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Why Do We Love Sanderson?

Aon Ati

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7 hours ago, Penumbra said:

To condense it: I love that the worlds feel coherent and complete. Its not just magic without a cause and effect. It really feels like another world that could exist with it's own ecosystems of magic and social effects, causes, technologies and so on. And the more you read the more you realize how everything connects, which I also love!

Also plot twists that have made me scream out loud while reading. Granted I'm a pretty expressive reader but still. 

Hello Penumbra, and don't feel bad about reacting excessively to the plot twists. At the end of Well of Ascension I was literally screaming NOOO! into a pillow and then couldn't stop mumbling under my breath about how wrong the ending was. I was getting weird looks from my siblings.

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20 minutes ago, MasterJack said:

One of the things I dearly love about Sanderson is the realism. In too many fantasy books, nobody is at any risk of dying. This really bugs me, but in Sanderson's work, every character is just as mortal as others, and they're all at risk.

Hello MasterJack, and I too really appreciate that Sanderson keeps his characters in a place were you actually do worry abot them. But I also like how he won't go on an all out killing spree throughout the book, wiping out all the people we care so much about just for shock value. *cough*cough* Martin*cough*cough*

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55 minutes ago, Aon Ati said:

Hello, Tesh. This description you gave Sanderson's books perfectly describes what drew my into the Rithmatist, the first Sanderson book I ever read, which eventually led me down the path into the Cosmere. Though I read the Rithmatist in one night, not more then two days.

(I haven't read The Rithmatist yet)...

But it's definitely on my list of books to read.

After the last two Lord of the Rings books, SoS, BoM, The Great Hunt, and some other books.

But I will read it.

I have about 100 books I need to read, and that is no exaggeration.

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17 hours ago, Warbreaker_Weiss said:

I love Brandon Sanderson's books for the obvious reasons, such as the characters and the magic systems, but I also have another reason. When I first read Mistborn, I was fairly new to being a reader and the only books I had really read without being forced to read them were Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, The Hunger Games, and Percy Jackson. I'd also recently discovered that I loved writing fantasy stories of my own, but they lacked creativity and the characters and worlds were very poorly developed.

Then I read Mistborn, and something just sparked within me. It's hard to explain how, but exposing myself to Brandon Sanderson's books helped me make my own stories and characters a lot more well developed and interesting. My writing got better, and I realized I didn't have to use the same fantasy tropes a lot of writers used, which I'm particularly guilty of using myself. I stopped trying to copy what other successful writers had done in their books and just let myself write magic systems, even if they're crazy and earn me weird looks from the other students at school. My writing is definitely nowhere near perfect, but it's a lot better than it was when I first discovered Brandon Sanderson's books. 

I guess I kind of look up to Brandon Sanderson as a role model. He's the reason I'm not afraid of my ideas being too weird or crazy to be turned into a cool fantasy novel. I mean, who would have thought that a book about humans eating metal to access super powers would have been one of the best fantasy books they've ever read? 

I could write a whole essay on why I love Brandon Sanderson, but I should probably return to the one I'm avoiding writing currently :P

I've had much the same experience. Although I was already reading way too much when I first found him, I also loved to write, but the only fantasy book I'd really read was Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit, so all of my writing was about elves, dwarves, and dangerous quests (and also a half-elf, half-dwarf race I made up) When I read TWoK, I was blown away, and suddenly my eyes were opened to what fantasy actually is. Great, story!

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2 hours ago, Tesh said:

(I haven't read The Rithmatist yet)...

But it's definitely on my list of books to read.

After the last two Lord of the Rings books, SoS, BoM, The Great Hunt, and some other books.

But I will read it.

I have about 100 books I need to read, and that is no exaggeration.

I don't know what you look for in YA books but I do think you will find at least some enjoyment in it. It was a breath of fresh air for me when all I could find in teen books were cheesy romances and depressing dystopian novels. And I can relate with having to much to read and not enough time to do it.

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2 hours ago, Aon Ati said:

I don't know what you look for in YA books but I do think you will find at least some enjoyment in it. It was a breath of fresh air for me when all I could find in teen books were cheesy romances and depressing dystopian novels. And I can relate with having to much to read and not enough time to do it.

Yes! I can't stand romance! (Usually). Sanderson does it so well. I couldn't even finish Divergent.

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1). Every book of his I've read manages to blow my mind. Every climax is so interesting and so earned. The reveals are incredible.

2). World building. Sanderson creates deep and engaging worlds full of things I want to know more about.

3). Noble characters. I'm not into gritty, morally grey anti heroes. Sanderson characters have redemptive arcs which is way more cathartic for me. I'm inspired by characters who are trying to be better

Edited by Asrael
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3 hours ago, Tesh said:

Yes! I can't stand romance! (Usually). Sanderson does it so well. I couldn't even finish Divergent.

