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11 minutes ago, Cream Tuatara said:

I’ll move my vote from Melon Dingo to Amethyst Scorpion for claiming that “poem” and “watermelon” rhyme.

But I didn’t claim they rhymed. You assume too much. 

I’ll correct the mistake by placing my vote on Melon Dingo, however. You’re most welcome.

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Why in damnation are there so many lizards? You couldn't have done a Platypus, or a whale, or a butterfly or something? 

Anyway, here's whos reported in so far. I just shortened to the animals because honestly. If someone ninjas me I will throw a fit. 

Scorpion, Mouse, Hyena, Swan, Tuatara, Falcon, Beagle, Ostrich, Dragonfly, Albatross, Dingo, Flamingo, Chameleon, Iguana, Kangaroo, Elephant, Gecko, and Gorilla. 

That leaves Vulture, Penguin, Weasel, Crocodile, Heron, Lion, Rhino, Zebra, Meerkat, Octopus, Toucan, and Axolotl. I'm not sure how much tagging will do with these anonymous accounts, though. Thankfully, pinch hitters exist, so that's good. Wow, it's been a while since I've seen THOSE. 

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Lady Emalia strode confidently into the inn. It seemed fate had brought her here, and she wasn't one to pass up a good time. She briefly paused to inspect her clothing; her expensive saffron-colored dress looked particularly radiant today. Satisfied, she strode up to the bar, resting her arm on the counter, letting the innkeeper see the shortness of her safe hand's glove. She smiled, ordered a light red wine, and began to talk to the barkeep.

"I hate to alarm you, but this town is doomed. It's the way these things go. First, it's the blacksmith, then it's the urchin kid, then it's the mayor, then it's someone else, and then someone else, and then pretty soon the whole town goes up in smoke. Hell, you get people scared enough, they start doing it to themselves. It's a nasty business, this."

She smiled, having finally received her wine. She took a sip, and continued,

"Not that there's no hope. The town might be doomed, but we can always find the people responsible. Less bad guys is always good, I suppose." She sighed, half remembering something. "It's already started here. I already gave one guy advice on how to do it. I mean, all you really have to do is shout loudly and point your finger.Not sure what's so hard about that, but there you go."

She took another sip of her wine. It wasn't that bad, all things considered.

"Well, that's enough out of me. I suppose I'll need a room for the next couple of days. No point in trying to run. It makes you look like you're fleeing the crime scene."

She downed the rest of her wine in one large swig. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to retire for the day. I've had an awfully long journey here, and I need some beauty sleep." She smiled, stood up, and walked elegantly to her room. Hopefully, no one saw her hands shaking, fearful of the violence to come.

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Jai crept through the town, avoiding notice while munching on a lavis bud he had stolen from a stand. 

Whispers flew around him. 

"Murder... Blacksmith."

Jai shriveled inside. The blacksmith was dead? He had often taken him in during highstorms. He would need to find a new person to take shelter with. As long as they understood that it was only for storms. Otherwise, Jai was his own man. 

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30 minutes ago, Sage Kangaroo said:

G'day Mates. :P

The color of my fur is a subject of much mystery, leaving the curious viewer to wonder; am I really a kangaroo, or am I secretly a gamma irradiated bunny? :P 

The thing about not having a D1 lynch is that it tends to cause a serious stagnation in discussion, which is even worse with games that have cycles this long.  Besides, the statement; "we are likely to hit a villager" is going to be true for quite a while, and we can't hold off the lynch indefinitely.  The possibility that we get an Elim is always there as well, and if we did hit an Elim, that would be simply excellent.   And if we do hit a villager, there would then be plenty of things to discuss, which benefits us as well. 

And if we hit an Elsecaller or something... yech.  Lets just hope that doesn't happen.  :P 

Basically, I am in favor of a D1 lynch, though I accept the possibility that we hit a villager, or, something I like even less, the certainty that we'll be ending someone's game turn one. However, my vote for the Scarlet Octopus has nothing to do with that logic; instead, it's because it's just obvious that a real octopus would never survive on Roshar to begin with. :P 

I’m not saying I’m unwilling to lynch a player D1, I’m just saying that I find it distasteful. The best way to go about it is to place votes on inactives, as they will be less affected if lynched, but if everyone chimes in on the game I’d rather not lynch anyone for at least the first turn. I would rather have good discussion among all members of the village. That being said, your point about likely hitting a villager is valid, so in retrospect “we’ll probably kill a villager” isn’t the greatest reason to abandon the lynch, especially with it being our only kill (unless the Dustbringer is village). I still just don’t like the idea of killing a player before the game really has even begun and with nothing but vague evidence. However, even that probably isn’t a good enough reason to abandon the lynch, so I advocate that others use their votes. I just might not use mine, especially if everyone contributes to the discussion.

