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"Well that is fantastic!! I have been searching for one for years. Now for my side of the deal." He states joyfully as he rubs his hands together in anticipation. "I once knew a man who helped his brother kill a god. His brother became a god. The man I knew started working for another god. Who he betrayed to save the world. That turned his brothers apprentice into a god. Who promptly killed the god he was working for, but they both died in the process. One of his friend who killed the first god came out and joined the two gods together and became a super mega god. Who is living happily today. My friend is currently a god. He is sometimes known as Ironeyes. Was that a good trade?" He turned and faced Eighth. "Well I was rather hoping to offer him a cookie, that failing, forcibly subdue him and spike him for his Bloodmakery-ness."

Edited by Ookla the Capricious
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Carola nodded thoughtfully, "you aren't the first, though I have to admit, that out of all the confusing information I have gained, that may be the most confusing. . ."

"Wait, Iron eyes? You knew Iron Eyes? He's real?" 

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Surprise lit Carola's face, "I may have a lot more to explore on Scadrial. . ."

She turned to Louik, "Regarding your information. . .Do you think you could write that down for me? I assume your words to make sense, but I enjoy having more time to ponder new information."

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Louik raises his hand tentatively. "I have seen him recently and I will write that down, but I don't feel comfortable sharing anything else with those two eaves droppers standing there, could we remove them, or get them to share something?" 

Edited by Ookla the Capricious
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"That," Louik exclaims as he starts to write, "is a very, very nice pen. Where did you get that?" finished, he hands the paper to Rend who puts it in a light silvery container and gives it to Carola. "Could you check for cognitive shadows again?"

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"I got it from a very strange man with angula... Wait! Did you just call me an eaves dropper! I'll have you know I've been privy to war meeting between Kings and Emperors! I've seen kingdoms rise and fall! I've seen creature's you've only dreamed of! You think the knowledge you speak of has not crossed my ears before!? Eighth glared at Louik, then like a storm passing, he suddenly calmed. "Sorry, um... That, that's not like me. That doesn't normally happen. You're right, information is owed, what would you like to know?"

P.S. Eighth is also ridiculously old, like thousands of years old. More about him will be revealed later...

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He speaks for them at times though he is not. You say you have met him; do you know where he might be sought? He returned Eide’s body to us, but did not speak of how she fell.”

Raisa’s head inclined toward Carola. “Not so old. But the Sovereign has lived centuries, as has his brother. And others, too, it is said.”

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"27! I think? Maybe? Its been a while... I can't quite remember when I was born, stored those memories in a coppermind, but someone stole that brass spike a while back. I do know that I am numerically, 27 years old. If you hang around me long enough, iron eyes will eventually find and kill you and try to kill me."

Edited by Ookla the Capricious
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"Storms. . . I have to say, it has been a while since I could say I feel a little out of my league."

Carola seemed to almost. . . Shrink a bit? As she said this.

". . . The Sovereign. . ." She said, looking through some notes, "the descriptions I have of him seem very similar to the Survivor. . ."

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