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A question about compounding


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whould it be possible to compound a metal and then use the increased energy from the compounding to compound another metal essentially being able to increase your power ten fold infinitely ? (assuming you have a vessel large enough to store the attribute)  

Edited by Zape
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I don't think so. Burning a metalmind doesn't actually increase the attribute stored in it. It just allows the compounder to draw that attribute directly from preservation. So the amount you get is proportional to your strength as an allomancer. It's not affected by the amount that's stored in the metalmind you burn.

That's my understanding, anyway.

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17 hours ago, Zape said:

whould it be possible to compound a metal and then use the increased energy from the compounding to compound another metal essentially being able to increase your power ten fold infinitely ? (assuming you have a vessel large enough to store the attribute)  

Unless I missread what you wanted to say you could do quite well and it's mostly what all the compounder does.

Pratical example:

1) Miles stores 1 FCU (an hipotetical Feruchemical Charge Unit without a proper Unit of mesure) into a piece of gold that we will call Goldmind1.

2) He burns properly the Goldmind1 to compound and he recives 10 FCU of Health that he stores in the Goldmind2.

3) He could burn the Goldmind2 to gain 100 FCU of Health (starting with a single FCU)

BUT notice this is not an instant process, you will took time to burn a metalmind. Every allomancer is limited in the amount of Preservation's Power they could channel. Stronger Allomancers could do this faster than weaker allomancers.

5 hours ago, Zape said:

but then why did rasheq need to spend a entire day storing power whouldent he need to just store a little then burn it ?

Why did he need to do something like that ? He is more pratical to have a rich storage ready rather than make all on the fly. Much more there is the amount of Attribute problem. Rashek need an X amount to Youth to mantains his traditional look, no less and no more. It's more easy to tap constantly for a stable storage rather than spent all his day dosing his Compounding (that by the way, could be not exactly an easy think to performe as far as we know)


PS: If I misunderstood the scenario you wanted to clarify, expand your question so I could figure the right scenario.

Edited by Yata
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16 hours ago, Zape said:

but then why did Rashek need to spend a entire day storing power?

He didn't. Neither did Miles, technically.


Questioner (paraphrased)
Why did the Lord Ruler have to stay aged at times?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)
That's when he was doing his rebuild. He didn't really have to, but he let himself. He has to recharge periodically, and then stays on a higher and higher burn over the thousand years. It gets harder and harder. The way the magic works—he doesn't have to stay aged.

it seems that TLR still needed to store age “normally” but less. Did Miles ever have to store healing?

Brandon Sanderson
Yes. He did, but not in the normal way.

With the addition of the Miles entry, I'll explain. They both needed to store their attribute in order for them to tap it later, but since Compounding gives you ~10x attribute, you can store that without ever having to store the attribute from your own body.

Take Yata's practical example. After doing step 1 once, Miles just repeated steps 2&3 over and over again, without ever having to store any of his "own" health after the first time. TLR was entirely capable of doing the same, but chose not to do so every now and then. Which was actually Ruin's fault(again).

Why did Lord Ruler not destroy the logbook knowing what trouble Ruin could cause with it?
Brandon Sanderson
A few reasons. First, Ruin had his fingers in the Lord Ruler’s soul by then already. Subtle things are easier to influence. He played off the Lord Ruler’s natural nostalgia and desire to hold onto something so important to his past.

TLR spent time old in the room with items of his past. Staying old was him feeling a bit of who he really is in the presence of items of who he was.

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