Anyway, it’s past my bedtime and I should go to sleep, but I will probably have more thoughts in the morning.

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35 minutes ago, Ivory Dragonfly said:

I’m not saying I’m unwilling to lynch a player D1, I’m just saying that I find it distasteful. The best way to go about it is to place votes on inactives, as they will be less affected if lynched, but if everyone chimes in on the game I’d rather not lynch anyone for at least the first turn. I would rather have good discussion among all members of the village. That being said, your point about likely hitting a villager is valid, so in retrospect “we’ll probably kill a villager” isn’t the greatest reason to abandon the lynch, especially with it being our only kill (unless the Dustbringer is village). I still just don’t like the idea of killing a player before the game really has even begun and with nothing but vague evidence. However, even that probably isn’t a good enough reason to abandon the lynch, so I advocate that others use their votes. I just might not use mine, especially if everyone contributes to the discussion.

Anyway, it’s past my bedtime and I should go to sleep, but I will probably have more thoughts in the morning.

I figured that the chance of dying immediately and not getting to participate in a game of mafia is just how it goes. Some times the town decides it's not your game, and that's okay. Some one has to die first.

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Player List:
1. Amethyst Scorpion
2. Azure Mouse
3. Amber Vulture
4. Charcoal Hyena
5. Chartreuse Penguin
6. Coral Swan - Elyle, a friendly innkeeper
7. Cream Tuatara
8. Emerald Falcon - Aldrick, an old warrior
9. Fuschia Ostrich
10. Indigo Weasel
11. Ivory Dragonfly - Nolan, a desperate scholar
12. Magenta Albatross
13. Mauve Crocodile
14. Melon Dingo - Quentisan, an investigating woman/man (You switched genders halfway through, it makes it hard to tell)
15. Mint Heron
16. Onyx Flamingo
17. Opal Lion
18. Oxblood Beagle - Jai, a poor orchan
19. Pearl Chameleon
20. Plum Rhinoceros
21. Quartz Zebra
22. Saffron Iguana - Emalia, a flirtatious lady
23. Sage Kangaroo
24. Salmon Meerkat
25. Sapphire Elephant
26. Scarlet Octopus
27. Sunburst Toucan
28. Taupe Gecko
29. Turquoise Gorilla
30. Violet Axolotl

With all of the animal names floating around, it's going to be tough keeping everyone straight. As a suggestion, everyone should try to roleplay a brief description of their character. It doesn't have to be very long, but it will help everyone stick out more. Plus, it's fun seeing our little town growing, before it all goes to hell. I don't expect everyone to do it, but it would be nice if more people did.

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The chicken which the townspeople call Squawk feasted itself on black cremlings that were often found around the town pond. Squawk thought that the name squawk was a bit insulting since she could actually speak just as good as the villagers, heck even better than some, but she didn't mind as long as they gave her shelter during highstorm's.

When Squawk heard the towns folk murmoring that the Blacksmith was dead she wasn't too surprised. The bloke never gave her any food and called her "unnatural". I mean he did speak his mind about a lot of things and probably offended the wrong someone.

Edited by Onyx Flamingo
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4 minutes ago, Onyx Flamingo said:

The flamingo which the townspeople call Squawk feasted itself on black cremlings that were often found around the town pond. Squawk thought that the name squawk was a bit insulting since she could actually speak just as good as the villagers, heck even better than some, but she didn't mind as long as they gave her shelter during highstorm's.

When Squawk heard the towns folk murmoring that the Blacksmith was dead she wasn't too surprised. The bloke never gave her any food and called her "unnatural". I mean he did speak his mind about a lot of things and probably offended the wrong someone.

Karthik glanced out his window, scanning the crowd for a source of the commotion.

"Kelek, what manner of chicken is that," he grumbled under his breath, slamming the window shut.

Chickens squawking, the village gawking... He hand't the time for such nonsense.

