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Shallan's drawing, page 245-Image cleaned up


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I grabbed the hires version of Shallan's sketches of Pattern (after it'd been underwater), and messed with the brightness and contrast until it's pretty much decipherable.


It appears to be made up

of lines?  They're not exactly

tendrils or tentacles, they

don't grasp or reach, they just

keep circling and multiplying and

combining into different patterns.


The lines always seem to

be connected, either at

the centeral root of the

Pattern or by dividing off

from a root line. The delicate

shapes mix and overlap and

reduce by multple dimensions.


It almost seems to phase

in and out between two and

three-dimensional space.  I think

it prefers a surface to connect

with, but I have seen it swim

through the air on rare occasions.


It certainly presents some sense

of depth, but the Pattern doesn't

appear to possess any consistent

dimensions in terms of size.


I am almost certain that I

have seen this Pattern

somewhere before.

It shares some resemblance with

the creatures I observed in

Kharbranth but without the body

and those strange robes. Is it

possibly a child or variant/servant of theirs?


Words in bold I'm not sure of.



Edited by RShara
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Fairly sure about those:

"... root line. The delicate shapes mix and overlap by multiple dimensions."

"... but I have seen it swim through the air..."

"... and those strange robes. "

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Fairly sure about those:

"... root line. The delicate shapes mix and overlap by multiple dimensions."

"... but I have seen it swim through the air..."

"... and those strange robes. "



Updated!  Thanks!

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