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Taln, Hoid and Sigzil


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On my first read through The Way of Kings I didn't think too deep into what each character was doing or saying. I was reading what was written and enjoyed it for the story it was. However, on my reread I began to think deeper about what was really going on. One thing in particular that struck my interest was the ending. Hoid was expecting Taln, one of the Heralds, to show up and then he calls him his old friend. This could just be Hoid's way of addressing him or it could be something deeper. How did Hoid know that Taln would be showing up? How did he know who he was? And finally, who is Sigzil? We know he was an old apprentice to Hoid but what did that entail? Is Sigzil more than what we think? What do you guys think?


To make things clear to those who may know about Hoid than I, the only books I have read by Brandon are the Mistborn books and Way of Kings. If there is more to Hoid that you can add to this conversation then please do.

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The short version is that Hoid shows up in every Cosmere book so far (Elantris, Mistborn trilogy, Alloy of Law, Warbreaker, Way of Kings and Emperor's Soul) and his origin story will take place before any of the currently published books. It could very well be that he knew the heralds back when they were still fighting the desolations.  If you want more info on him, here's a link to the wiki page on him: http://coppermind.net/wiki/Hoid


As for Sigzil I believe that Brandon has said that he is from the Way of Kings planet, Roshar.

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As SirVarrock said, it is possible that Hoid knows the Heralds. As for how he knew to be in Alethkar just when Taln showed up, here are a couple of probably relevant WoBs:




How does Hoid know where to go when?


How does he know? He has his ways! (general groans) So a little bit more? Just a little bit more? He may be capable of a little bit of foreseeing of certain events, not what’s going to happen, but he may need ot be in a certain place in a certain time.




Hoid is regularly around when important events take place. How does he know where to go?
He uses Feruchemy. Part of it that will show up in later books.
Edited by skaa
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I believe there is a WoB that says that hoid and the Heralds have sdna that can use every magic in the cosmere.

I don't think so, but if there is such a thing I'd be very interested to see it. I'm pretty sure that's just a theory (a good one, and one I subscribe to, but as yet unconfirmed).

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I don't think so, but if there is such a thing I'd be very interested to see it. I'm pretty sure that's just a theory (a good one, and one I subscribe to, but as yet unconfirmed).


Aww, Kadrok.  You're so diligent.  We really do need to discuss giving you a raise  ;).


As to the OP, I would be surprised if Hoid hasn't been to Roshar a number of times.  We know he was around at the time of the Shattering of Adonalsium.  So, he has been around for a long time.  I wouldn't be surprised if he had met Taln more than once before.  Also, we have two organizations with somewhat similar goals with similar names: the Worldbringer on Scadrial (Mistborn) and the Worldsingers on Roshar.  Hoid is significantly involved in at least one of these organizations.  I personally think that he is the originator (or one of) of these groups.  Further, Roshar has been a pretty significant cosmere battleground for many thousands of years since we have Shard on Shard conflict.  He goes where important stuff is happening.  So, it is not hard to imagine that has has popped up on Roshar before.


Sigzil could be simply a Worldsinger apprentice to Hoid or he could be a more involved apprentice to Hoid's larger goals.  This would mean that Hoid met him on a previous trip to Roshar and taken him with him on his "travels".  However, I haven't heard Sigzil reference anything that seems to not jive with Roshar.  So not much to suggest (yet) that Sigzil is a Rosharan worldhopper.

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