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6 minutes ago, Taupe Gecko said:

In my experience, elims don't really care all that much who they lynch, so long as it isn't an elim. Elims will attempt to lynch people while distancing themselves from the lynch, though. As for a specific example... You are assuming I have a history with Sanderson Elimination. Theoretically though, a villager probably wouldn't manipulate a D1 lynch. So if there is manipulation, we can be decently sure that the eliminator team can vote manipulate (which is useful information in its own right). Whether they did it to save a team mate or frame somebody is another matter entirely, and making sense of that is by no means easy... But it still gives information, which we would not have access to if the lynch was not close.

(emphasis mine). If the elims are trying to distance themselves from a lynch, why would they use vote manipulation, since as you claim, it gives the village information? Also, if one of the two people up for the lynch was a villager with vote manipulation, then that would throw a wrench into any information we might gain.

I do agree with you that voting to make a vote not close is unhelpful. But voting to break a tie is different, and you were advocating a tie vote, which is noncommittal, the very thing you voted on me for in the first place.

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I am not particularly advocating a tie vote, though I do not believe we should go out of our way to avoid a tie either. I am advocating a close lynch early in the game. Vote switching and vote manipulation are both rather informative (for example, it is potentially useful information that both you and me were up for lynch but ended up not getting lynched), and given how uncertain we are at that phase it makes sense to consider multiple candidates.

Also, vote manipulation is anonymous, so I would contend that it is compatible with a distancing tactic, despite being highly noticeable.

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The most annoying part of Dingo’s death to me was how preventable it was. Had he expressed his opinions instead of offering short posts with nothing in them, or responded to our accusations and lynch votes, or even just role-claimed, we could have not lost an Edgedancer. However, the fact that there are 2 Edgedancers makes me suspect there might be two of each role, which means that up to four people could die per cycle, with the lynch, elim kill and 2 Dustbringers. Yay.

(Actually, now that I think about it, 2 Dustbringers seems unlikely. But there still may be two of every other role.)

RP below:

Nolan shook his head in regret. Quentisan’s unexplained actions had led Nolan to call him out, asking an explanation. However, the man had slunk into the shadows, providing only a mumbled response. The village had turned violent against him quickly thereafter. With the clarity of hindsight, Nolan realized that wielding the torch as part of the mob that day had been a mistake. That did not excuse the mistake, however. He should have realized that Edgedancers kept a low profile, as befitted their order. 

Edgedancers...the fact that Quentisan had been one was the validation of his months of research. He was back at the library again, though the Stormlight lantern seemed dimmer this night. Perhaps it was the murder he had partaken in that dimmed his eyes, leaving him less able to see the holy light the lantern contained. The book on the Knights Radiant had been informative, however. Apparently, there were several oaths each order swore before they gained the powers of that order.  Not to mention they had to bond to an actual spren to even swear the oaths correctly. Quentisan’s spren had been a “cultivationspren,” whatever that was. Perhaps they showed up around farms? The village should see them all the time then. 

Looking at the oaths, it seemed all the orders had one in common. Life before death. Strength before weakness. Journey before destination. Powerful words. Words to live by. Words that might have prevented him from his mistake that night, long ago, that had driven him to study religion. Closing his book with a sigh, he began to walk home through the night, the oath he had read still bouncing around in his head.

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Amber basked in the sun as she soared above the village. A highstorm would be coming in the approaching days, and she wanted to stretch her wings while she still could. While she flew, she thought forward to her coming feast - the village below her had recently lost two members, and they’d feed her for days. While much of the village looked at her in disdain - a chicken that ate rotting carcasses was not the most appealing to them - she was absolutely essential to its continued health. No one wanted to die of infection bred by corpses, after all, but no one looked highly on those who disposed of them either. It was hardly her fault people died, she thought. It’s not as if death operated in on the principles of supply and demand. She continued her slow loop, ignoring muttering below of “bad omens”. The village would need her services a lot in the coming weeks, it seemed.

Hello, everyone. Sorry for the inactivity the first day, I had forgotten that the game already started. I’ve read over the thread, and while I wasn’t able to keep everyone straight in my head, I managed to get a few reads. First, I’m reading Sage Kangaroo as an experienced village player. This seems to be a view I share with at least one other player, given comments in the last thread made by an animal I am now forgetting.

