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[OB] Adolins rank


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6 minutes ago, DarthBathrobe said:

I'm just wondering after Elhokars swearing of fealty to Dalinar and his rise to High King  shouldn't adolin be addressed as High Prince now or has all that not been made public? And if not who knows by now? 

I don't think it has been made public, and I also don't think they've told anyone else.

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1 hour ago, Toaster Retribution said:

Highprince Adolin is going to have trouble negotiating with Highprince Bastard, just saying.

What are the 'rules' of Highprinces declaring war on each other?

Because I would love it if Amaram begins drawing Adolin into a politicking/destruction game vis-a-vis Dalinar/Sadeas, only for Adolin to throw up his hands and say 'Screw it, kill 'em.'

Adolin in his current state would not, but two or three Oathbringer parts later...

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4 hours ago, What's a Seawolf? said:

What are the 'rules' of Highprinces declaring war on each other?

Because I would love it if Amaram begins drawing Adolin into a politicking/destruction game vis-a-vis Dalinar/Sadeas, only for Adolin to throw up his hands and say 'Screw it, kill 'em.'

Adolin in his current state would not, but two or three Oathbringer parts later...

As much fun as that would be, that would add more chaos to Alethkar. Adolin is responsible and won't be the reason to give *cough-more-cough* headaches to his family. 

Personally, I just want Jasnah to return and assasinate the Damnation out of her family's enemies. 

Scratch that, I want Sons of Honor, Ghostbloods and Diagrams to assasinate the Damnation out of each other, and then Jasnah can sweep in and assasinate the remains. 

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