1 minute ago, Fuchsia Ostrich said:

Excuse me @Onyx Flamingo, but we are chicken and should be reference to as such during rp. This is Roshar, a civilized land with only chicken.

Curse you for ninja-ing me.

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5 hours ago, Sage Kangaroo said:

See Bolded Text Below

5 hours ago, Sage Kangaroo

5 hours? It is 7 in the morning GMT. 5 hours was 2 in the morning GMT. Assuming Sage made this post no later than midnight their time, or earlier than 7 in the morning their time, that means they are neither European nor African.

G'day Mates. :P

G’day Mates is a cliche and stereotypical greeting often attributed to the Australians. Australia does fit in the areas theorized to contain this Sage Kangaroo, so it could be a legitimate use of the phrase, but it is far more likely to be a ironic slash mocking attempt to hide their prefered speaking pattern. The fact that is immediately followed by the emoji generally associated with jokes and laughter cements that, allowing us to remove Australia from the list of possibilities.

The color of my fur

Sage spells Color with no ‘U’. Many british derived english languages insert U’s into words after a ‘LO’. The spelling of color has been a point of contention before in these games, making it harder to ascertain whether a player spells it without a U naturally or in a deliberate attempt to mask their nationality.

The color of my fur is a subject of much mystery, leaving the curious viewer to wonder; am I really a kangaroo, or am I secretly a gamma irradiated bunny? :P

Sage obviously has a sense of humor, and plays these games to have a laugh, focusing on their avatar and name before focusing on the actual lynch.  Also of note here is the reference to Gamma radiation. The average person in my limited experience on this site, does not specify what type of radiation is to blame when cracking jokes about mutations caused by radiation. This could be one of two references. This player’s color is Sage, a shade of green. There is a popular Marvel Superhero named The Incredible Hulk who changes to a green color when given over to Gamma Radiation. Sage, upon seeing their avatar picture, could have easily seen that, and is thus a marvel fan. HOWEVER! One of the Older Mods on this forum, since retired, was named Gamma Fiend. Sage could be an older player who played in one of Gamma’s games, and recently interacted with them.

The thing about not having a D1 lynch is that it tends to cause a serious stagnation in discussion, which is even worse with games that have cycles this long.

Excellent! Sage now moves on to discuss the actual game and strategy. They spent two sentences on humour, and 7 sentences on strategy. Sage also favors a D1 Lynch because they favor Discussion. I should like to learn if they would be fine with no one being lynched as long as there is enough discussion. I believe there are 20 posts per page, and there are 30 players. Sage, at what page count would there be enough discussion to justify a no lynch?

Cycles this long? How long are the cycles? 48 hour days? That is the standard length for a Long Game. Interesting that they consider this to be long. Are they perhaps a player of Quick Fixes and Medium Ranges only?

Besides, the statement; "we are likely to hit a villager" is going to be true for quite a while, and we can't hold off the lynch indefinitely.  

What is the point of Discussion if not to make the statement “we are likely to hit a villager” untrue? How long is quite a while? Why can’t we hold off the lynch indefinitely?

Discussion should make us more likely to hit eliminators. The more we discuss, the better our odds. Your statement has an implication of not caring about Discussion, despite promoting it earlier. Your statement of ‘Quite a while’ is spoken confidently. Your insistence that the lynch will happen promotes the inevitability of the death of a villager, while also rendering the people who killed them as blameless, allowing you to vote with impunity on the first day.

This statement, taken out of context, reads highly elim. If you include context though, it reads more as a villager who has experience with this argument.

The possibility that we get an Elim is always there as well, and if we did hit an Elim, that would be simply excellent.

Excellent. Simply excellent. My gut says these words are important, and wants to focus on them. I can’t figure out why. I’ll review it later. As for the actual sentence, it definitely lessens the elimness of the previous sentence, but not of the actual player. Players of every alignment (except for the non Village or non mafia factions) would say that.

And if we do hit a villager, there would then be plenty of things to discuss, which benefits us as well.

And IF we do hit a villager. IF. Sage speaks with a lot less certainty about the outcome of the Lynch. They do not seem to be planning out their post, instead just writing it in response to Ivory Dragonfly. That combined with the pronoun of us indicates that Sage considers themself to be on the same team as Ivory. Actually, the whole post is reminiscent of an experienced player explaining things to a newcomer.

And if we hit an Elsecaller or something... yech.

