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Way of Kings Literary Analysis

Glaedr Firnen

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Hi, I'm doing a literary analysis on The Way of Kings as a school project and wanted to site a certain scene as a source. However, I do not have any idea where in the book it is. I was wondering if anyone knew it's chapter number. The scene is where (It's been a while, can't remember details) Shallan and Kasbal are in her room, and Shallan decides, or Kasbal asks, for Shallan to give him a sketch of the two of them together.

Thanks, this is really stumping me!

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I probably won't share it, for one specific reason: The entire thing is written only about Way of Kings, and most of the conclusions are either proven or disproven flat-out if you move on to Words of Radiance or Oathbringer. If you still want to read it, I will put it up, but I wanted to say something about this first.

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I'm curious, why do you want to write literary analysis that is proven by the other Stormlight books? Surely latter books in the series also warrant reference, given that they are successors to WoK. Knowing what will go down in WoR and OB will only help you to frame the review in a more compact manner, it seems to me, thought that of course depends on the wording of your assignment...

I mean, the Stormlight Archives are a huge project to review. There's so much to potentially write about and analyze, you couldn't possibly write about it all unless you choose a very specific angle to look at it from. How long of an analysis will you be writing, actually? I think you could literally write a book (an even longer book that the entire Stormlight series) just analyzing the series itself. I'd also be interested to read it when it is done. :)

Edited by Vissy
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I wrote it the way it is because we were only allowed to choose one book, not a series. I might go further with it past the assignment, and your curiosity is definitely not unfounded, but the main reason for this is how the assignment was worded. For sake of time, I'm really only skimming the surface, writing seven essays which range from a page to three and a half.


Edited by Glaedr Firnen
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