Nolan, or Ivory Dragonfly, is someone who I’d read as at least a semi-regular. I’m not saying this to contest their claim that they’re a new player, but rather to state that they’re not, as they see it, dead weight. They’re coming off as genuine and villager-y, although a few of their comments (such as a claimed hesitance to “play the ‘new’ card”, which seemed to indicate they had familiarity with others playing the new card) have raised some warning flags. While I don’t think they’re new, it’d be an excellent guise for an Elim to hide behind. This would be easier for an Elim who was less active, of course, so I’m in retrospect suspicious of whoever it was that messed up their coloring earlier. It was already explained once in-thread, so it feels a bit like a contrived mistake to draw attention away from what they’re doing and towards the automatic conclusion that they’re new. That may just be my paranoia speaking, though :P 

I’m most suspicious of Swan right now, although I don’t have anything more than a gut read as for why. Maybe it’s just that my Vulture persona is jealous of a swan’s ability to exit the ugly duckling stage :P 

16 minutes ago, Oxblood Beagle said:

Storm it. 

Other edgedancer- please role claim if we are about to lynch you? I would really really rather not lose PMing ability right after I spent all that effort making PMs. 

I’d disagree. Edgedancer, please avoid role claiming at all costs. There are a multitude of reasons for this. If we indicate a willingness to avoid lynching a self-professed edgedancer, that becomes something Elims can take advantage of. If we postpone lynching someone because they’re an Edgedancer, the Elims could simply kill them the following night. If the Elims neglect to do so, we’d likely waste another turn lynching them because many would reason that the Elims wouldn’t leave such a valuable resource in Village hands, so the player must lying and/or an eliminator. That could lead to the Elims forcing us into voting for a village edgedancer two cycles in a row, with little discussion on anything else. It goes back to the standard thug lynch, in a way, where it severely stagnates conversation, as Sage Kangaroo also mentioned. All in all, while I believe this suggestion to be made with the best of intentions, I disagree that it is anywhere near the optimal solution

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@Amber Vulture My main issue with the “new” card is the same issue you have with it; it allows potentially Elim-like behavior to be brushed aside by claiming inexperience. Hence my unwillingness to use it when I switched my stance on the D1 lynch, but I had quickly realized that my original assumptions about D1 lynches in SE were sadly  lacking in logic, and so I was providing inexperience as the reason for my rapid shift in viewpoint. Which it was, as had I played longer I would have quickly seen the faulty logic behind lynching an inactive who was just going to get replaced. However, I don’t like using it because it’s an easy out for suspicious behavior, and I would rather people just read my posts than think in the back of their minds, “Oh, he’s a new player, that’s probably why he thinks that, we should probably let him go.” If I’m coming across as Elim, lynch me. There’s not much point in letting me go because I’m new, any more than there would be in letting me go if I was an Edgedancer. 

As for my seeming to be semi-regular, my grasp of the terminology and roles in the game comes from having obsessively stalked the recent LG41, then going back through old games to get a feel for gameplay and strategy. Any “experience” I have is purely theoretical/scholastic. (Which is why I’m RPing as a scholar.)

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1 minute ago, Amber Vulture said:

Just a reminder to all players, PMs are only open during the day, per this message from Orlok:

“In order to clear up further confusion that has arisen, PMs are open during day cycles, until there are no Edgedancers alive. Please include Stink and myself in all PMs created.”

I interpreted that as meaning that are not just open during the night. 

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My compliments to the writers and designers of Roshar Reporting. That was great. Dingo's backstory almost makes me feel bad for lynching him. :(

I'm really happy with the amount of discussion on D1 though. I think having two candidates over the lynch really helped with that.

I find it strange that Kangaroo promoted the D1 lynch but then didn't vote for anyone after removing their vote from Gecko (on page 2 and page 6 of the AG thread, respectively). Not sure if it should make me suspicious though. One one hand, the goals of the D1 lynch (discussion, an active player being lynched) had already been served by the time that Kangaroo removed his vote. But not having a final vote seems like an easy way to avoid attention when the D1 votes get analyzed down the road.

I have some IRL stuff coming up, so if you don't see me post on day 2, that's why. I'll try to keep up with the thread, but I don't know if I'll have the time to put my thoughts together in a post.