“Yech”. An Informal Exclamation of Aversion or Disgust. Sage does not want to hit an Edgedancer. Edgedancers allow players to start IM’s. Sage wants players to talk in PM’s. Sage will probably be active in PM’s. Unfortunately, this has no bearing on their alignment as well.

Lets just hope that doesn't happen.  :P

Another :P Emoji. Interesting. This generally indicates that the prefixed statement is a joke, but could also be interpreted as a nervous or uncomfortable. I wonder if perhaps Sage Kangaroo is themself an Edgedancer?

Basically, I am in favor of a D1 lynch, though I accept the possibility that we hit a villager, or, something I like even less, the certainty that we'll be ending someone's game turn one.

A lot of summary of their own 7 sentences. Not sure what to read into that.  However, they do express remorse over the ending of the gamelife of a player, which is interesting, sense only sociopaths play SE. (Oh look, now i have an occasion to use the :P emoji. I will just point that out instead of using it.)

However, my vote for the Scarlet Octopus has nothing to do with that logic; instead, it's because it's just obvious that a real octopus would never survive on Roshar to begin with. :P

Well then. When I said Sage had 2 sentences of Humour and 7 sentences of Strategy, I might have been wrong.

Obviously this vote is what made me decide to analyse Sage. So why did they vote for me? I hadn’t posted, read the thread, read my PM, or even logged onto the 17th Shard when they did. They give a humorous reason for doing so, but i would love to know why they chose to vote on a player that had not logged on yet, as i fail to see how that inspires discussion.


TL;DR: Too bad, go read it. No summaries here.

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Vanna added the final strokes to her painting. It depicted the sun rising through a haze of smoke. A beautiful sight, in an 'end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it' kind of way. Behind and below her the village was in uproar, but she had shut all of that out while working on her art. The process of creation always came to an end though, and as the creation-spren faded away the reality of her situation once again asserted itself.

Vanna hated that situation. she longed to be free to travel, to explore, to see all of Roshar. Instead she was cooped up in this little village while her world burned. She'd thought of running a number of times, but knew that no good would come of that. She packed up her tools and headed back to the village, still deep in thought.

Her reverie was broken as she entered the village. People where making accusations and shouting about...'Oh no, not Darrin.' The blacksmith had been somewhat of a friend of Vanna. He treated his craftsmanship as  much as an art as Vanna did with her paintings. He'd also been one of the most respected members of the village and had been a stabilizing influence on some of the more volatile characters. With him dead anarchy was an all to likely result.

Around her, various villagers ran around, talking, debating, and making loud accusations. Yet as Vanna observed them she started to notice a pattern. A lot of the accusations where aimed at villagers who weren't actually around. She supposed a lot of them where still sleeping on account of it being a feast-day, so it made sens that they hadn't woken up yet. But despite of that a lot of people seemed to think that was very suspicious. 'I guess it would make sense to expect someone that was out and about for murder during the night would be sleeping in. But then again, wouldn't it make more sense to try to be up early to see the result of your handy-work and deflect blame?' 

That conclusion reached, she started asking around about who first started tossing around accusations. There where a whole lot of them two where apparently at the scene within minutes, but a lot of the accusations seemed to stem from  established grudges. 'Or did they?'  There was one in particular who'd made an accusation against a sleeping villager on account of them still being asleep, while the sun hadn't even finished rising above the horizon yet, so that's who Vanna turned to.

"Nolan(@Ivory Dragonfly), is it? Can you explain to me why you were accusing those still asleep while the sun hadn't even finished rising yet? And why exactly is 'still being asleep at sundown' a good reason to have someone killed? I very much doubt someone lazy enough to sleep through an entire day would be able to make the effort to kill old Darrin. This sounds to me like you're trying to find someone who is a convenient scapegoat, rather than a true suspect. Now, I might not be  a Skybreaker with their fancy instincts for justice, but that sounds very suspicious to me!"

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3 hours ago, Scarlet Octopus said:

Actually, the whole post is reminiscent of an experienced player explaining things to a newcomer.

That’s mostly because it is; I’ve never played SE before, as I said in my second post. I’m grateful that Kangaroo has come out and outlined his positions on the D1 lynch, even if I don’t agree with some of them, as it has helped me gain insight as to how most SE players think.

