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[OB] Theory about Kaladin's future


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But the problem is that the innocents are soldiers on both sides. He can't protect innocents without killing innocents. He could lay down his arms and preach pacifism, I suppose. That's a very noble choice, but I don't see it saving many lives.

It's (kind of) like Lincoln said: he can protect some of the people all  the time, and all the people some of the time. But if he tries to protect everyone all the time, he'll end up protecting no one. It's painful, but he'll be paralyzed until he can accept it.

Edited by Belzedar
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I think this is the problem.

Soldiers - aren't they able to protect themselves? Don't they have an order for themselves - Stonewarden?

The first Windrunner - Oath is to protect those who can't protect thenselves - imo this is mostly everyone except soldiers, they are trained in their behalf.

If Kaladin chooses a side and soldiers of his side are attacking a Listener child - who is Kaladin supposed to save?

I see the Windrunners not as the protectors of an army but of the collateral damage of war.

And as someone else had said - can't remember who - as a Windrunner with his abilities he can perhaps really protect without killing - lash them away, clue them to the ground. He had saved many people without a blade, just with his special abilities.


Edited by hypatia
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6 minutes ago, IronBars said:

Since jezrein was killed seems likely kaladin might replace him as a hearld imo

Thats what i think might happen. Kaladin will say he will protect everyone.  People will say he can't do that, but then he’ll say just watch me. He’ll become a heald and go to braize and stop the fuse from coming back. I think that will be the last we will see of him.

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10 minutes ago, Zellyia said:

I wonder if Kaladin will have to do what Szeth did and find a source of honor outside of himself, such as Dalinar.  

I sure hope not. Giving your honor to another person is always a bad idea. Szeth picked a good person, but he is doing what he did before with his oathstone. He isn't taking responsibility onto himself.

Kaladin takes too much responsibility on himself, so I don't see him follwing Szeth’s lead. 

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