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44 minutes ago, Ivory Dragonfly said:

@Amber Vulture My main issue with the “new” card is the same issue you have with it; it allows potentially Elim-like behavior to be brushed aside by claiming inexperience. Hence my unwillingness to use it when I switched my stance on the D1 lynch, but I had quickly realized that my original assumptions about D1 lynches in SE were sadly  lacking in logic, and so I was providing inexperience as the reason for my rapid shift in viewpoint. Which it was, as had I played longer I would have quickly seen the faulty logic behind lynching an inactive who was just going to get replaced. However, I don’t like using it because it’s an easy out for suspicious behavior, and I would rather people just read my posts than think in the back of their minds, “Oh, he’s a new player, that’s probably why he thinks that, we should probably let him go.” If I’m coming across as Elim, lynch me. There’s not much point in letting me go because I’m new, any more than there would be in letting me go if I was an Edgedancer. 

As for my seeming to be semi-regular, my grasp of the terminology and roles in the game comes from having obsessively stalked the recent LG41, then going back through old games to get a feel for gameplay and strategy. Any “experience” I have is purely theoretical/scholastic. (Which is why I’m RPing as a scholar.)

I'm not saying that you shouldn't have a problem with it, just that because of the way you referred to it I was left with the impression that you were familiar with it in a way. I'm not implying that that's the case, merely remarking that it was my initial thought :P

Also, I agree that lynching for inactivity in a game with pinch hitters is a poor decision, but I would strongly argue that there has to be a real threat of a lynch to ensure discussion occurs. If eliminators feel that they can skate by if they remain inactive, that'd be a significant negative.

The one thing I would comment is that aversion to lynching new players arises not so much from any thoughts that their suspicious behaviors might be the result of inexperience, but rather from a general willingness to give them the benefit of the doubt to avoid scaring them off. I know that if I were given 2 equally suspicious people to lynch, I'd try to avoid someone who was still playing their first game

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Sorry guys, got a bit busy for the end of cycle. D}:

I did decide on an RP name (think it's Corral Swan who I said I'd work one out to, but Saffron Iguana was doing player lists?) - Hermux Tantamoq, from the book "Time waits for no mouse", shall be the name. Although it'll be more a character name, because I'm not sure if I'm up for doing any RP... :'{(

It's a pity we lost an edgedancer, not that I realised they were open during the day. I certainly didn't get included in any...

Going to need to catch up on what happened last cycle though. There was a lot of talking... I'll come back and, edit, I guess(?) if I have stuff to say and no one else has posted yet.


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"But I am getting ahead of myself," Karthik continued as the townspeople pressed around the Melon Dingo.

"We speak of journeys and destinations, but what are these? Or perhaps what we should be asking: How many of each are there?" He stood idly at the back of the crowd as they strung Dingo up.

"Take this fellow, for example. He will be dead soon... But all of us will be dead, one day. Does that mean we share a common destination? Some would say yes."

It was a common misconception that a noose choked its victims to death. Truth was, most people's necks gave out the instant the block was kicked. Dingo, however, was radiant. It took a long time for the noose to finish its work.

At long last, the glow faded from Dingo's body, which hung limp above the crowd.

"Others would say no. After all, what if death is not a destination, but merely a way-point we all share?" Karthik watched as Dingo was cut loose.

"This raises an interesting question. If we have an eternal fate... Is this fate not both a final destination and an endless journey?

If our journey and our destination are ultimately the same thing, how can we speak of one of these coming before the other? How can we say 'Journey Before Destination' when 'journey' and 'destination' are two ways to describe a single idea?"

Karthik watched Dingo's bond unravel, the soul passing to the beyond, the spren cut loose.

"In the face of eternity, we can make no such oath. Honor has never been much concerned with eternity."

Edited by Taupe Gecko
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Vanna’s hands where making a painting, though she wasn’t paying much attention to what she was making. Her mind was wandering, going over the events of the day before, and the great mistake they’d all made. Yet as much as she’d liked to, she couldn’t find a major flaw in what happened. There didn’t seem to be a thread she could pull to unravel everything and figure out what was going on. There was just a big stack of mistakes, with no clear turning point or alternative course of action.

