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How does mistborn tie into the stormlight archive?




I'm fairly new at this whole thing. I've read all of the mistborn, and the first two of the stormligyt archive. I haven't quite ready oathbringer yet but soon. Soon. I know of the connection of hoid, but is harmony a shard? If so, why was the power split into ruin, preservation, what was the redness around the planner when wax dies, and how does it relate to the whole of the cosmire?


Edited by FanofAges
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Harmony is the combined shards of Ruin and Preservation, but they themselves are 2 of 16 shards from a being/power called Adonalsium that was split a very long time ago.  He's also a shard that is pretty much stuck where he is - Sazed/Harmony won't be going anywhere anytime soon that I can see.

Redness typically indicates corrupted Investiture, so some shard other than Harmony is at work.  I haven't actually read the book  you're referencing (I've had trouble locating Shadows of Self and Bands of Mourning in bookstores; books tend to be sale/impulse buys for me and I don't online shop much) so I can't go into too much more detail.

As to the whole of the cosmere...well, in Stormlight Archive all you really see are a few people here and there, maybe an item (maybe not - not confirmed) from Scadrial, so there's really not much overt connection at this point.  I'd read both the first two SA books before I read anything mistborn, and even having read mistborn there's not much to see at this point.  I think all we really know 100% is that at some point down the road Brandon Sanderson is going to start tying things together more closely and then write some cosmere-wide books with a group of works to be titled Dragonsteel. I mean, I'd guess Harmony and Kelsier and others from Mistborn will figure into the cosmere as a whole eventually but it's pure speculation at this point.

Welcome :)

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In all honesty, Warbreaker is the one with the biggest tie in to the Stormlight Archive.  Mistborn gets a few brief mentions - a few characters show up in some of the interludes, there may be some items that make an appearance.  A certain member of a secret society may have Scadrian heritage. There is a sneaky, easy to miss use of emotional Allomancy.  There is a rumor of a kandra somewhere, and a possible hemalurgist, but no confirmation of who or when.  It is all missable, and won't change much for you if you aren't looking for it, or don't know its there.


As for Harmony, well there you are getting into some of the underlying mechanics of the Cosmere, and that you see a lot more of in Stormlight.  But the basics is that there was a god, or god-like entity referred to as Adonalsium (you will have heard the name in Stormlight) that was shattered into 16 pieces, of roughly equal size and power, each with a driving intent.  Cultivation, Honor, Odium, Preservation and Ruin are each one of these 16.  When both Ruin and Preservation kicked it, Sazed was able to pick up both and fit them together, becoming Harmony.  Depending on how you view that, Harmony is a single shard, double the magnitude of the others.  Or it is two shards forced together that will come apart once no one is forcing them together any more.  Which is true has not been confirmed, and will likely be a matter of perception, and how long they were bound together before they are no longer under Sazed's control, if that ever happens.


So the power that was split into Ruin and Preservation was much greater than Harmony, and we do not know why that happened yet, only that it did.  And that it happened on purpose.  As for the interconnected-ness of the Cosmere, the Stormlight Archive is the first place where you can see really apparent mixes of the other books appearing in the background, where most others will have Hoid sightings at most, unless you get into things like Secret Histories, or Arcanum Unbounded.  Otherwise, you will see bits of Elantris, Mistborn, White Sand and a few other not-yet-released books in Stormlight.  But Warbreaker is the biggest.

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13 hours ago, A Dopey Spren said:

I'd like to point out you have spoilers in this thread (ones I didn't know... :().

Please make sure you hide them! :)

Agreed, as I just started the Alloy of Law and am now disappointed I know something I shouldn't.:(

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5 minutes ago, Ookla the Toasted said:

Dalinar is Waynes grandson.

On his mother's side, of course, since his dad's side goes back to Sunmaker. We need to look out for Wayne's daughter now.


(We're actually kidding about this, FanofAges. So far as we know, Dalinar has no Scadrian blood in him.)

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On 12/6/2017 at 1:54 PM, Ookla the maladroit said:

Oathbringer spoilers


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One of the letters (letters are epigraphs all written together so they look like letters) is from Harmony to Hoid.




In which book is the epigraphs in?


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6 hours ago, FanofAges said:


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In which book is the epigraphs in?


So, in The Way of Kings, Hoid writes a letter to someone (who we are pretty sure is a dragon named Frost), and we see clips of the letter at the beginning of some of the chapter headings as epigraphs. In Words of Radiance, Frost replies to Hoid with another letter that's also split across the epigraphs. And then... (Spoilers for Oathbringer)


For part of the Oathbringer book, we see three different letters written to Hoid that are split apart into epigraphs. Each of those letters is written by one of the Shards or someone representing them, and we can safely assume the third letter was written by Sazed/Harmony.


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2 hours ago, Ookla the Rusty said:

So, in The Way of Kings, Hoid writes a letter to someone (who we are pretty sure is a dragon named Frost), and we see clips of the letter at the beginning of some of the chapter headings as epigraphs. In Words of Radiance, Frost replies to Hoid with another letter that's also split across the epigraphs. And then... (Spoilers for Oathbringer)

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For part of the Oathbringer book, we see three different letters written to Hoid that are split apart into epigraphs. Each of those letters is written by one of the Shards or someone representing them, and we can safely assume the third letter was written by Sazed/Harmony.


Where can I find these letters withought having to read each book again?

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