As for the rest of your post, you spend a good chunk of analysis attempting to identify Kangaroo. I may have a simple answer: TheMightyLopen. Looking at previous SE games, he is the only one who uses :P with such frequency. (Well, Brightness Radiant does too, but the speech patterns don’t match up.) Of course, I may well be wrong, as it could be an imitator trying to get us to think he’s Lopen, or just my own misinterpretation of the situation. But the possibility is there.

You also attempt to understand why Kangaroo is worried about Elsecallers, quote his line about Elsecallers, and then proceed to talk about Edgedancers. It seems like an honest mistake, I just wanted to point that out so you don’t read too deep into that comment. At least, concerning Edgedancers. Personally, I’m unsure why he fears hitting an Elsecaller above roles like Skybreaker which let us investigate people, so maybe he did mean Edgedancer? I don’t really know.

@Sunburst Toucan It’s more of a poke vote on a player that hasn’t been active yet to try and get them to post. I’d rather not lynch anyone D1, as I’ve said, but I would like some discussion. I don’t think Axoltol is an Elim (I hardly have any evidence to substantiate that, do I?) but since most of the discussion has been RP and animals, no one has really struck me as Elim yet. That said, if you know a lurker instead of someone that hasn’t logged on at all, I’d be happier voting on them.

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Melon Dingo. They were quite active until a couple of votes got thrown around on them, seems like a good way to slide back into the crowd as a potential elim as opposed to arguing. Note, could be a time zone/availability thing.

Flimsy logic? Yes. Better than nothing? Hopefully. Day One Lynch? Definitely.

Edited by Emerald Falcon
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Nolan raised his eyebrow in surprise. He hadn’t expected that his comment about the sleeping villager would be interpreted as a call for violence and accusations. He just hoped that whoever it was would contribute to the discussion about the blacksmith. The whole village would need to solve this together. And with the fires slowly creeping up the mountain, enemies drawing nearer each day...

He would admit that he was perhaps not in the best position to be accusing a sleeping villager. He was running on fumes, staying up late to research and rising early each morning to spend time with his children; then, back to the library he went. He could hardly expect others to share his proclivity for sleep deprivation. 

His research... he didn’t want to think about that. The last book was on the Knights Radiant, and he was struggling with it. Mainly, because it suggested that its words were true because they contradicted religion, not in spite of it. While he should have dismissed it out of hand, being written by a heretic, its arguments were so well written that he had trouble disagreeing. What if religion only held part of the truth about the Heralds and the Desolations? It was a scary thought, one that he tried not to consider. But he had to. He had been instructed in religion, and if he could not refute the heretic’s claims with his extensive study, perhaps it was time to start believing him. Of course, Vorinism still held truth, more than any other religion, certainly. He made his way to the small chapel, deep in thought. He would pray, burn a glyphward, and talk to the ardents. 

Then, back to the library.

I will be going to church for the next 3 or 4 hours, so don’t expect me to respond immediately to comments. I will be back shortly afterward, however.

Edited by Ivory Dragonfly
Fixed RP to fit time period
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Hello, and no, it is not pink, it is salmon. There is a significant difference, and if you claim otherwise, I, along with my salmon brethren, will feast on your corpse.

I would try to discern who is who based on their RP, but now that there is about a handful of RPers, and I feel it would be illegal to reveal someone's true identity in thread, I will refrain from trying. 

So in this game, there are bad-guys and good-guys. Bad-guys are bad, and cannot tell "pink" from "salmon". Good-guys, on the other hand, have exquisite taste and know the difference from pink (ugh) and Salmon.

Luckily, there are no pink animals among us. It would make the game too easy: bad-guys are obviously pink.

While I am on my fashionable soapbox (because only things that go well with salmon matter in my life), I will say that @Fuchsia Ostrich needs to remove its vote from me. It is looking very pink right now... for that matter, Coral Swan and Magenta Albatross are pinkish as well. Now, don't take that as offense, my fellow animalings. Only Ostrich has displayed true pink behavior...

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Glad to see more people have shown up! I'll make an updated list of who has shown up in a few hours. As for day one lynch, given how many people we have, we need to get the killing started, as wonderful as our colorful little Zoo is. However, I don't have any suspicions yet, and am therefore more than happy to encourage activity whilst waiting for a proper target to pounce on. Woof. 

As for guessing who players are... I don't much see the point. Yeah, its nice to figure out who's behind the anonymous account. But doing so does not figure out who the elims are. I already have several suspicions of identity, but I don't feel the need to point it out, because it's not really important. 

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