I couldn't finish the Divergent trilogy as well. I'd been reading just Sanderson books, and a few Rick Riordan books for the past year and when I decided to read Divergent I hated it. I don't even know how I forced myself to read two of the three books.

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4 hours ago, Tesh said:

Yes! I can't stand romance! (Usually). Sanderson does it so well. I couldn't even finish Divergent.

Tesh, If I may ask, what is the overall problem with Divergent. It doesn't have to be a long rant, just something short to explain why this series is hated by many.

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I started off reading Mistborn and was pretty much hooked right away. The characters, magic and world building was amazing. I read Elantris next I think and it was only then I said man how hadn’t I heard of this guy? To my defense I was never a huge fantasy fan I was a lot more in to Sci-fi. Anyway it was after Elantris that I started looking for more info about Brandon and found this site. When I read a little about the Cosmere here my mind was blown. I read the rest of his Cosmere novels as quick as possible. Then just because he wrote the last ones I read the WoT series as well as him non-Cosmere books.

His books are really good but the Cosmere tie in is what makes them and him great in my opinion. It doesn’t take away from the individual stories but does make being a fan even better. It’s like a bonus that just keeps getting better. 

I love the complexity of the stories. I’ve honestly never liked more “bad guys” than the ones Brandon writes. There is always another secret. Other authors are pretty good at this as well but Brandon does  really good job of adding new secrets and answering others in a way you don’t always feel frustrated. The amount of theories that get posted here that get proven wrong is testinateto how well he can keep us guessing (keep it up sharders I love reading them).

Another thing I’ve seen others mention is he really does write uplifting stories. Sure they are not all roses and puppy dog tails he’s even been able to make me a grown man cry (Mistborn ending). Overall though he’s proven he can write amazing stories without sex and vulgarities on every other page. 

Lastly it’s his accountability to his fans. You can tell he truely cares about his fans and his work ethic shows this.  It is amazing how quickly he turns out the highest quality books in the genre. His communication to his fans is great. I mean I can’t wait for Koloss Head Munching day. He even puts book status on his freakin website. Btw if you haven’t checked it lately there is a surprise on there. One day I’m going to happen to be at one of those airports after he signs books. Hopefully I’ll be able to meet him in person as well. 

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3 hours ago, Aon Ati said:

Tesh, If I may ask, what is the overall problem with Divergent. It doesn't have to be a long rant, just something short to explain why this series is hated by many.

I don't hate it.

The romance was just too much a part of the plot.

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2 hours ago, StormingTexan said:

I started off reading Mistborn and was pretty much hooked right away. The characters, magic and world building was amazing. I read Elantris next I think and it was only then I said man how hadn’t I heard of this guy? To my defense I was never a huge fantasy fan I was a lot more in to Sci-fi. Anyway it was after Elantris that I started looking for more info about Brandon and found this site. When I read a little about the Cosmere here my mind was blown. I read the rest of his Cosmere novels as quick as possible. Then just because he wrote the last ones I read the WoT series as well as him non-Cosmere books.

His books are really good but the Cosmere tie in is what makes them and him great in my opinion. It doesn’t take away from the individual stories but does make being a fan even better. It’s like a bonus that just keeps getting better. 

I love the complexity of the stories. I’ve honestly never liked more “bad guys” than the ones Brandon writes. There is always another secret. Other authors are pretty good at this as well but Brandon does  really good job of adding new secrets and answering others in a way you don’t always feel frustrated. The amount of theories that get posted here that get proven wrong is testinateto how well he can keep us guessing (keep it up sharders I love reading them).

Another thing I’ve seen others mention is he really does write uplifting stories. Sure they are not all roses and puppy dog tails he’s even been able to make me a grown man cry (Mistborn ending). Overall though he’s proven he can write amazing stories without sex and vulgarities on every other page. 

Lastly it’s his accountability to his fans. You can tell he truely cares about his fans and his work ethic shows this.  It is amazing how quickly he turns out the highest quality books in the genre. His communication to his fans is great. I mean I can’t wait for Koloss Head Munching day. He even puts book status on his freakin website. Btw if you haven’t checked it lately there is a surprise on there. One day I’m going to happen to be at one of those airports after he signs books. Hopefully I’ll be able to meet him in person as well. 

What Mistborn ending? The end of the first trilogy or...? Sorry, I'm reading Mistborn now and I try to be as prepared as I can. I get REALLY into my books!

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6 hours ago, Why_Do_You_Do_This_To_Me said:

What Mistborn ending? The end of the first trilogy or...? Sorry, I'm reading Mistborn now and I try to be as prepared as I can. I get REALLY into my books!

Yes end of the first trilogy. After you read Era 2 go back and read secret history you will get to re-live it again through another POV.

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