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[OB]Shallan and Maya


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8 minutes ago, Steeldancer said:

Oh come on I saw this thread and was hoping for some sort of Shallan Maya show down for Adolins affections. And then they end up becoming best buddies, and Pattern meets up with Maya.

Now my thoughts have gone in a very weird direction. moving on...

Hahaha sorry to disappoint you

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46 minutes ago, bdoble97 said:

Hahaha. Whats wrong with you guys hahaha

If it helps, I was thinking "Oh no, not ANOTHER Shallan and/or Maya thread." They weren't really all that interesting in the book, Maya didn't have two words to say the entire time they were in Shadesmar! ;):P

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Probably the most relevant quote for this is the following:


“This one [Oathbringer] doesn’t scream as loudly as others. Why?”

It remembers your oath, the Stormfather sent. It remembers the day you won it, and better the day you gave it up. It hates you—but less than it hates others.

Sanderson, Brandon. Oathbringer: Book Three of the Stormlight Archive (p. 287). Tom Doherty Associates. Kindle Edition.

This part is a bit confusing at first since at this point in the book the reader doesn't know what exactly happened when Dalinar first won Oathbringer; the flashback implies that he killed the heir for it. It's only later that the reader learns that Dalinar took the sword, but let the boy live. The 'oath' is likely Dalinar's oath not to usurp Gavilar's throne.

While the Stormfather does say immediately afterwards that he knows of no way to restore the blade, this passage seems like a pretty big clue (also, the name - Oathbringer - is probably a big hint). Presumably it'll be necessary for the wielder of the blade to essentially assume the Ideals that were sworn by the original Radiant (which might make restoring e.g. Lightweaver blades extremely difficult). This isn't a particularly new theory, but there's been many theories on this, and this passage suggests that this is likely the mechanism to restore the dead spren.

Assuming Adolin's blade is an Edgedancer blade, likely he'll have to assume Ideals similar to what Lift has sworn. If an external force is needed to revive the spren, I think a Bondsmith is probably the most likely candidate (much as how Ishar appears to have codified the bonds in the first place); I'm inclined to guess that it's not necessary, though.

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I think regrowth will be key to restoring Maya. Remember the scene where Renarin heals Adolin's left hand and Adolin sees a vision or image of himself being whole. Pretty sure something along those lines will happen with Maya.



Renarin looked to him, then smiled. A pulse of Radiance washed through Adolin, and for an instant he saw himself perfected. A version of himself that was somehow complete and whole, the man he could be.


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I think Regrowth is less likely, because it's based on Progression, and spren don't naturally heal over time like living things do (Pattern in WoR tells Shallan something like "we do not unbreak without intervention").

But the way Shallan has used Illumination and Transformation to subtly alter the people around her could be relevant here. Maybe she needs to draw Adolin as an Edgedancer and Maya as his bonded spren.

Or maybe it is Progression and Illumination after all. I'm pretty sure that the impression Adolin had of his best self while Renarin was healing his hand was from Illumination, not just Progression.


ETA: Of course there's the possibility that Renarin's Illumination is nonstandard because of Glys, which might play a role in doing something nobody thinks is possible.... Okay now I've talked myself into thinking Renarin is more likely to help Adolin and Maya than Shallan. Or maybe they all have to work together?

Edited by Ookla the Busker
Fridge thought
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I suspect that Shallan and Renarin will both be instrumental in bringing Maya back. Shallan's drawings have helped people bring themselves back up(related likely to the spiritual "perfect self") and Adolin saw something similar when Renarin healed him. 

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3 hours ago, Ookla the Busker said:

I think Regrowth is less likely, because it's based on Progression, and spren don't naturally heal over time like living things do (Pattern in WoR tells Shallan something like "we do not unbreak without intervention").

But the way Shallan has used Illumination and Transformation to subtly alter the people around her could be relevant here. Maybe she needs to draw Adolin as an Edgedancer and Maya as his bonded spren.

Or maybe it is Progression and Illumination after all. I'm pretty sure that the impression Adolin had of his best self while Renarin was healing his hand was from Illumination, not just Progression.


ETA: Of course there's the possibility that Renarin's Illumination is nonstandard because of Glys, which might play a role in doing something nobody thinks is possible.... Okay now I've talked myself into thinking Renarin is more likely to help Adolin and Maya than Shallan. Or maybe they all have to work together?


2 hours ago, Aminar said:

I suspect that Shallan and Renarin will both be instrumental in bringing Maya back. Shallan's drawings have helped people bring themselves back up(related likely to the spiritual "perfect self") and Adolin saw something similar when Renarin healed him. 

Love both of these ideas it could be a really interesting seeing to read about I feel like it would partially have to take place in shadsemare.

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