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[OB] Venli


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A lot of it is process of elimination, as we've seen most other orders' spren, and based on her personality. The only other order we haven't seen spren of is that of the Stonewards at this point that I know of, and most don't think she quite fits the description we have of them.

It is possible that Venli will be something completely new, but it seems more likely that Venli has attracted the lightspren daughter of the captain of the ship Kaladin and co. used to get across Shadesmar, and will become a Willshaper.

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It seemed implied that Timbre (who I btw love) had been investigating Eshonai for a bond. Eshonai was basically a walking, talking description of a Willshaper, and so it seems logical that Timbre should be a Willshaperspren. She then went to Venli, and seems to be starting the bonding process. Since she still remains the same kind of spren, the logical conclusion is that Venli will be a Willshaper.

Unless she is found dead at the beginning of SA 4 that is ;-)

Edited by Ookla the Toasted
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1 hour ago, MrFunEGUY said:

So I keep seeing people say that Venli is/will be a Willshaper. From what I can find, we know nothing of the spren that Willshapers bond or anything about them really. Why is everyone saying she's a Willshaper? I don't know what I missed.

timbre is a radiant spren (she talk to her of the death the recreance bring to his people), the only radiant spren we don't know the 'shape' (in the real world) are the spren of the order of stoneward, willshaper, dustbringer, for the skybreaker spren (high spren) we don't had any real description, but that order is the only order to don't abandon their oath (so no high spren dead for the recreance).

timbre don't fit the 'dustbringer' behavior (they like break thing to know what they had inside, pattern say), so stoneward or willshaper, and eshonai will fit much better in the second (she was a explorer in the core).

Edited by Fulminato
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7 hours ago, Awesomness said:

The willshaper spren- capitán of the first ship in they ride in Shadesmar says that his Father is a deadeye, and his daughter is "chasing stupid dreams". When Venli asks Timbre why she bonded a listener, its implied she/he replies humans killed her grandfather.

Huh, I missed that one. I like this!

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