Well, at least she had some better suspicions now. She’d laid them all out in the letter she’d sent earlier that evening, and hadn’t given it too much thought since. The thought of a murderer out among them exhausted her, and the idea that he or she might strike again terrified her.

It took some effort, but she forced herself to focus on her art, rather than the horrible events of the last day. It was the very beginning of a painting. The basic shape and theme had been established, but it missed many details. The border would be a roiling red and black shadow, but in the middle would be something bright and radiant, something to give hope. She hoped there would be something like that int he painting anyway, but currently the center of the canvas was still blank.



Dear     ,

My thoughts are currently a highstorm of confusion, but I'll share my most major suspicions in case this murder was not a one-time event. You'll find them somewhat contradictory, however.

The first suspect for me is Meerkat. His push against Coral swan seems to be motivated by nothing else than a desire to not lynch gecko. His reasons for voting have been at least in part refuted in the thread, and he even admitted himself that he padded his argument to make it seem more believable, which is an action that only muddies the water and makes it more difficult to discern the motives of the various people involved. Note that, if Meerkat is indeed a murderer, his actions to protect gecko mean that something would be fishy about gecko as well.

My other suspicion is Albatros. He expressed suspicion of Scoprion because he thought there might be a sudden lynch-mob going after swan, which seems like very odd reasoning, because at that point only Meerkat had expressed suspicion, and Albatros himself had stated that he was unsure about swan's guilt. This suggest to me that Albatros had some reason to think a lynch mob might form, or that alternatively she wanted to protect swan without making this obvious. This line of thought also leads me to be more suspicious of Swan.

As I mentioned above my main suspicions right now are quite contradictory, but it's all I have right now. Is there anything you feel like sharing?




Edited by Sunburst Toucan
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I haven't been contributing that much, mainly because I was overwhelmed with the sheer number of strangers and couldn't keep track of who was saying what. I've read through the day 1 thread, and am going to try and take Beagle's advice of making a list or spreadsheet in order to keep people straight. I barely showed up in the thread, and got lost when i tried to read it, but this should help me become more helpful, at least. 

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Jai was settling down for the night in a new alleyway when he heard their voices. The Boys. Storms. How had they found him?

"Jai, we know you're in there. It's going to be cold tonight, we have an open bed and a warm meal," called one of the two brothers. 

Always pretending to be generous, always giving away the Boys were. Jai hated that. He knew if he accepted their "kindness," he would need to do something for them. And Jai was beholden to no one, no body. 

They entered the alley, proffering a bowl of stew. Stew? That was a low blow. Jai loved stew. But, he remained quiet, trying to remain unnoticed against the wall. 

Sure enough, they had been bluffing him. They walked out of the alley, not seeing him, moving on to presumably try another one to draw him out. Fools.

Alone at last, Jai pulled out one of the spheres he had stolen. He couldn't use them, people immediately knew he had stolen them. But if he collected enough, perhaps when he finally got off this mountain, he could use them to make a new life for himself. 

He reflected upon the afternoon. Instead of finding someone to shelter with, the entire village had moved to the inn and had drawn him into joining a massacre of a radiant! He had to get out of here. Maybe after the next highstorm, soon as he found shelter. Descending the mountain wouldn't be easy, but escaping this stifling village constantly trying to mother him like a chicken would be worth it. 

Edited by Oxblood Beagle
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Rather a dull night cycle, after such an active day. I need to go back over the day and look at the voting patterns. At the moment, I suspect that Swan is also village, just because a D1 lynch on an Elim is unlikely. It would be nice to know for sure, though - that way we could know whether or not the votes that shifted the lynch from Swan to Dingo are worth investigating.

Other than that, I don't have too much to say. After we see who the Elims and the Dustbringer attack, it will be a different story.

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51 minutes ago, Sapphire Elephant said:

Rather a dull night cycle, after such an active day. I need to go back over the day and look at the voting patterns. At the moment, I suspect that Swan is also village, just because a D1 lynch on an Elim is unlikely. It would be nice to know for sure, though - that way we could know whether or not the votes that shifted the lynch from Swan to Dingo are worth investigating.

Other than that, I don't have too much to say. After we see who the Elims and the Dustbringer attack, it will be a different story.

Nights tend to be more quiet due to not being much to do, for those who don't have night roles, who are not exactly inclined to share in-thread. I hope everything goes well tonight. 

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