared to shardblade's on Roshar too.  I wonder if being a piece of a shard other than Honor means there will inherently be different powers/costs.

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Well, if it was meant to replace Szeth's


then I'd say Nightblood is roughly on the same power level as the one he lost. Also- if Nightblood was made with 1,000 Breaths, does that mean Nightblood has the same abilities as an Awakener of the Fourth Heightening?


I'm pretty sure Brandon confirmed that any magic system can run on any fuel with some effort. I mean, WoR basically confirmed


is on Roshar right now.

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Well this is assuming that the investiture of Breath is what makes a person sentient. This seems to be more related to the Spiritual Realm, while I'd be more inclined to believe that sentience has more to do with the Cognitive Realm [iE- Shadesmar]. Shallan's experience in Shadesmar would seem to indicate that everything has a more of sentience, a spren if you will, but it requires incredible amounts of Focus and Investiture to make it conscious or present if it was not originally an organic object.



No, it doesn't. Some investiture is required for sentience. We know this because of how preservation had to sacrifice a little bit of his power to make each and every person sentient, in mistborn. I'm assuming that the Breath they get is extra, on top of what they have to sentient.


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No, it doesn't. Some investiture is required for sentience. We know this because of how preservation had to sacrifice a little bit of his power to make each and every person sentient, in mistborn. I'm assuming that the Breath they get is extra, on top of what they have to sentient.


I read a WoB that states that drabs have no innate investiture, so it appears that I'm wrong about the Breath being extra investiture on top of the investiture needed for sentience. Not sure where that leaves my little theory...


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This might help:


Q: What is the realmatic composition of investiture?

A: Investure is intended to be the building blocks of the cosmere so I would say for the most part it transcends the different realms. Probably more of the spiritual if anything but more accurately it transcends them.

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Okay, so then Investiture is a multi-realm attribute leaning more towards Spiritual. If that is correct, then what does this have to do with Breaths? I think what we need to do to better understand this is to see the connections between Breath and Stormlight, as these seem to be the most direct comparisons of magical fuel in the Cosmere.

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