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Reforming Andolisem


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Some wheeler I remember seeing a ppst that said devotion and domination though where shattered could have merged together the make a double class shard. Then I read another post that maybe Andolisem let himself be shattered. Then I thought of the lord ruler he didn't care if some one tryed to kill him or revolt he could kill everykne. Using those ideas together the shattered sheds are merging together to form Andolisem again. he/it might have been able to see into the futcure and not care if he was going to shatter he would just form back together latter. And with hoid trying to get different magic systems he might want to become the next Andolisem or stops g some one else from ascending.

if someone could like the posts that I mentioned it would help I don't ermember what they where called.

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Hi @Generalbacon74, there is, indeed, a ton of speculation around the reforming of Adonalsium, what Hoid is up to, and the eventual endgame for the Shards. I'm not familiar with the exact posts you are referencing but forum search "Adonalsium" and I'm sure you will find some of them, not to mention dozens more!

Brandon has also said that "resurrection" is a big theme for the Cosmere so it would not be that wild to make a guess at Adonalsium "resurrecting". On the other hand, it is a bit straightforward and Brandon general eschews obvious endings. So, who knows? I guess we will have to wait for Mistborn Era 4 to find out!

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