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I finally joined, and I am very tired.

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Hi! I'm new here, I don't know if I'm doing this right, but whatever.

For clicking on this, here, have a flower. 

The flower gives you nothing. It does nothing. It is just a picture of a flower. Unlike some cookies. Which reminds me. No I don't want any cookies-spiked or not. If I avoid your cookies then no harm is befallen upon me. 


Other then that I don't know what else to say besides I'm excited to converse about the books and that I'm tired and I hope everyone gets a good nights rest. Or a decent nap, whatever works.


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No cookies? But how could anyone resist the sweet delight of a good ol' fashioned Chocolate Chip?

Perhaps I could instead interest you in some other baked goods? Just come by my office in the non-hemallurgic department at the DA anytime if you want anything sweet.


Edit: Anyway, welcome to the Shard! 

Edited by Benjamin_Stormblessed
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@Snorkel I am currently reading Oathbringer, and I plan to read the rest of the books involved in the cosmere, also I can't possibly pick a favorite yet. I'm mostly here because my questions were more than likely bugging a certain elephant. And @ElephantEarwax why are you guys trying to take or have people swear their breath to you? Is it needed for a spell or something? Also @Benjamin_Stormblessed I love chocolate chip cookies, but I find they are better when you make them yourself, but thank you for the offer and the welcome.

Edited by ElectricscotishDolphin
grammatical error
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19 hours ago, ElectricscotishDolphin said:

why are you guys trying to take or have people swear their breath to you? Is it needed for a spell or something?

It's a thing from Warbreaker.  You should read that next, there are a few crossover elements in the Stormlight books!

Giving away your breath is not generally recommended :)


Edit: PS Warbreaker is free https://brandonsanderson.com/books/warbreaker/warbreaker/warbreaker-rights-and-downloads/
(but you can also pay for it from the normal stores if you prefer) :)

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